Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
Chae times two is some fucking chaos

I say the whole thing won't be nowhere near as annoying if it's 2 integrating (!) types, not double extro ethics in particular.

Double 4D is only less tolerable if they are both like Doctor Strange. Other than that... say LIE x LIE or ILE x ILE probably build a space ship and that's it, no drama. So yeah, the base functions will intensify

Nevertheless, I can envision intro-identical couples, take EII x EII, really be a wholesome and durable experience, just with double issues but they won't see it. The only problem's gonna be that they would like the other to be like Te-Si, maybe without being able to explain it, and falling short either way.

Enneagram— I remember reading that 3s don't like each other because we see through each other's impostor syndrome, can confirm.

Put me together with Zac Efron, no couple around would be as shallow. We'd become more well-rounded in terms of refining our vanity and fake public image.

Long story short, combining two similar negatives, things will get stronger anyways. Stay away from identicals if you have reasons to fix yourself, it only gets worse. If you like yourself, go for it.

PS: Trying to think of well-known identical couples but it seems to be a rare deal among the rich and famous?

yes! one thing I thought about was probably I shouldn't date him / any identical right now since we're both in our mid-twenties and have a lot of developing to do. So we would be combining our very obvious negatives (both overly sensitive, anxious and reactive or, in other words, both have 4 & 6 in our tritype). Both yearning for some sort of stability and not going to find it in each other. But also there is that Introverted Ethical wholesomeness of "wow! the world is scary and no one gets me but you." Whether it's good to have that worldview reinforced is probably the bigger question haha.