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Thread: FarDraft Video Questionnaire

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I don't really see why this is necessary. Yes, you do use Ti quite a bit and are interested in a lot of the same areas an LII would be. Yet, you clearly preferred Se in your other video questionnaire. There was no reason to think you value Fe or Si. So the only reason there should be any kind of confusion is if quadra values simply aren't being considered properly.
    The main reason I felt it was necessary is because the idea of "valued" isn't clear to me. Is value a conscious thing? Or is it unconscious? I know that ego functions are conscious whereas id functions are unconscious, but it isn't clear to me whether that implies that you use your id functions unconsciously or whether you develop them unconsciously (both could be a possibility). The reason why that's important is because my writing/speech patterns are heavily Ti without my trying. I mean, yes, I do structure my sentences and apply correct grammatical rules, but the vast majority of my speaking/writing is saying what I "feel" sounds right. I don't know if this means I unconsciously value Ti or if I'm just using Ti without valuing it. I think there's a lot of subtlety there that I have to consider.

    Another reason for creating another video was that I've had to spend copious amounts of time with who I strongly suspect to be an LSI. While I thought I was Se valuing, her excessive use of Se seems incredibly foolish to me. For example, she works incredibly fast, making many mistakes, but she dislikes going through things slowly and carefully because it's "boring". Secondly, she's very head-strong and immediately conclusive without waiting for more information to be explained. For example, in some of my classes, when a professor makes an assumption without explaining it, she becomes immediately annoyed while my reaction is to wait and see if it's going to be explained. If it isn't, then I'll ask a question. I had a friend in high school who was similar to this, though he made fewer mistakes since he's been trained for a long time to be very detail-oriented.

    I find these traits annoying because too many judgements are being made too quickly, meaning that a number of them are likely to be pre-emptive, based on too little information, or down-right false since the user made an error in logic. If the SEE is anything like this, then I can't be certain that they're my dual.

    I hope this clears things up.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
    The main reason I felt it was necessary is because the idea of "valued" isn't clear to me. Is value a conscious thing? Or is it unconscious? I know that ego functions are conscious whereas id functions are unconscious, but it isn't clear to me whether that implies that you use your id functions unconsciously or whether you develop them unconsciously (both could be a possibility). The reason why that's important is because my writing/speech patterns are heavily Ti without my trying. I mean, yes, I do structure my sentences and apply correct grammatical rules, but the vast majority of my speaking/writing is saying what I "feel" sounds right. I don't know if this means I unconsciously value Ti or if I'm just using Ti without valuing it. I think there's a lot of subtlety there that I have to consider.
    Put it this way: the leading function is "the" value, it's what everything else is essentially subordinate to.

    On the other hand, the vulnerable function is strongly devalued, to the point where we don't (by default) see any place for it in the world, so it's unlikely to be consciously expressed in our values.

    It's more ambiguous with other functions. The demonstrative function is prioritized to a degree, often quite a bit, although it "shares space" with the creative function. The suggestive function can be neglected too, to the point where it isn't very visible as a value, at least in our behavior. I don't put a lot of stock in the "conscious/unconscious" interpretation either, it doesn't really hold up IME.

    Another reason for creating another video was that I've had to spend copious amounts of time with who I strongly suspect to be an LSI. While I thought I was Se valuing, her excessive use of Se seems incredibly foolish to me. For example, she works incredibly fast, making many mistakes, but she dislikes going through things slowly and carefully because it's "boring". Secondly, she's very head-strong and immediately conclusive without waiting for more information to be explained. For example, in some of my classes, when a professor makes an assumption without explaining it, she becomes immediately annoyed while my reaction is to wait and see if it's going to be explained. If it isn't, then I'll ask a question. I had a friend in high school who was similar to this, though he made fewer mistakes since he's been trained for a long time to be very detail-oriented.

    I find these traits annoying because too many judgements are being made too quickly, meaning that a number of them are likely to be pre-emptive, based on too little information, or down-right false since the user made an error in logic. If the SEE is anything like this, then I can't be certain that they're my dual.
    It seems to me what you are really criticizing here is the lack of Ni (and preference for Ti > Te, in the sense of coming to conclusions quickly) rather than the presence of Se -- which did come out before in how you described your values. It isn't outside the realm of possibility for someone to criticize their dual's weaknesses. This is why I prefer to look at how someone's psyche works internally; the IM element relationships are clearer there, in terms of priorities and how you see the world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
    It's for two reasons: one, because he's made such accusations, which intrigue me. I'm always worried that I'm not presenting myself as honestly as possible. I have the 3-ish goal of being successful, and I know that if that goal surpasses honesty, then the image you create becomes how you perceive yourself which leads to problems down the line. If he can explain, in detail, why he feels as though I'm presenting an image, then I can take steps to either stop doing those things which lead to the presentation or at least be aware of the nonverbal ticks that I have. Two, he has a lot of experience in typing, which leads me to trust him more than someone who is simply starting out. Perhaps this is an argument by authority fallacy, but I think it's justified when there is no real measure of determining who is trustworthy and who isn't within socionics. People who have many years of observing others are more likely to be consistent with their typings, and so I want to take his opinion into consideration.
    Critical thinking is important here since being consistent doesn't mean being correct. Years of experience means nothing if you consistently mistype people based on their physiognomy, or how they make you feel, (some examples) for years.

    He tries to spin it so his way is something fabulous which makes him appear much more 3ish than you. 3w2 so/sp specifically since he is highly image focused but spends a lot of time trying to influence others with his personality hypotheses .

    He, like many male 3w2s, sees himself and wants to be seen as an 8. You are listening to someone who has not even typed himself correctly. I think it is amusing he posted links to his background recently to reinforce his own typing because I brought it into question. This is all background information that should help in determining someone's credibility. This is more consistent with a 3 than an 8 who would feel no need to prove himself in this way.

    If you read enneagram books the distinctions will become clearer. I think with sol it is a bit different. He calls it his intuition. I am pretty sure they are using similar methods but have built up different databases of patterns they use. I agree they are both J types as sol has mentioned so I think there is a common link between them and how they type others. Sol is an E1 though so he prefers to go a step further which is why he will ask people to take his test. He does not cut corners in the same way. He wants more proof that he is correct. As you know 1s, 3s, and 5s are part of the competency triad.

    Ones can get into conflicts by being too impatient, rigid, and critical. Ones focus on solving problems by doing what's right. Ones strongly believe that by following the rules, their faith, or their principles they will come to a just and fair solution. Ones feel that they must put their own wants (and feelings) aside in order to remain objective (and autonomous from influence). Ones may appear cold to others and that they don't take into account the feelings of others.

    Threes can get into conflicts by being too competitive, insincere, and boastful. Threes focus on being efficient and meeting their goals. When confronted with problems, they can easily set aside their own feelings and focus on the task at hand. In general, Threes want to follow existing structures. However, Threes are pragmatists that will cut corners to realize their goals.

    Fives can get into conflicts by being too detached, isolated, and provocative. Fives naturally detach themselves emotionally from the world to be objective. They believe that they have the mental resources to deal with problems. In conflict, Fives will want to withdraw and will think for a while before coming back with a solution, often to the irritation of others. Fives feel that they can solve things by themselves, without relying on others. They may come back with highly original ideas (thinking outside the box). On the other hand, they may waste their time reinventing the wheel.

    Here, let me show a description of 3 that he has posted but has not come right out and claimed to have written all by himself yet (there is a reason for this which I will get to in another post) and you tell me how much you relate. Not superficially but at your core.

    Threes are independent. They have a goal-oriented nature and a drive towards self-determination. They are tough, resilient competitors who rely mainly on themselves to bounce back from set backs. The core distortion of the three is that they are superior beings for whom admiration is their due. Thus, their naturally high self-esteem is based on an unrealistic assumption about their worth.

    Threes are self-confident. They have a self-assured quality. As a result of their confidence, they trust others and take a positive view towards the future. They cultivate a can-do attitude and channel their confidence into action and accomplishment.

    Threes are competitive. They are hungry to seek out the admiration that they believe others owe them. They have the "eye of the tiger." They rely on their natural confidence to bounce back from any setback.

    Threes are exhibitionist. With successes under their belt, they turn away from their focus on accomplishment and resort to self-promotion and showing off. They look to have their qualities admired. They want to be in the spotlight as much as possible. They find subtle and not so subtle ways to represent themselves as winners. They use their accomplishments to court attention, admirers, and "VIP" benefits.

    Three are cocky. The admiration they receive through success cements their own cocksure belief of their superiority. They start to give others the impression that it's a pleasure to do business with the three as if others ought to be willing to take less just to have that luxury. Their former self-confidence is replaced by arrogance. They have begun to rationalize their failures. They spend a lot of time making their failures seem like successes.

    Threes are egotistical. They start to view their non-admirers with contempt and don’t feel they should have to win people over or impress them. They begin to live more in fantasy to get away from all the non-admirers they have in reality. They give themselves rights off limits to other mortals. They exercise whatever power they might have in outrageous ways, one-upping others with their special privileges.

    Threes are expansive. As they sink more into their fantasy world, their goals and self-image become more expansive. They weave together new fantastic rationales for their circumstances in order to recast themselves as the star. They exaggerate their own powers and come up with intricate rationalizations to feed their self-worth. They put others on notice that they are a superior being and that admiration is their due, that others need to be rolling out the red carpet for them.

    Threes are self-aggrandizing. At bottom, their positive outlook is a thin veneer for a despairing life. Threes have no true relation to others and their overconfidence is pierced by reminders of their failings and falseness at every turn. Now having suffered persecution from non-admirers, threes believe they have confirmation of their importance, of their greatness. They put themselves on the pedestal of a messianic figure. They have a sense that history begins and ends with them, as if the transition from b.c. to a.d. occurred at some benchmark in the three's life such as raking in the first million dollars.

    Unhealthy Threes are narcissistic. Their grandiosity is flagrant, maintained by disdain for reality, since reality is full of people who don’t share the threes' high sense of worth. Psychopathic revenge equates to a last ditch effort by threes to assert their superiority.

    When healthy, Threes come to the realization that alone they are absent and are not ever going to be somebody unless they reach out to others and make genuine connections. Threes start to respect others, value other people’s opinions, and put a check on their fantasies. Healthy threes are also able to look at and question their own self-belief of being a superior individual.

    3w2s are gamesmen. Gamesmanship is a stable trait of the 3w2's personality that makes them able competitors in pretty much whatever they set their mind on doing. They don't necessarily have to possess any experience in the field they are competing at in order to win. They compensate for their lack of knowledge with gamesmanship, an art that 3w2s have an innate knowledge of.

    3w2s are motivators. They how to get a crowd pumped up. They easily fit the mold of a television personality or super salesperson.

    3w2s are political. They know how to work and charm people. They often do well in politics and are good at marketing a brand or idea to people. No other type can represent a belief in the type of overly confident outrageous fashion that the 3w2 can.

    3w2s are braggarts. They are loud and proud about their accomplishments and positive qualities. They have an itch to brag and impress about all of the seemingly great things they have done. Their hyper-real self-promotion can make them seem unreal.

    3w2s are super-competitive. When their past accomplishments are questioned, they launch into an invective of personal attacks. They are ultra-competitive towards anybody who even remotely expresses a disfavor able opinion towards them. Their modus operandi is to seize upon a small flaw of their opponent and blow it up into a gross mischaracterization of who that person is. They want to outshine everybody.

    Proclaiming oneself an authority does not make one an authority. How many self proclaimed experts can you believe when they can't even agree amongst themselves? I don't see authority here at all. Just an authoritative tone. He just speaks confidently about his typings which influences some who seek authority figures. It may also be because you are only 17. Sol also speaks in an authoritative tone but between them they type you as your own dual.

    Keep in mind both primarily type celebs when it comes to VI so there is no feedback. He, like sol, does not place much emphasis on what you say about yourself, it is the VI. He already has you doubting how you come off to others. I do not believe you are putting on an intellectual persona. I think it is just how you are.

    Anyway, Celebs are people they have no interaction with. They can type them anything without fear of being questioned. If you knew the history you would see the pattern in K4s typings of forum members. Those who were here before his time, he mostly just agrees with their self type, especially if they were already in his quadra and he viewed them as higher status than him. As long as they never questioned his type that is. Questioning him hurts his feelings. I found this out the hard way. He got extremely paranoid about me when I questioned him when I was new.

    Also keep in mind he probably hasn't even VI-ed half his typing list of forum members, yet VI is his gold standard. Again, how is that an authority? I know quite a few on his list that he never laid his eyes on. He has static perceptions that rarely change. You will remain on his list as ESE, especially if you question him. He has the forum owner as ESE too which is quite strange. Then there is the matter of him now claiming stackemup enneagram even though he has never confirmed, when asked, if he was actually part of the team who did the typings. More on this in another thread.

    I am more confused than intrigued by his typing you ESE. I have an ESE sister. She has been typed ESE by Ashton who was once also seen as an authority here. Sol typed her SEI which was close enough. You do not come off ESE. That would mean you have weak Ti and Ni.

    Disclaimer: I have been recently accused of spreading disinformation when it comes to enneagram so you may keep that in mind when reading my post. All I can say to that is to read the books yourself.

    I gave up on tritype over a year ago. It was useful but after going back to the root of enneagram I found I no longer needed it. I think if you are going to look into a type then look at the wings and the integration/disintegration points. If you cannot relate to them too on some level then look at the other two types you have in your tritype and do the same. I see others are doing this more lately. If anyone is interested in my reason you can read it here:
    Last edited by Aylen; 03-27-2019 at 07:34 PM. Reason: clarifying

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Critical thinking is important here since being consistent doesn't mean being correct. Years of experience means nothing if you consistently mistype people based on their physiognomy, or how they make you feel, (some examples) for years.

    He tries to spin it so his way is something fabulous which makes him appear much more 3ish than you. 3w2 so/sp specifically since he is highly image focused but spends a lot of time trying to influence others with his personality hypotheses .

    He, like many male 3w2s, sees himself and wants to be seen as an 8. You are listening to someone who has not even typed himself correctly. I think it is amusing he posted links to his background recently to reinforce his own typing because I brought it into question. This is all background information that should help in determining someone's credibility. This is more consistent with a 3 than an 8 who would feel no need to prove himself in this way.

    If you read enneagram books the distinctions will become clearer. I think with sol it is a bit different. He calls it his intuition. I am pretty sure they are using similar methods but have built up different databases of patterns they use. I agree they are both J types as sol has mentioned so I think there is a common link between them and how they type others. Sol is an E1 though so he prefers to go a step further which is why he will ask people to take his test. He does not cut corners in the same way. He wants more proof that he is correct. As you know 1s, 3s, and 5s are part of the competency triad.

    Here, let me show a description of 3 that he has posted but has not come right out and claimed to have written all by himself yet (there is a reason for this which I will get to in another post) and you tell me how much you relate. Not superficially but at your core.

    Proclaiming oneself an authority does not make one an authority. How many self proclaimed experts can you believe when they can't even agree amongst themselves? I don't see authority here at all. Just an authoritative tone. He just speaks confidently about his typings which influences some who seek authority figures. It may also be because you are only 17. Sol also speaks in an authoritative tone but between them they type you as your own dual.

    Keep in mind both primarily type celebs when it comes to VI so there is no feedback. He, like sol, does not place much emphasis on what you say about yourself, it is the VI. He already has you doubting how you come off to others. I do not believe you are putting on an intellectual persona. I think it is just how you are.

    Anyway, Celebs are people they have no interaction with. They can type them anything without fear of being questioned. If you knew the history you would see the pattern in K4s typings of forum members. Those who were here before his time, he mostly just agrees with their self type, especially if they were already in his quadra and he viewed them as higher status than him. As long as they never questioned his type that is. Questioning him hurts his feelings. I found this out the hard way. He got extremely paranoid about me when I questioned him when I was new.

    Also keep in mind he probably hasn't even VI-ed half his typing list of forum members, yet VI is his gold standard. Again, how is that an authority? I know quite a few on his list that he never laid his eyes on. He has static perceptions that rarely change. You will remain on his list as ESE, especially if you question him. He has the forum owner as ESE too which is quite strange. Then there is the matter of him now claiming stackemup enneagram even though he has never confirmed, when asked, if he was actually part of the team who did the typings. More on this in another thread.

    I am more confused than intrigued by his typing you ESE. I have an ESE sister. She has been typed ESE by Ashton who was once also seen as an authority here. Sol typed her SEI which was close enough. You do not come off ESE. That would mean you have weak Ti and Ni.

    Disclaimer: I have been recently accused of spreading disinformation when it comes to enneagram so you may keep that in mind when reading my post. All I can say to that is to read the books yourself.

    I gave up on tritype over a year ago. It was useful but after going back to the root of enneagram I found I no longer needed it. I think if you are going to look into a type then look at the wings and the integration/disintegration points. If you cannot relate to them too on some level then look at the other two types you have in your tritype and do the same. I see others are doing this more lately. If anyone is interested in my reason you can read it here:
    Given that I've not been on the forum long, this post clarifies a number of things. Thanks for that.

    I don't think I'm naïve enough to fall for his tricks; I have every reason to be skeptical but few reasons to completely denounce his typing. Brushing his opinion off as statistical error was unreasonable since the necessary conditions for such an action would be that his means of typing are either imprecise or inaccurate. Given that he uses the same means of typing for every individual and that means is subjective, I have no method to conclude that his means are imprecise. And given that I didn't have a thorough set of examples that are clearly mistyped by him, I couldn't conclude that his means are inaccurate. That's precisely why I wanted to wait for him to justify his typing, and why I'm still not going to give up on getting answers. However, now that you've provided me some examples and reasons to doubt his typings, I can be more confident that his opinion doesn't matter or at least should not be taken seriously. To me, it's less about "seeking an authority" and more about making sure that I'm being reasonable with the information that I have. Overusing/misusing information is a huge problem some people have, and I refuse to engage in it unless it yields a useful approximation to solve a problem whose answer is already known or unless it provides some insightful intuition that should be taken as a rough analogy rather than precisely.

    I'm very aware that he's trying to be more authoritative than he actually is. I laughed when he called himself an expert since I've been browsing typology forums a while and whenever people say that they're almost certainly not. I haven't read enough of his posts to determine his enneatype yet, but you're correct in saying that a number of 3s want to see themselves as 8s. The same goes for cp 6s. I'm much more confident in my ability to type enneagram in comparison to socionics since I've done it a lot longer and have been reasonably consistent with commonly accepted typings. That's partially why I opened up my enneagram typing. It's a challenge, in a way since his use of VI in enneagram is not nearly as accepted as it is in socionics.

    Reading that type 3 description, I can relate to some aspects in my core but not others. For example, I strongly relate to the paragraph on independence, but I don't care to be admired beyond the superficial. It is my goal to be a "superior being" in the sense that I want to minimize my weaknesses while realizing my strengths. However, to perceive yourself as god-like or even strive to be so is foolish. We are all mortal humans with a limited capability, and finding that capability and flourishing within it is what leads to success - at least it has been like that in my existence. I see myself as competitive, but I pride myself on not being stupid with that sense of competition. It's about knowing your weaknesses and having the foresight to realize potential negative outcomes. I hate it when people compete for the sake of not losing. There's usually no purpose, and it comes across as false bravery (and I mentioned how much I despise that in my video). I'm also not nearly as self-confident as that post suggests 3s are. My view on the future is largely negative, and so I strive to embetter myself so as to minimize that perception. For example, as I said in my video, I'm an ambitious person. However, since I lack self-confidence, I always feel as though I'll never have the capabilities to reach those ambitions. I therefore spend copious amounts of time and effort learning and solving problems to develop my strengths so that I have enough confidence in the future to at least engage in the outside world long enough to try to see-out my goals. This is a reason why I typed myself 5 since it sounds quite like the 5->8 growth line. The reason I type myself as 3 fix is because these motivations and coping strategies are there, but they are not nearly as present as the 5s coping strategies are. I have found tritype more useful than useless when used correctly (at least for the time being), and so I'll continue to use it until that (perhaps inevitably) changes.

    The rest of your post provides me a lot of useful information. Personally, I don't care if he puts me as ESE on his list since anyone with a brain would be able to judge that that typing makes no sense. Since he hasn't responded, I'll probably pm him sometime today or tomorrow a few times. I may taunt him since 8s don't back down from challenges and 3s see themselves as better than a newbie pleb who projects an intellectual stereotype, lol. I also like messing with people and pushing their buttons - it provides me quite a bit of enjoyment.

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: I should add that if I do happen to be ESE, then that's honestly more power to me. Genuine intellectual drive coupled with the social skills of an ESE = unstoppable. I'm so great!!! /s
    Last edited by FarDraft; 03-28-2019 at 04:02 AM.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    @Aylen I'm curious to know what you think of my type. I saw that you marked two LII posts constructive, so I assume you think I'm LII, though I could be wrong. If you have anything to add to what's already been said, I'd like to hear it, if possible. Enneagram too, if you can, though I'm relatively set within that system, so it's unlikely I'll change my core type unless a very strong argument is provided.
    Last edited by FarDraft; 03-29-2019 at 03:18 PM.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
    @Aylen I'm curious to know what you think of my type. I saw that you marked two LII posts constructive, so I assume you think I'm LII, though I could be wrong. If you have anything to add to what's already been said, I'd like to hear it, if possible. Enneagram too, if you can, though I'm relatively set within that system, so it's unlikely I'll change my core type unless a very strong argument is provided.
    I can say I am not clear on your socionics type yet. I just thought it was a good idea to pay attention to those posts on Ti. Enneagram is a deeply personal system of understanding your own behaviors, fears and motivations. It is meant to bring self and also other awareness. I don't really like to comment on E type. I will do it when I feel there is good reason to or I can discuss the system with someone to help them discover their type. You seem to be sure of your's so if the information for type 5 is the most helpful for you that is what matters. I will come back to this when I know what I want to say about it. I may pm instead.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I can say I am not clear on your socionics type yet. I just thought it was a good idea to pay attention to those posts on Ti. Enneagram is a deeply personal system of understanding your own behaviors, fears and motivations. It is meant to bring self and also other awareness. I don't really like to comment on E type. I will do it when I feel there is good reason to or I can discuss the system with someone to help them discover their type. You seem to be sure of your's so if the information for type 5 is the most helpful for you that is what matters. I will come back to this when I know what I want to say about it. I may pm instead.
    That's reasonable. The Ti typing is something I considered before but am now considering more seriously given that people see it so commonly used within my writing and speaking style.
    My methods for typing enneagram are similar yet slightly different. I tend to narrow down types more readily since some are very unlikely when presented with information about core values, beliefs, fears, motivations, etc. It is a much more personal system than socionics, so I tend to be even less firm with it (in comparison to socionics, which I'm not really firm with yet) and only provide suggestions.
    Feel free to pm. I've removed the video because the vast majority of comments and information have already been posted. If you need it for further information, then I can pm it. Let me know.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    Default Conclusions and Speculation

    Thanks to everyone who has provided thoughts on my type. Here are the conclusions I've drawn from your responses. Many are shallow but informative.
    • VI-wise, ILI fits better than LII, though the structured nature of my stature indicates Ij > Ip.
    • Ti is very noticeable within my speech and writing.
    • Holistically, most judgments were made regarding temperament with Ij being the clear victor over Ip.

    The picture of an ILI is beginning to become more clear to me - and I see myself less and less like one. A planned person with foresight who deliberately makes sure his actions are not impulsive fits more in line with LII than ILI, and that's what thoroughly resonates with me. However, the main hole with an LII typing is that, quadra-wise, gamma fits better than alpha since my goals and interests are related to valued Te and Se. I'd like to brush this off by saying that I have a strong 3 fix (possibly 3 core type, though I can't relate to the core fears and motivations nearly enough), though I'd have to look into that more closely.

    Moreover, I'm still not certain of Ti being valued despite my abundant use of it. Logical consistency and structure is something I use as a tool mostly to solve a problem. If there is a more pragmatic solution, I will almost always choose it over the one I would have chosen "on principle" since I don't see the use of abiding by principles that don't make my life easier. For example, abiding by strict mathematical formalism in physics is completely unnecessary and I think that people who do that are wasting their time since mathematics in physics is but a tool to solve a problem rather than an end in and of itself. The reason why I'm so strict with logic and structure within socionics is because it isn't a very empirical theory (it's not falsifiable in its current state) and so to treat it without such precision would inevitably lead to incorrect conclusions or at least a system that is inconsistent - and an axiomatic system that is inconsistent is completely useless since it can prove literally anything.

    It's a matter of distinguishing cognition from behaviour for me. I'm a very planned (rather than impulsive) person who is organized and logical, but I'm also a hard core pragmatist that just wants to get the job done with minimal energy expended. (I'm also not an LSI despite that type holding the title of "pragmatist"). I have no problem with adapting myself or my plans according to the information available or my environment yet I still prefer to think ahead and have some potential solutions in anticipation. It's basically a repeat of the issue I had in MBTI where I was considering INTP due to my systematic and logical nature and INTJ due to my inclination towards foresight, planning, and structure, but it's made more difficult since socionics is more nuanced and both types have the same strong functions rather than INTPs just not using Ni and INTJs Ti.

    It's a contradictory situation that I think can only be solved by constant observation of intertype relations. And so that's what I'll do. I'll therefore not type myself for a good while.

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: On reflection, it seems like my use of the word impulsive is not what others have in mind. I'll have to take that into consideration.

    EDIT 2: On second reflection, I think I really need to hone in on my relationship with planning and structure. Comparing myself to my LSI friends is yielding a number of interesting facts.
    Last edited by FarDraft; 04-22-2019 at 05:12 AM.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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