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    Smilex's Avatar
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    Midnight "Rebel Yell"


    This tetarto
    is defined by Limiting ethics in it's concrete form and its complement, liberating thinking also in the concrete form. Likewise its defined by Liberating intuition activity in its abstract form and its complement, limiting sensory, also in the abstract form.

    1. Aristocratic
    Aristocracy as a quality is easiest understood as a set of qualities that define how an individual must or may act. These qualities arise from plans, laws, debts, promises, contracts, permits and such. Everything done is so as to properly prepare for the accomplishment of a particular type of activity or to associate with and guide the activities of others. Since not everybody should be doing the same thing but rather there should be a division of labour, individuals fall into smaller categories and groups that define them. This limits the sphere of interest of individuals of this type. Aristocratic types may also be seen as dangerous and powerful due to their opinions likely leading to action. They may also be seen as brutish, uncivilized, unkind and not clever.

    This tetarto cares little about the duties of aristocracy but rather about the licenses, permits, special dispensations and associated perks. Some individuals are allowed to do things, others aren't. But if you use the right, you may risk losing it. Therein lies the dilemma.

    2. Obstinate (defined by limiting ethics and enabling thinking, both decreasing in this tetarto.
    The element of intuition is negative and the element of sensory is positive in this tetarto. Lack of imagination, enjoyment from physical activity, willingness to turn every argument physical, inability to negotiate. Passion or coolness in conduct. Sports and competitivity are common, but focus is on games that carry an aspect of planning as the fear of physicality is growing. Once dominance is established, the game is often abandoned, unless of course forced.

    3. Carefree (Defined by the qualities of liberating intuition and an limiting sensing, both increasing in this tetarto.)
    All things will be made clear in time. Concepts are large and powerful, action is pointed, focused, limited. Little is happening so there's no danger for anyone, anywhere. Danger is laughed at and foolhardiness prevails. The quality of 'carefree' is defined by positivist thinking and and negativist ethics and thinking is the planning and intentions that precede action. This tetarto has the quality of 'What could possibly go wrong?"

    The hot temperaments find themselves in endless arguments over poorly developed concepts fighting over what is right and what is wrong. Very little gets done in Midnight. The impossibility of getting their voices heard allows the cold temperaments time to focus on their own concerns and do what they want the way they want. As everything seems pointless, they find that things have exactly the worth they give it, motivating few, but creative and well-thought out physical creations.

    "I am looking for a lot of men with an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done" The limits of capability are abstract but feared. This is the least spoken, most hidden part of this quadra. Things are allowed to proceed to physical completion only when no other alternatives exist.

    "I want your everything as long as it's free". The hot temperaments of this type feel a passionate association to others and forcefully try to mobilize them. There's a deep negativity in the hot types and they need help in understanding how they relate to the world, how to deal with things. They experience the lack of activity painfully "In the midnight hour, she cried more more more".

    The freely shown functions in this tetarto are intuitive and thinking. Abstract intellectualism and discussion are welcome as both properties fuel the true strength of this group, the abundance of concrete thinking, good preparation, good choices, good plans.

    Small acts of kindness and overall sociable behaviour may be seen as uncouth, both because it's small scale and because it's seen as manipulative, trying to lead to bad choices.

  2. #2
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    "Yes we can!"
    The viergruppe defined by Creating concrete ethics and abstract accepting intuition complementing accepting concrete thinking and creating abstract sensory.

    1. Aristocratic
    Aristocracy as a quality is easiest understood as a set of qualities that define how an individual must or may act. These qualities arise from plans, laws, debts, promises, contracts, permits and such. Everything done is so as to properly prepare for the accomplishment of a particular type of activity or to associate with and guide the activities of others. Since not everybody should be doing the same thing but rather there should be a division of labour, individuals fall into smaller categories and groups that define them. This limits the sphere of interest of individuals of this type. Aristocratic types may also be seen as dangerous and powerful due to their opinions likely leading to action. They may also be seen as brutish, uncivilized, unkind and not clever.

    The plants behaviour starts from small seeds, first almost invisible, but slowly they develop roots around them, leaves, growing, side by side, parallel with each other as if by a common design, each according to their inherent code, growing systematically. of roots underground, side by side, parallel, each according to their inherent code, growing systematically until it at some point, inevitably they bloom and show their colours. Emotionally, once commited to the process, there's not much except to wait and encourage this growth. But one can share the process, despairing or cherishing the growth as

    2 Emotion-creating (Defined by accepting thinking and creating ethics, decreasing in this viergruppe)
    As defined by process-sensory combined with result-intuition. Physical things are considered slowly and with great care whereas things of the imagination are approached hastily. As the importance is placed on the mundane, the achievement of this group is the powerful emotional response gained from the achievement. Conceptualization is unimportant, considered easy and trivial. People are evaluated based on ability to make a connection with others, social choices of quality and plans in quantity. As such this group thrives where the circumstances provide abundant support for intuitive and thinking spheres and scarcity for sensory and ethical. Plans of the circumstances are accepted.

    3. Tactical (defined by the aspects of accepting intuition and creating sensory, increasing in this viergruppe)
    Defined by process-thinking and results ethics. Basically this means slow planning and hasty assessment. In particular this quality exists in herbivores in the decreasing sense. Planning is in its early stages and unlikely to actually lead to anything but when done, it's done meticulously. The direct consequences of acts committed are thought of in a hasty manner and effects are achieved to an extent through iterations and variations of the same. There is a general feeling of 'this is the interim' or 'this is just a phase' or 'that wasn't the real me'.

    "I've learned that I can pretty much do anything I've wanted to as long as I was methodical and diligent about it.
    This group combines the slow stepwise controlled rational change of plans into actions with the sequential outbursts of rapid moody behaviour trying to find out how to relate to the slowly progressing events. As the process continues, more and more is at stake as the results start to come evident. The rational behaviour becomes more intense while the irrationals quiet down seeing that the moment is past, starting to take in the new balance. This group is about a slow evolution that creates a variety of experiences with the opportunity of experiencing this growth (or degeneration). The slowness of the process liberates the cold temperaments that get to fully enjoy the experience while the same slow pace pains the hot temperaments. As the process of rational progression gains pace, the system itself gains power and becomes self-important. The original meaningful idea lost. Simultaneously the irrational types feel more and more detached and distanced from their own goals as they are cut off from both the connection to the reason of the activity and unable to change the fait accompli.

    "You hear that Mr. Anderson?... That is the sound of inevitability."
    The sensory dimension is dominated by a methodical slow search for a final result, iteration by iteration. The first time this happens, it may seem that the future is doubtful, with experience, individuals learn that while it may take time, the end will come. The thematically constant, but everchanging process provides opportunity for the irrational romantics to go through many a prognosis of what will be the end result but their main contribution is to supply the emotional state powering the machine.

    “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”
    The slow progress of developments is enjoyable to the cold temperaments and frustrating for the hot ones. The activity partnerships that form the cores of this group work through the irrational type encouraging the irrational in their convictions, to proceed at the required pace. This group is defined by the enormous capacity to support and endure.

    "If you build it, they will come"
    As things are slow to develop, physical results are a waiting and the main resource is hopes and dreams, this group has good chances to lose their physical resource base. The cold temperaments may think the experience is worth it anyway. The cold temperaments tends to focus on saving through this rough period with hope of released stress when the project is finally done. This group is to an extent about learning and demonstrating ones learning.

    The plant viergruppe succeeds in times of great conviction, when support for a good cause is available. Plants succeed in good weather. Individuals of this type are at risk of being scorned and ridiculed for they seem to promise so much more than they deliver but this obscures the fact that when the group does succeed, the success tends to be easy reproduce and as such grow to surprising heights. The genius in this group is the irrational individuals' ability to choose the right seeds to grow.
    Last edited by Smilex; 03-31-2019 at 06:57 PM.

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