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Thread: Stupid Baby Boomers

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Because it's easier to fight when you know your enemy? Though I guess the idea that I'm actually trying to do something and giving other people information in case they ever find themselves wanting or forced to do something is completely far-fetched to this crowd and I should cut off the stream of posts to here.

    Billionaires: Not all of them but a lot of them are horrible people and immature yet somewhat clever dingbats who play power games and try to keep secrets. The bad ones are the secretive ones basically 100% of the time, as much as people might have a personal beef with public ones like Bill Gates or Oprah
    Yuppies: Members of the Boomer generation who along with the billionaires have been in power a long time and set the cultural tone for essentially the span of their lifetimes, have largely been hand-picked
    Hipsters: Children of yuppies who used to like to play at being hippies (now totally dead! but not literally.) Their trends are now mainstream and adopted by everyone besides them because their stuff was actually cool and what they became (see yuccies) isn't allowed to be cool. Their parents might put them in time-out for looking fondly upon that phase of their life or having had the wrong friends in the future
    Yuccies: The people the hipsters are growing into as they are torn between emulating the yuppie lifestyle and trying to have some vague values, albeit cynical and rather lacking in conviction (or merely certainty?)
    The middle class/petit bourgeoisie: Emulators of the yuppies who want to live the "American Dream," are pretty straightforwardly identifiable from calling themselves "the middle class," and are finding themselves thrown into the working class at an alarming rate, dying from horrific illnesses fairly young at an alarming rate, and estranging or becoming estranged from their offspring at an alarming rate

    Those are the bad guys, and their agenda seems pretty obvious to me and should seem obvious to anyone who sees the whole picture and knows that yuppies were once hippies and beats but sold out and see that now basically everything in at least America and Britain (though the rest of the world is definitely impacted in various ways to various degrees) revolves around money and the accompanying superficial consumerist status symbols to the near-complete exclusion of basically any other sort of life. The fight has to start with information because information can't be commodified and we have handy things like Google that basically everyone can access to help. So instead of freedom isn't free, freedom is only free.
    Ok, so what do you propose to do? Lock up all the billionaires and "yuppies"?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Ok, so what do you propose to do? Lock up all the billionaires and "yuppies"?
    No. I propose for people to be undeceived about the fact capitalism promotes capitalists at the expense of every other aspect of human life including what money is supposed to be used for, and then, when people can finally see their surroundings instead of simply bumbling through darkness, no one will care much for capitalists or their shallow philosophy any more and human beings will flourish and live in a dignified manner once again. Modern capitalism makes people into big obese babies who are stupid slobs and just want to eat a lot of things and live in a big house with two big cars and a big fence like an oversized version of mommy's boob. It worked until about the 80s (by which I mean the 1980s) because the people in power still believed in some sort of God or Spirit so they had positive ideals, but then in the 80s the bohemians became scared, turned into yuppies, and it stopped working and just became a way for a bunch of fat overgrown babies who want boob-shaped houses with nipple-pantries of food to gorge their mouths on and lots of comfy materialist boob-textures everywhere to avoid fears. People need to be brave, people need to grow up, and people need some sort of spirituality though it might not even be traditionally recognizable and then no one will basically worship capital and capitalists. They might have to be taken down in a fight but only if they send drones or otherwise physically start it because violent revolution generally sucks and should be avoided. If people don't develop themselves they're going to see that they can take the place of what they detest only because they are what they detest (meet the new boss, same as the old boss...) What needs to be done away with is the place itself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    People need to be brave, people need to grow up, and people need some sort of spirituality though it might not even be traditionally recognizable and then no one will basically worship capital and capitalists.
    What I suggest:

    Completely revamp public education by making it more focused on practical life skills and allocate more time to PE
    Invest towards healthy foods and raise the health standards of food
    Cap how much income an individual can make
    Start more programs similar to the Civilian Conservation Corps in FDR's New Deal
    Do away with pussy victim culture, promote a more militaristic and honor centered culture
    Nationalize news outlets and purge all political bias from it
    Free college education

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    What I suggest:

    Completely revamp public education by making it more focused on practical life skills and allocate more time to PE
    Invest towards healthy foods and raise the health standards of food
    Cap how much income an individual can make
    Start more programs similar to the Civilian Conservation Corps in FDR's New Deal
    Do away with pussy victim culture, promote a more militaristic and honor centered culture
    Nationalize news outlets and purge all political bias from it
    Free college education
    Will you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020?

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    Will you vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020?
    No but I would prefer him to any other liberal or GOP cuckservative candidate. I think we need a complete cultural, social and economical restructuring instead of just more social democracy a.k.a welfare capitalism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    No but I would prefer him to any other liberal or GOP cuckservative candidate. I think we need a complete cultural, social and economical restructuring instead of just more social democracy a.k.a welfare capitalism.
    Bernie isn't a welfare capitalist as far as I know. People on MSNBC say "he must be a social democrat because people vote for him!" but that very much seems to not be the case. Democratic socialist =/= social democrat (though neither is Soviet-era socialism.) I think Bernie is just terrible at communicating despite having a good image. I dare you to look at the online version of Jacobin magazine a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Ok, so what do you propose to do? Lock up all the billionaires and "yuppies"?
    Funnily enough... prison produces gazillionaires it's a freaking ass industry by itself

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Funnily enough... prison produces gazillionaires it's a freaking ass industry by itself
    For anyone out there who didn't already know, "Made in America" probably doesn't mean what you think it means.

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