Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
Really? Explain this then.

"Treatment for a person diagnosed with GID may include psychotherapy or to support the individual's preferred gender through hormone therapy, gender expression and role, or surgery."

It says nothing about being an ass and rejecting their expression as a viable way. You act as if you are speaking from a medical and scientific background. You don't. You can rationalise your behaviour however you want. It still lack decency, compassion, tolerance and humanity. You are not helping anyone. You are just being intentionally hurtful to someone because they don't share your backward values. Plain and simple.

I don't blame you though. That is the culture you were raised in. Muslim communities still lack basic understanding of human dignity. I know that too well since I'm ex-Muslim.
Validating someone's delusions about themselves doesn't help anyone. Unfortunately the psychological establishment is now mostly run by people who have no problem with doing that, probably because they're so deluded themselves.

Funny how I'm the one who is "pushing his values" when you're the ones calling me backwards and reporting me for not sharing your values.

And, by the way, I was not raised as a Muslim, but the Muslim communities I've known have a far higher understanding of human dignity.

@sbbds How about I put you on ignore again?