A little bit more about the tetartos 'game' aspect.

I think I've explained enough about the 'compliant' group and how that relates to the concept of costs and trade.

So how do the other defining groups trade?
'Carefree' is kind of ... the blame game. Thinking equals positivity means the people who are allowed to be choosing the path forward are carefree. Ethics equals negativity means the people who suffer the consequences are constrained. As usual, the sensory activity is easiest to observe. The results of one's actions aren't as good as one thought.The cold temperament carefree quality of the ISTj and the ISTp is kind of like... 'This is my choice, so up yours'. ISFj and ISFp are related to this from a perspective of disappointment at having to face realities, perhaps also guilt. ISFps kind of have a feeling of 'lessons learned', they kind of shrink away naturally. ISFjs tend to 'fight back', trying to return to power. But often the results of their activities have soured their allies to them and they're ditched. If not immediately, the carefree activities continue until the disaster is large enough. Meanwhile ENFps and ENFjs are kind of mentally dealing with the results of longer term consequences and separate themselves from any concrete action so as to be far from further consequences. ENFps put themselves to the periphery of society, ENFjs put themselves into the center of power but as the opposition to what's happening. When disappointment in the past activities reigns, the ENTj posit themselves with natural answers to the obstacles faced. But they're also likely to start with enemies, the remnants of the old rule. ENTps are distanced from power so they're kind of considered 'the distant genius'. Since they're distant from the center of activity they're not ready with answers but they just try to push towards a new path. Mileage may vary.

So what's the game? It's certainly not obvious immediately when an individual's turn in authority is over. Who's the thinker you should follow for the new age? Is it Kennedy's Camelot or John Lennon's imagination? Can the socion muster enough forces to actually force Stalin, Nixon, or Erdogan of their podium? How long is Johnny Depp going to fool around? That's the game.