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  1. #10
    Smilex's Avatar
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    Dusk "One gear, go! Epic winning"


    This tetarto is defined by liberating sensory and it's complement, limiting intuition in their concrete well developed forms and by limiting ethics and its complement, liberating thinking in their abstract forms.

    1. Democratic
    The easiest way to understand the democratic groups is as "What comes after?" The event, the action has happened and is plain to see for everyone. The evidence is on the table. Everything is clear. The stress of causing things to happen is gone and what remains is afterglow and regret. This lack of stress is sensed by society as democratic freedoms. Democratic discussions are far removed from causing practical consequences and as such they are non-threatening. Because of this they can also be seen as annoying and pointless. What action continues to happen is removed from its reasons. It continues to happen largely out of momentum and the activity continues to change into a form that's focused on the artistic, emotional or social aspect of the activity.

    Dusk is democratic in the way of being playful, actively drawing people in to interaction. The plenty of social interaction is available for everyone to the point of being a disturbance. Dusk has the characteristics of a 'party'.

    2. Careful (Defined by the qualities of liberating sensory and an limiting intuition, both also decreasing in this tetarto.)
    The elements of thinking are negative and forced while ethics positive meaning that which precedes action is forced, that which follows is liberal. Success and winning are the aim of activity. Actions are carefully prepared for and chosen but eagerly committed. This competitiveness of the hot types is frustrating and off-putting to the cold types. In this tetarto, careful evaluation is taken of past events. While the physical situation seems free, these freedoms taken actually constrict the mental space available and enforce lack of options to the less physically dominant individuals. The full pain of victimhood is felt in this tetarto.

    3. Obstinate (defined by limiting ethics and enabling thinking, both also increasing in this tetarto.
    The element of intuition is negative and the element of sensory is positive in this tetarto. Lack of imagination, enjoyment from physical activity, willingness to turn every argument physical, inability to negotiate. Passion or coolness in conduct. "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Sports and competitivity are common. Physical activity as a means to joy.

    Plentiful physical resources, freely available, increasingly cheap labour define this group. Physical activity is high causing high stress levels to the cold temperaments, who become increasingly frustrated by the pointlessness of it all. Demands for conservation of resources start to rise as productivity is depleting the resources. Intellectual criticism of prevailing conditions dominates the academic sphere.

    This group is defined by free physical space. Any environment which encourages physical freedoms quickly turns to this. The hot temperaments do whatever brings them joy until they're worn out. The metal activity in the group is done by the cold temperaments and as such, it's slow in the beginning but after it gets caught on, it gathers pace out of necessity, to make some sense of it all. There's a disappointment of wasted opportunity. If the cold types just could choose how all that extra physical effort was used, it wouldn't be such a loss.

    In this tetarto there's a kind of frivolous pettiness that increases as the actions of the group become evident and passions rise. They create new paths and break taboos as the Dawn group does, but on a more personal level. Feelings of unfairness may rise and they require resolution through concrete activity but as the stress releases, the activity quickly gets a playful tone.

    As the enabling functions of this tetarto are sensory and thinking, these are the functions that are preferred to be shown and repeated. These are the areas of life displayed. As a group they can engage in clever activity. Clever choices, ability to make things happen. Physical success is what really drives this group though planning is considered a plus since it leads to more success.

    'We get along well when we build something together ... but we also drive each other absolutely batty." Intuition and ethics are limiting, they encourage negativity and as such are kept hidden if possible. Powerful emotions and powerful ideas are dangerous, stick to the simple things that work. Grudges may fester. Intuition is concrete in this tetarto so negative assessments are the true driving force of this behaviour. Ethics is the true weak spot of this Tetarto as it is both limiting and abstract. 'What have you done?" is a frightening question at the end of the day.
    Last edited by Smilex; 03-31-2019 at 11:18 AM.

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