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Thread: For the Type Police

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    Default For the Type Police

    This is my VI video. What type am I? Volume is low because my roommates were sleeping.


    What is beauty? What is love?
    What is beauty? To me beauty is subjective, I can look at something and find it beautiful through the flow of it's shapes, the sharpness of someone's facial features. But I also find vulnerablity beautiful, when you can see the subtitles of someone's insides barely surface, I love that. Love to me is deep closness and understanding of two people to the point that they almost speak their own language that other's do not understand. I love is inside jokes between you and your lover, it's the certain kind of kiss you know they like, it's care for their well being but also care for their personal likes, dreams, goals and desires.

    What are your most important values?
    My faith in God. Whether that's a value or not, but my belief in God and staying true to that even in a world of opposition is of the most importance to me. Is creativity a value? I hold creativity to high regard, I'll also throw in trust and honesty, I hold trust and honesty to high regard as well. I don't like people who try to impose their will on other's as well, not sure if that is a value, but people who try to contorl others I cannot stand, I do not think people are created to be controlled by other people, because who is to say you are so "better than" that other's should submit to YOUR will.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in God. The bible explains the world to me in a way that I understand life through and can see how the events in life line up well with it's explanation of life.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think nations should be able to defend themselves if necessary. What most describe as power I do not like, force, oppression and all that, control over people, that's what most call power and I do not like it. I like power that is strong but harnessed, power that is strong but kind and grants freedom to those under it's protect. Power to me is the ability to be strong and protect but not hurt or oppress those around you. Also influence is power as well.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    God, I have opened up to complete strangers indepth once they have showed an interest or belief in God themselves. Also my friends are believers and we talk for long a long time about our beliefs and how we relate to the world around us with our beliefs, and how the world either accepts or doesn't accept our beliefs. I also talk about other wierd beliefs out there and other beliefs that oppose my own beliefs. Also MBTI, I have talked extensively long about MBTI. Also business branding, how companies are percieved by consumers and the companies themselves and how their perspectives differ. Also Art, art industry, animation, art techniques and animation techniques, video game ideas I have.

    My interests are my beliefs, art, animation. Animation and video game development. I have many video game ideas I would love to bring to life, I imagine whole world in my head a great deal and wish to flesh them out and create them for others to experience as well. I can day dream about my own creative worlds in my mind for awhile and begin to draw things out, the things I usually draw are almost never landscapes and are usually a central character my stories revolve around or a variety pf characters that can be interacted with. I usually try to improve my artistic abilities. I also am interested in understanding people, having an awareness of how everybody works so that I can speak to them in their "language" that is my main reason behind studying MBTI and typology in general. Also to try and improve efforts in romance, to understand how to smooth over conflicts i romantic relations and maximize affection and attraction towards each other, so I focus on studying duality quite a bite because of that.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Ignore. Stress.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't really read books much, the last thing I really loved on TV was Avatar last Airbender and Legend of Korra. Being plunged into this world where humans can use elemental powers and fight against each other was just the coolest thing ever. This is probably an offshoot of my interest in Dragon Ball Z as a child. Any cartoon about powers and martial arts fighting I usually fall in love with quick, but only if the action fight scenes are done very very very well. I also love action anime.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cried when I watched the movie wonderwoman, because this strong battle ready woman had a vulnerable moment with thia man she fell in love with. I cried because I felt like this more "masculine" woman could not have a soft side, and in the face of seeing her soft side I felt like she sort of transcended gender and I saw her ans neither a "masculine" woman or man or whatever, I just saw her as a person and that moved me so much i cired.

    I also cried when I saw a cuban family running a cuban cafe restuarant. I cried because I imagined this man had set out a goal to move to America and start a business with his family, and he had his dream come true with the most important people in his life closest to him. I cried because I compared that life that I saw an sweetly simple to my own trauma of being away for my own family and trying to make my imaginations a reality and seeing this as much more futile and impossible as compared to what this man has accomplished, and how sweet and simple his life seemed compared to my own. (< I think I repeated myself there, sorry if I did). I just as beauty in the simplicity and cried lol.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    At my church. We all feel unified in our beliefs and it really activates me to the point that I feel way more talkative than when I am around strangers. So much more talkative infact that I become a source of entertainment. It is the place I feel deep ease and comfort, and authentic. At work I am always aware there might be people who do not believe what I believe so I feel like there is a side of me that I cannot share with my environment, a HUGE side of me that is. A side of me that feels like a tether to life, unless I am surrounded by my church family, I feel slightly untethered.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can be lazy, and I hate that about myself, I feel like I lack will power to make my dreams a reality and that is like the biggest flaw I perceive in my life, but what other's they might think I am irresponsible, not focused or a hard worker, some people (who do not know my) think I might be too quite, also I have had someone tell me to stand up for myself, I don't see it as a flaw but that person did. I just hate the fact that I am not a go-getter, I feel like people are told to be that all the time and I seriously feel that lacking in myself. I also find it hard to keep a routine or endure physical pain for too long, the routines I keep are some bad habits and past time pleasures like playing video games. Whenever I set out to do something for a long period of time I usually stop or forget to keep up the routine, like if I told myself I am going to draw everyday this week, I would forget the next day, and the day after that I might remember but tell myself what's the use I can't keep the routine up anyway and I'll just completely stop, I don't like that about myself.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Creativity, I can be really witty and funny on the stop and come up with cool ideas, I like these things about myself but people mostly see my strengths in humor with witty comments and awareness of sarcasm and being able to add to jokes and such. Also people see my drawing as a strength and they often tell me I am better than I really think that I am. Also animation, I find it easy to guess how the human body would move in reality and replicate it and I have been told my work is pretty good.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Setting easy to accomplish goals, finding out what works and being able to find EASY ways to do things, easy ways that work and have worked many times before. I HATE! HATE!HATE HATE! Hard work, I HATE when people stress me to work harder! So it is much more valuable to me if someone showed me an easier way to get my work done, not a harder way or a way that requires me to put in large amounts of effort. @Bertrand just suggested to me that I go a search up Gulenko, Aushra, Jung and all these folks to find out what EII really is. Just reading that alone I could feel the lazy resistence to do so. Sounds like too much work.

    If there was a place where all the "correct" type descriptions and pretty much everything you need to know about socionics could be found then I would rather just be pointed to that place, that would be useful.

    So yea, also structure, set deadlines, all these things are things that could help me stay on tract and accomplish my goals. In short, easy proven methods, and d set deadlines (not set by me because I can easily override them). If I had more of that in my life, life would be much better.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes. When I feel like I cannot escape my own bad habits to progress in life I feel like I can't to anything to change myself to become better and that I am just doomed to only ever doing what I have always done, sit around, dream, and doing nothing. I feel like sometimes I cannot survive in this world on my own. My friend has gotten me my recent job, and it sort of scares me because if it was left up to me I'm not sure I would have gotten this job and I'm not sure I can get the next job if this one goes away. I feel stuck because I am in this job that has nothing to do with my passion or what I want to do in life, I want to get out and attack my dreams but I cannot survive off that and I have bills to pay.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I love people who just exude a sense of genuineness about then, not nice just to be nice, not just happy because that's acceptable, but a deep down geniune nature that can be heard in the voice because their words sound more heavy and real. I like people who react to me and my weird ways either in a surprised way or a way that seems like they think I am funny. I like people who can be witty and understand inside jokes or jokes without much explanation. I also outgoing people, they energize me, like people who laugh loud and speak confidently. I like people who can be playful and serious, that is a nice transition, too playful and I feel like we have to learn to be serious and too serious I feel like we have to relax.

    I don't like shallow people, people who only talk about fast cars, women like they are objects, smoking weed (ugh) or alchohol, or partying all the time. or people her curse every other word, or people who make fun of religion or religious people and think they are stupid. Or people who make harsh jokes at other's expense,

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Romance to me is to deep emotions shared between two people that are not always seen or known by others. The understanding between each other that excludes others. The closeness and quite understanding of each other, like our own secret little world. being romantic to me means really touching on personal things the person likes, not really generally liked thins but things that this person and this person alone could only like, if it was a gift to her it could not work for any other girl because they would not understand it it could only work for the girl I love ebcause I understand her likes so deeply. Sex cannot happen for me unless I am emotionally connected to and comfortable with this person. Sex with strangers is something that I don't even think I could be aroused enough to do. And sex to me is about deeply intimate emotions being expressed as physical love towards your partner, not just a physical act to me, but one of the most intimate expressions of deeply held love for a person. That's probably a foo foo way of seeing sex, but idc.

    In a partner I need someone who shares my own beliefs. Non-negotiable, I tired to date an agnostic/atheist once and it did not work, and I do not like hiding this huge pat of myself. I feel like I cannot be connected to someone truly if we do not agree one the way we see life. If you see life through the atheist lens then you also see life through a lens that says my beliefs are wrong, and that can be a major point of contention in a relationship.

    I also really need a partner who shares my sense of humor. Out of the relationships I have had, this has been a huge reason why it worked for as long as it did. Witty playful banter, shared soft laughs, laughs followed by a chest slap are just my cup of tea. Those moments of laughter shared feel like real bonding to me, without that I don't even know what a relationship is. I don't like when people think y sense of humor is corny because I feel like I just lost a major point of bonding or connection with that person, we probably won't make god friends.

    Physical attraction is also a must. I just can't lie to myself and really commit myself to someone I find no physical arousal with, makes no sense to do such a thing even though I have tried it, but it was because of a serious emotional connection.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would try to find what my child is good at early and place them in an environment that focuses on that very early on in life, because they will be a step ahead of many people later in life and success might just come knocking on their door. That is the only concrete method I have right now for child raising, everything else I think will need to be learned on the job.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Internally I will cringe and disagree tremendously, outwardly I might become silent to avoid the rest of the conversation if it is serious enough I will start to defend my beliefs because I just cannot have someone stepping all over my beliefs like that. I usually just try to dismiss as incorrect and move on, I don't always feel the need to explain myself. I do not like talking to people about my beliefs if they disagree. My beliefs are personal and not up for scrutiny.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I usually become friend with people of mutual interest or sense of humor. And I joke with them quite a bit in between of talking about an interesting topic, it's an interplay of jokes and opinion sharing, life events sharing, and observation sharing, or belief sharing if they share my beliefs, if not we don't even talk about it.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Quite, observing them to see if they are the kind of persona I could be myself around or parts of myself around, I do not like being in situations where I have to met strangers lol.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    That title...

    I just want to know where all the VI and socionics pros are.

    Maybe if you had the word "video" in title (it would have drawn them in.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    F, E
    most probable ESE

    welcome to IR test

    to get better light you may: download by that and watch by that with brightness setting

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    F, E
    most probable ESE

    welcome to IR test

    to get better light you may: download by that and watch by that with brightness setting
    Because of the pictures or the video or the questionaire?

    That IR test is way too long and I don't understand Russian.

  5. #5
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Because of the pictures or the video or the questionaire?

    That IR test is way too long and I don't understand Russian.
    you're a p type
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    istp or estp
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    istp or estp
    Oh god I wish. If I had Se I would at least be cool. And if I had more Te I would at least be financially stable

    I know you didn't get Se from the video.

    because of profile VI?
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 03-15-2019 at 06:09 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    you're a p type
    Why do you think that?

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    "if i had Te i would be financially stable" -stereotype
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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  10. #10
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    ESE could work, Normalizing subtype
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    "if i had Te i would be financially stable" -stereotype
    Would be better with finances, able to work jobs I don't like, able to be more responsible, get more things done, all that stuff related to Te, if I was either of those types I would have a handle on that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Would be better with finances, able to work jobs I don't like, able to be more responsible, get more things done, all that stuff related to Te, if I was either of those types I would have a handle on that.
    Like I said you are stereotyping based on someone else’s understanding or interpretation of what Te is and does. I have known so so many Te types that are Terrible with money
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Like I said you are stereotyping based on someone else’s understanding or interpretation of what Te is and does. I have known so so many Te types that are Terrible with money
    On what grounds did you type them Te?
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
    On what grounds did you type them Te?
    Based on what they say. How they process information
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Because of the pictures or the video or the questionaire?
    video - nonverbal and what you said

    > That IR test is way too long and I don't understand Russian

    It takes much lesser time than to do comparable IR check by own typing (monthes).
    To get impressions from nonverbal you do not need to understand what people say there.

    It's the easiest possibility to get a proof for ESE.

  16. #16
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    On second thought, maybe ILE
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    On second thought, maybe ILE
    he's so dramatic there. much of artistism, much about people

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    he's so dramatic there. much of artistism, much about people

    My face is not emotionally expressive tho, so how do you get Fe? or E.
    Only in the pictures because I chose real good pictures, which seems like a mistake now.

    The prob;em with the IR test is that I don't see all the people in the numbers as all the same time. Only 4 and 5 I was sure about.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
    On second thought, maybe ILE
    You think I am your dual and with Ti, oh lord lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    Like I said you are stereotyping based on someone else’s understanding or interpretation of what Te is and does. I have known so so many Te types that are Terrible with money
    Either way, the strenghts of Te I lack, though I believe I value it and seek it and use it from time to time. And Se I lack for sure, I'm sure it's 1D in me..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    video - nonverbal and what you said

    > That IR test is way too long and I don't understand Russian

    It takes much lesser time than to do comparable IR check by own typing (monthes).
    To get impressions from nonverbal you do not need to understand what people say there.

    It's the easiest possibility to get a proof for ESE.
    I think the issue might be the idea of trying to prove ESE instead of trying to discover what the type might be if I took the test now.

  22. #22
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    Only read the questionnaire, Ne-Si preference seemed clear, especially with your aversion to Se. I had been thinking more NF throughout, and with your apparent Te seeking I would say you are EII.

    There's also delta quadra values spread throughout.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I think the issue might be the idea of trying to prove ESE instead of trying to discover what the type might be if I took the test now.
    IR test itself shows arguments pro and contra for some types, including ESE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    My face is not emotionally expressive tho
    You may be lesser emotionally expressive in nonverbal than some people, especially on surface level.
    I find you as emotional in general. Your nonverbal fits to F types better too. I compare you with T types, taking into account my experience of watching people.
    Last edited by Sol; 03-17-2019 at 02:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    IR test itself shows arguments pro and contra for some types, including ESE.

    You may be lesser emotionally expressive in nonverbal than some people, especially on surface level.
    I find you as emotional in general. Your nonverbal fits to F types better too. I compare you with T types, taking into account my experience of watching people.
    I agree with F type, but not with Fe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I agree with F type, but not with Fe.
    good. so it's easier
    IR test may help to understand me. and for you to understand yourself and how IR work

  26. #26
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    I obvious EII--don't see how anyone that actually watched the video and read your responses to the questionnaire could come to any other conclusion, really...that is, if they actually know how to type. j/k...not really, tho.

    Things that stood out to me:

    1.) Dat dominant Fi > cold, impassive, severe mug that barely/rarely broadcasts and telegraphs what it feels WHILST verbally wading neck deep into how it subjectively feels about everything >lots of "to me," "I like," "I love," "I don't like," "I hate," etc....

    a.] "I can get along with people that don't believe in God, but I can never really feel super close to them because I always feel like something that extremely important to me, is something that we just don't agree on...that's something that's integral to who I am." > basing the status of interpersonal relations on how well they align with your personal ethics; easily befriending those who share your own likes and interests.

    b.] "My faith in God. Whether that's a value or not, but my belief in God and staying true to that even in a world of opposition is of the most importance to me." > finding meaning in a system that satisfies your tightly woven, intricate morality.

    c.] Even in seemingly minor, inconsequential circumstances that involve those (cashiers, uber drivers, random "tough guys") whom you might not ever flat out confront, there is a sense that a lasting impression has been made that will forever inform a feeling about them, which I think speaks to Fi's vulnerability and sensitivity concerning others. Tangentially, I've noticed that Fi users (myself included) tend to show the most emotion when speaking about values being negatively impacted. When recounting incidents that embody what you "hate," you'd lean into that word and your face would become more animated.

    2.) Creative Ne > Se-PoLR.

    a.] Particularly in the pics, I saw the defocused gaze of an intuitive.

    b.] "I love escaping reality and going into these fictional worlds." "Reality is boring to me." lol I mean...

    c.] "I lack will power to make my dreams a reality and that is like the biggest flaw I perceive in my life." > which precisely speaks to a lack of volitional will, Se.

    d.] "I don't like people who act tough all the time" and "what makes this person think they can just impose their will on me?" > alongside the rant that followed that statement you seemed to be singling out Se users, and SLEs more precisely, which would make sense seeing as how they are conflictors to EIIs; disliking controlling, authoritarian Mofos could also extend to LSEs and LIEs but these are your duals and semi-duals and so it may not register as offensively because their unconscious Se is buffered by Te, something you value.

    e.] Trying to "fish out" a person's interests by "inspiring" their interest in quirky, "unusual," "interesting" ways is one of the signature ways in which EIIs use Ne (in service of Fi > closing psychological distances).

    3.) Suggestive Te >

    a.]"I want to create a videogame that can garner mass appeal" > taking something that you personally like and value and producing that for everyone else in hopes that it will work for them, as it works for you (in supporting your Fi desires/drives).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I obvious EII--don't see how anyone that actually watched the video and read your responses to the questionnaire could come to any other conclusion, really...that is, if they actually know how to type. j/k...not really, tho.

    Things that stood out to me:

    1.) Dat dominant Fi > cold, impassive, severe mug that barely/rarely broadcasts and telegraphs what it feels WHILST verbally wading neck deep into how it subjectively feels about everything >lots of "to me," "I like," "I love," "I don't like," "I hate," etc....

    a.] "I can get along with people that don't believe in God, but I can never really feel super close to them because I always feel like something that extremely important to me, is something that we just don't agree on...that's something that's integral to who I am." > basing the status of interpersonal relations on how well they align with your personal ethics; easily befriending those who share your own likes and interests.

    b.] "My faith in God. Whether that's a value or not, but my belief in God and staying true to that even in a world of opposition is of the most importance to me." > finding meaning in a system that satisfies your tightly woven, intricate morality.

    c.] Even in seemingly minor, inconsequential circumstances that involve those (cashiers, uber drivers, random "tough guys") whom you might not ever flat out confront, there is a sense that a lasting impression has been made that will forever inform a feeling about them, which I think speaks to Fi's vulnerability and sensitivity concerning others. Tangentially, I've noticed that Fi users (myself included) tend to show the most emotion when speaking about values being negatively impacted. When recounting incidents that embody what you "hate," you'd lean into that word and your face would become more animated.

    2.) Creative Ne > Se-PoLR.

    a.] Particularly in the pics, I saw the defocused gaze of an intuitive.

    b.] "I love escaping reality and going into these fictional worlds." "Reality is boring to me." lol I mean...

    c.] "I lack will power to make my dreams a reality and that is like the biggest flaw I perceive in my life." > which precisely speaks to a lack of volitional will, Se.

    d.] "I don't like people who act tough all the time" and "what makes this person think they can just impose their will on me?" > alongside the rant that followed that statement you seemed to be singling out Se users, and SLEs more precisely, which would make sense seeing as how they are conflictors to EIIs; disliking controlling, authoritarian Mofos could also extend to LSEs and LIEs but these are your duals and semi-duals and so it may not register as offensively because their unconscious Se is buffered by Te, something you value.

    e.] Trying to "fish out" a person's interests by "inspiring" their interest in quirky, "unusual," "interesting" ways is one of the signature ways in which EIIs use Ne (in service of Fi > closing psychological distances).

    3.) Suggestive Te >

    a.]"I want to create a videogame that can garner mass appeal" > taking something that you personally like and value and producing that for everyone else in hopes that it will work for them, as it works for you (in supporting your Fi desires/drives).
    Thank you.

    This is the second post of yours that seems to be in line with almost my exact thoughts, with extra bits added of course. The video where you typed Number9Larage you also voiced almost my exact thoughts. Must be Te suggestive or something.

    The bold is eye opening, I had no idea Te was involved in that I just thought that was an Fi-dream of mine. But that makes alot of sense when put that way and yes that's essentially what I am trying to do, make something that works for me that I think will work for others.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 03-30-2019 at 10:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Thank you.
    Quite welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    This is the second post of yours that seems to be in line with almost my exact thoughts, with extra bits added of course. The video where you typed Number9Larage you also voiced almost my exact thoughts. Must be Te suggestive or something.
    Funny enough, I lol'd several times while watching your video because you spoke to some of my exact sentiments on things–chief of all, the exasperation of not being able to shoot laser beams from my eyes. Lol I think people would be shocked that LIEs can have a rather rich inner fantasy life–I know I do and always have. I’m very clear on the fact that I have a baby INFP somewhere behind my cybertronic core.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    The bold is eye opening, I had no idea Te was involved in that I just thought that was an Fi-dream of mine. But that makes alot of sense when put that way and yes that's essentially what I am trying to do, make something that works for me that I think will work for others.
    One of the most profound revelations I experienced regarding typology and Jungian functions was when I learned that the unconscious desires of our inferior function achieve actualization via our dominant function, in the sense that, ultimately, all I do with Te as ENTJs is in service of my Fi value system.

    And especially when I was younger, it was really difficult to articulate to some people that though my intense, in your face, hard edged brand of helping (through fixing and optimizing the external world) might oftentimes rub them the wrong way, it was largely because I cared so deeply--the more passionate I was about something, the more confrontational, unapologetic, unyielding and determined I was to make it a reality. It felt extremely validating to reaffirm to myself that I wasn't some cold humanoid cyborg "terminating" people, places and things left and right, but a feeling being to my very core, somewhere in the deep, deeeep, darkest recesses of my unconsciousness. lol

    From a more Jungian perspective, I see the journey towards cognitive wholeness/self-fulfillment for those along the Te/Fi axis like this:

    a.] Immature and disconnected:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), –and I’ll do it–even if I don’t like it (Inferior Fi).
    I like this (dom Fi)–and so I’m going to do it–even if it doesn’t work for everybody (Inferior Te).

    b.] Becoming more woke:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), but do I like it (Inferior Fi)?
    I like this (dom Fi), but does it work for everybody (inferior Te)?

    c.] Mature and whole:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), and I like it, too (Inferior Fi)!
    I like this (dom Fi), and it works for everybody else, too (Inferior Te)!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Funny enough, I lol'd several times while watching your video because you spoke to some of my exact sentiments on things–chief of all, the exasperation of not being able to shoot laser beams from my eyes. Lol I think people would be shocked that LIEs can have a rather rich inner fantasy life–I know I do and always have. I’m very clear on the fact that I have a baby INFP somewhere behind my cybertronic core.

    One of the most profound revelations I experienced regarding typology and Jungian functions was when I learned that the unconscious desires of our inferior function achieve actualization via our dominant function, in the sense that, ultimately, all I do with Te as ENTJs is in service of my Fi value system.
    I always had this feint idea in the back of my head and I've heard another LIE say that their Te is secretly governed by their value system Fi. And yea in my case I guess my Fi dreams are something I want to make useful somehow in the world. Ha, this has really gotten me shaken up a bit lol.

    And especially when I was younger, it was really difficult to articulate to some people that though my intense, in your face, hard edged brand of helping (through fixing and optimizing the external world) might oftentimes rub them the wrong way, it was largely because I cared so deeply--the more passionate I was about something, the more confrontational, unapologetic, unyielding and determined I was to make it a reality.

    I just watched the Into the Spiderverse movie. The main character Miles' dad, I got LIE vibes from right away. The dad sent Miles to a really good boarding school. Miles had a traumatic experience and wanted to come back home for a night, The dad said with a concerned voice " Miles, you should be at school." The mom said "Hun, let him just stay the night." to the dad, and then later when the dad left the mom said "You know he pushes you so hard because he cares about you." That's what I think of when I think of LIEs way of helping.

    It felt extremely validating to reaffirm to myself that I wasn't some cold humanoid cyborg "terminating" people, places and things left and right, but a feeling being to my very core, somewhere in the deep, deeeep, darkest recesses of my unconsciousness. lol
    That makes sense now, I never see this side of the struggle.

    From a more Jungian perspective, I see the journey towards cognitive wholeness/self-fulfillment for those along the Te/Fi axis like this:

    a.] Immature and disconnected:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), –and I’ll do it–even if I don’t like it (Inferior Fi).
    I like this (dom Fi)–and so I’m going to do it–even if it doesn’t work for everybody (Inferior Te).

    b.] Becoming more woke:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), but do I like it (Inferior Fi)?
    I like this (dom Fi), but does it work for everybody (inferior Te)?

    c.] Mature and whole:

    This works for everybody (dom Te), and I like it, too (Inferior Fi)!
    I like this (dom Fi), and it works for everybody else, too (Inferior Te)!
    Yes. I strongly agree. That's exactly how I see it myself and have heard from other people.

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    Hmm... this does not sound very EII like. The content of personal frustration really brings it out or rather framing of the context.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I always had this feint idea in the back of my head and I've heard another LIE say that their Te is secretly governed by their value system Fi. And yea in my case I guess my Fi dreams are something I want to make useful somehow in the world. Ha, this has really gotten me shaken up a bit lol.
    Can you see how that might even extend to your faith? I personally know a few religiously/spiritually devout EIIs and some who are environmental activists and both parties find ways to make their beliefs work for/appeal to everyone else. I'm a huge fan of George R.R Martin (EII), creator of the Song of Ice and Fire series (upon which Game of Thrones is based) and many of the interpretations behind his work center around it carrying a strong anti-war and pro-environment message. He created this ridiculously expansive, deeeeeeeply intricate world, as an imaginative vehicle for successfully imparting his deeply held values. As someone who used to struggle to know exactly what I believed in, his work, in part, gave me a template/framework upon which to orient my own. I know that might sound ridiculous to some but it's the total truth. IMO, that is what the EII contributes to society > his/her values being presented and produced in a way that morally heals/touches/resonates with/teaches the masses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Hmm... this does not sound very EII like. The content of personal frustration really brings it out or rather framing of the context.
    How so? The primary points of his personal frustration clearly signal:

    1.) Se-PoLR > The most animated his face/person ever became during the entire video, was when speaking to his disdain for "tough guy" antics and blatantly aggressive and controlling behavior. EIIs are generally mindful about not intruding on or imposing themselves upon others in a willful manner and don't take kindly to that being done to them. Moreover, several times does he speak to overall boredom (bordering on contempt) for reality and his greatest perceived weakness being a lack of willpower to accomplish his dreams. I mean....

    2.) Fe-ignoring > He talks about hating when cashiers carry out their "customer service"-oriented niceties with the implication being that he finds this to be disingenuous because they don't actually know him and so they most likely don't actually care; that, essentially, they are being fake and authenticity heavy Fi doms are not inclined to yield to externalized ethics if their own emotional state doesn't naturally coincide. Moreover, such a quick impersonal encounter doesn't usually allow for the closing of psychological distances and so I can see how it would be frustrating or seem intrusive to be asked a potentially loaded, highly personal question like "how are you?" (to a deep feeling type who knows what they are feeling at all times, whether nice or nasty) when it is not genuinely meant. FWIW, a lot of Europeans take issue with Americans over the insincere casualness by which they ask that very question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Can you see how that might even extend to your faith? I personally know a few religiously/spiritually devout EIIs and some who are environmental activists and both parties find ways to make their beliefs work for/appeal to everyone else. I'm a huge fan of George R.R Martin (EII), creator of the Song of Ice and Fire series (upon which Game of Thrones is based) and many of the interpretations behind his work center around it carrying a strong anti-war and pro-environment message. He created this ridiculously expansive, deeeeeeeply intricate world, as an imaginative vehicle for successfully imparting his deeply held values. As someone who used to struggle to know exactly what I believed in, his work, in part, gave me a template/framework upon which to orient my own. I know that might sound ridiculous to some but it's the total truth.
    Yea this makes sense. CS Lewis fit Christian themes into his Narnia series.

    IMO, that is what the EII contributes to society > his/her values being presented and produced in a way that morally heals/touches/resonates with/teaches the masses.
    I have heard this before and my Ne struggles with the idea that EII is good for only one thing, but it's pretty profound.

    How so? The primary points of his personal frustration clearly signal:

    1.) Se-PoLR > The most animated his face/person ever became during the entire video, was when speaking to his disdain for "tough guy" antics and blatantly aggressive and controlling behavior. EIIs are generally mindful about not intruding on or imposing themselves upon others in a willful manner and don't take kindly to that being done to them. Moreover, several times does he speak to overall boredom (bordering on contempt) for reality and his greatest perceived weakness being a lack of willpower to accomplish his dreams. I mean....

    2.) Fe-ignoring > He talks about hating when cashiers carry out their "customer service"-oriented niceties with the implication being that he finds this to be disingenuous because they don't actually know him and so they most likely don't actually care; that, essentially, they are being fake and authenticity heavy Fi doms are not inclined to yield to externalized ethics if their own emotional state doesn't naturally coincide. Moreover, such a quick impersonal encounter doesn't usually allow for the closing of psychological distances and so I can see how it would be frustrating or seem intrusive to be asked a potentially loaded, highly personal question like "how are you?" (to a deep feeling type who knows what they are feeling at all times, whether nice or nasty) when it is not genuinely meant.
    Ah makes sense in socionics ways, it's like the cashier is using methods to close the gap between the 2, but does not want to close the gap between the 2, so the Fi is confused and frustrated with the illusion.

    I complained to a friend once about this, and he (ILE) told me he has never heard anyone complain about good customer service, and I told him good customer service is the cashier getting me ringed up as fast as possible lol. That makes me think of Te > Fe.

    FWIW, a lot of Europeans take issue with Americans over the insincere casualness by which they ask that very question.

    Time to move to Europe!

    Anyway thanks again. This stuff is sort of profound to hear. I have never viewed EII in that way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I have heard this before and my Ne struggles with the idea that EII is good for only one thing, but it's pretty profound.
    Of course, you are correct in that EIIs are not only good for one thing, I'm speaking more in an archetypal sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Ah makes sense in socionics ways, it's like the cashier is using methods to close the gap between the 2, but does not want to close the gap between the 2, so the Fi is confused and frustrated with the illusion.
    Well said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I complained to a friend once about this, and he (ILE) told me he has never heard anyone complain about good customer service, and I told him good customer service is the cashier getting me ringed up as fast as possible lol. That makes me think of Te > Fe.
    Yup, and I agree with you on that. I can be chatty, but more so about things "that matter," as pretentious as that sounds. There are times where I've talked to my Uber driver for 30 minutes past the arrival to my destination, but it was about something I found to be beneficial and interesting. I just don't much care for inconsequential "small talk."

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Time to move to Europe!
    For a long time, I'd here visitors to Sweden (one of my home countries) complaining about how extremely rude and unprofessional the sales people were because it seemed like they went out of their way to ignore the patrons--but that's due to the fact that Swedes value privacy and they'd rather let the patrons directly ask for help, instead of mauling them as they enter the door. But now it's become a lot more Americanized (read: fake as f**k), but still rather cold and removed, in comparison.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Anyway thanks again. This stuff is sort of profound to hear. I have never viewed EII in that way.
    No prob.

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    For the last time, questionnaire videos are not for VI (visual identification), they're for PI (psychological identification). Guessing type based on the shape of your face or even your mannerisms isn't nearly as reliable as trying to characterize your motivations and strengths.

    Some observations:

    -emphasis on creativity
    -admires creative people who are "heralded" for their creations and manifested their imagination, and wants to do that
    -wants to make a video game that "garners mass appeal" w/ "experiences that life can't give you"
    -loves escaping reality, "reality to me is boring" (ex: can't fly, ride on the back of a dragon, shoot beams out of your hands)
    -hates the getting to know you process "so do you come here often", wants to get to the important stuff
    -in romantic relations? tries to inspire interest, by being funny, interesting, unusual, fun to be around
    -identifies not only with faith but political worldview, affects his closeness to someone - can't "be all of myself"
    -doesn't like people who try to act tough all the time
    -pranks people
    -dislikes "pointless niceness"
    -likes emotional dramas

    Some significant quotes from your written questionnaire:

    has talked about "business branding, how companies are percieved by consumers and the companies themselves and how their perspectives differ"
    "Being plunged into this world where humans can use elemental powers and fight against each other was just the coolest thing ever"
    "trying to make my imaginations a reality and seeing this as much more futile and impossible as compared to what this man has accomplished"
    "that I am just doomed to only ever doing what I have always done, sit around, dream, and doing nothing"
    "I feel stuck because I am in this job that has nothing to do with my passion or what I want to do in life, I want to get out and attack my dreams but I cannot survive off that and I have bills to pay."
    "I also outgoing people, they energize me, like people who laugh loud and speak confidently."
    "I like people who can be playful and serious, that is a nice transition, too playful and I feel like we have to learn to be serious and too serious I feel like we have to relax."

    I think you're IEI. An Fe ignoring type is not generally going to care about reactions from others as you mentioned in many different forms (garnering mass appeal, branding, pranking, in romantic relationships). You may have problems with certain manifestations of Se but the fictional worlds you describe do have some element of it.

    The fact that your political and religious beliefs affect your relationships is natural to some extent but if anything, it suggests Ti, not Fi. A big part of morality is Ti.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    For the last time, questionnaire videos are not for VI (visual identification), they're for PI (psychological identification). Guessing type based on the shape of your face or even your mannerisms isn't nearly as reliable as trying to characterize your motivations and strengths.
    Look I didn't know any of that so if you think I'm trying to say it is VI I'm not. I thought if you send a video you have to tag it with VI or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post

    Some observations:

    -emphasis on creativity
    -admires creative people who are "heralded" for their creations and manifested their imagination, and wants to do that
    -wants to make a video game that "garners mass appeal" w/ "experiences that life can't give you"
    -loves escaping reality, "reality to me is boring" (ex: can't fly, ride on the back of a dragon, shoot beams out of your hands)
    -hates the getting to know you process "so do you come here often", wants to get to the important stuff
    -in romantic relations? tries to inspire interest, by being funny, interesting, unusual, fun to be around
    -identifies not only with faith but political worldview, affects his closeness to someone - can't "be all of myself"
    -doesn't like people who try to act tough all the time
    -pranks people
    -dislikes "pointless niceness"
    -likes emotional dramas

    Some significant quotes from your written questionnaire:

    has talked about "business branding, how companies are percieved by consumers and the companies themselves and how their perspectives differ"
    "Being plunged into this world where humans can use elemental powers and fight against each other was just the coolest thing ever"
    "trying to make my imaginations a reality and seeing this as much more futile and impossible as compared to what this man has accomplished"
    "that I am just doomed to only ever doing what I have always done, sit around, dream, and doing nothing"
    "I feel stuck because I am in this job that has nothing to do with my passion or what I want to do in life, I want to get out and attack my dreams but I cannot survive off that and I have bills to pay."
    "I also outgoing people, they energize me, like people who laugh loud and speak confidently."
    "I like people who can be playful and serious, that is a nice transition, too playful and I feel like we have to learn to be serious and too serious I feel like we have to relax."

    I think you're IEI. An Fe ignoring type is not generally going to care about reactions from others as you mentioned in many different forms (garnering mass appeal, branding, pranking, in romantic relationships). You may have problems with certain manifestations of Se but the fictional worlds you describe do have some element of it.

    The fact that your political and religious beliefs affect your relationships is natural to some extent but if anything, it suggests Ti, not Fi. A big part of morality is Ti.
    Where is the Ni? And where is the Te PoLR? Where is the Ne ignoring?

    I did mention not liking politeness from other's also, or going along with the politeness. And infantile romance style tries to get reactions out of people.

    FWIW I've seen SEI Fe in full effect and that's not me. I've seen ESE and EIE Fe in full affect, and that's also not me.

    I can also tell you if you think I am Ti activating, I don't see it in myself, the function I hate the most when used against me is Ti, second is Se.
    Like I do't appreciate critical critique from others.

    I found these 2 descriptions of Ni and Ne, since people say sociotype is sketchy.

    1) Ni is responsible for the estimation of the passage of time, the understanding of a course of processes in time, and forecasting;
    2) Ni understand how things change and evolve over time and throughout history;
    3) Ni is acutely aware of events that are occurring outside of the immediate perception of the moment, and sees events as part of a continuous flow;
    4) Ni perceives the inevitability of future events and notices ties to the past.

    1) Ne is responsible for understanding the essence (permanent traits) of a thing, estimating opportunities and possibilities for people and things, and visualising potential outcomes of events;
    2) It is responsible for the sense of interest or boredom;
    3) Ne will speculate as to why an event occurs, but sees the specific event as static and unalterable.

    The bold are the things that I do.

    Here is Fe vs Fi

    Fe - Extraverted Ethics
    Fe is responsible for the perception of an emotional state in an individual and the bodily and linguistic expression of emotions. Fe is able to influence others' emotional condition and to communicate its own, "infecting" others. Fe is used especially in generating and recognizing excitement and enthusiasm.

    Fi - Introverted Ethics
    Fi is responsible for understanding the quality, nature, and proper maintenance of personal relations; makes moral judgments; and aspires to humanism and kindness. Fi has a strong understanding of the social hierarchy and how people feel about each other, their attitudes of like or dislike, enthrallment or disgust, repulsion or attraction, enmity or friendship.

    The bold is what I do the most . The red is what I don't do at all.

    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 04-04-2019 at 09:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Look I didn't know any of that so if you think I'm trying to say it is VI I'm not. I thought if you send a video you have to tag it with VI or something.

    Where is the Ni? And where is the Te PoLR? Where is the Ne ignoring?
    The Ni was being immersed in fictional worlds to escape reality.

    Te simply wasn't present in any obvious way, and you also mentioned how you find reality "boring".

    Ne ignoring can be seen in how you came off as extremely cynical.

    I did mention not liking politeness from other's also, or going along with the politeness. And infantile romance style tries to get reactions out of people.
    Politeness as you described is more like SiFe, so you may be reacting negatively to the Si part.

    I don't agree that "infantiles" try to get reactions out of people. That's a quality of Fe.

    FWIW I've seen SEI Fe in full effect and that's not me. I've seen ESE and EIE Fe in full affect, and that's also not me.

    I can also tell you if you think I am Ti activating, I don't see it in myself, the function I hate the most when used against me is Ti, second is Se.
    Like I do't appreciate critical critique from others.
    It's not clear why that's specifically Ti/Se, or why anyone would be expected to like that. Comparison typing doesn't really work btw, even assuming those people are typed correctly.

    I found these 2 descriptions of Ni and Ne, since people say sociotype is sketchy.

    1) Ni is responsible for the estimation of the passage of time, the understanding of a course of processes in time, and forecasting;
    2) Ni understand how things change and evolve over time and throughout history;
    3) Ni is acutely aware of events that are occurring outside of the immediate perception of the moment, and sees events as part of a continuous flow;
    4) Ni perceives the inevitability of future events and notices ties to the past.

    1) Ne is responsible for understanding the essence (permanent traits) of a thing, estimating opportunities and possibilities for people and things, and visualising potential outcomes of events;
    2) It is responsible for the sense of interest or boredom;
    3) Ne will speculate as to why an event occurs, but sees the specific event as static and unalterable.

    The bold are the things that I do.

    Here is Fe vs Fi

    Fe - Extraverted Ethics
    Fe is responsible for the perception of an emotional state in an individual and the bodily and linguistic expression of emotions. Fe is able to influence others' emotional condition and to communicate its own, "infecting" others. Fe is used especially in generating and recognizing excitement and enthusiasm.

    Fi - Introverted Ethics
    Fi is responsible for understanding the quality, nature, and proper maintenance of personal relations; makes moral judgments; and aspires to humanism and kindness. Fi has a strong understanding of the social hierarchy and how people feel about each other, their attitudes of like or dislike, enthrallment or disgust, repulsion or attraction, enmity or friendship.

    The bold is what I do the most . The red is what I don't do at all.

    This descriptions are not bad but they also aren't complete. An IEI has demonstrative Fi so they will use it quite a bit too.

    They're missing the connection of Ni to the imaginary world (not just "time") and Fe to things other than emotions. Interest/boredom is also Fe, for example.
    Last edited by Exodus; 04-05-2019 at 09:05 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    The Ni was being immersed in fictional worlds to escape reality.

    Te simply wasn't present in any obvious way, and you also mentioned how you find reality "boring".

    Ne ignoring can be seen in how you came off as extremely cynical.

    Politeness as you described is more like SiFe, so you may be reacting negatively to the Si part.

    I don't agree that "infantiles" try to get reactions out of people. That's a quality of Fe.

    It's not clear why that's specifically Ti/Se, or why anyone would be expected to like that. Comparison typing doesn't really work btw, even assuming those people are typed correctly.

    This descriptions are not bad but they also aren't complete. An IEI has demonstrative Fi so they will use it quite a bit too.

    They're missing the connection of Ni to the imaginary world (not just "time") and Fe to things other than emotions. Interest/boredom is also Fe, for example.

    I don't seem convinced though, I have no issues with comfort and I enjoy comfort, I don't seek to exert myself with force or anything, I don't seek Ti when trying to understand something, when learning a topic or trying to understand something I am more of a bullet point person than an indepth analysis person, I seek the the answer more than the process. I don't care for semantics, I don't care for creating or preserving harmony, idk how I'm extremely cynical besides being bored with reality. I don't think reality is doomed and all hope is lost, it is just confining and that makes it boring. And EII uses Ni quite a bit too.

    The way I come up with ideas is by seeing things in my environment and drawing parallels between them, If I come up with a super hero character that uses both fire and ice powers I could easily call him Freezer Burn drawing the association between the 2 elements and an freezer burn making the name look "clever", not some deep subjective vague Ni association coming to the surface that seems to come out of nowhere. I imagine if an Ni user came up with a super hero character that uses fire they would call him Capsaicin or something, trying to capture the core essence of heat. My humor is also connective humor, puns, jokes, wordplay that is usually easily traceable.

    As far as Te seeking over Se seeking. I would much rather have someone help me out with establishing productive routines to get things done than someone forcing me out of my comfort zone or trying to get me out of my head and having more spontaneous experiences or to inspire me into action. Action is not the problem, it's knowing the best and most consistent actions to take. The problem is not what to do, but how to do it. I struggle with keeping a routine of productivity which is what I secretly wish I could do, wake up everyday and follow a schedule that gets things done. Even better, learning how to get the thing done as easy and convenient as possible, stream lining the process. To me convenient and efficient are practically synonyms.

    Idk, I just don't agree with this assesment is all.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I don't seem convinced though, I have no issues with comfort and I enjoy comfort, I don't seek to exert myself with force or anything, I don't seek Ti when trying to understand something, when learning a topic or trying to understand something I am more of a bullet point person than an indepth analysis person, I seek the the answer more than the process. I don't care for semantics, I don't care for creating or preserving harmony, idk how I'm extremely cynical besides being bored with reality. I don't think reality is doomed and all hope is lost, it is just confining and that makes it boring. And EII uses Ni quite a bit too.

    The way I come up with ideas is by seeing things in my environment and drawing parallels between them, If I come up with a super hero character that uses both fire and ice powers I could easily call him Freezer Burn drawing the association between the 2 elements and an freezer burn making the name look "clever", not some deep subjective vague Ni association coming to the surface that seems to come out of nowhere. I imagine if an Ni user came up with a super hero character that uses fire they would call him Capsaicin or something, trying to capture the core essence of heat. My humor is also connective humor, puns, jokes, wordplay that is usually easily traceable.

    As far as Te seeking over Se seeking. I would much rather have someone help me out with establishing productive routines to get things done than someone forcing me out of my comfort zone or trying to get me out of my head and having more spontaneous experiences or to inspire me into action. Action is not the problem, it's knowing the best and most consistent actions to take. The problem is not what to do, but how to do it. I struggle with keeping a routine of productivity which is what I secretly wish I could do, wake up everyday and follow a schedule that gets things done. Even better, learning how to get the thing done as easy and convenient as possible, stream lining the process. To me convenient and efficient are practically synonyms.

    Idk, I just don't agree with this assesment is all.
    Some of those are fair points, but they don't explain the information that was presented in the video. At this point I'm getting the sense that you are more interested in having people confirm your self-typing than anything. So, I'm afraid I must exit the discussion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Some of those are fair points, but they don't explain the information that was presented in the video. At this point I'm getting the sense that you are more interested in having people confirm your self-typing than anything. So, I'm afraid I must exit the discussion.
    Nah what you said seemed confusing so I was putting up more info for you. I was also defending why I think I am EII.

  40. #40
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    Pranks are not cool, man. Not everyone enjoys that shit. Like the electrical pen you mentioned.

    Also, to be perfectly honest, you come across as Fe valuing to me. You express a lot of aversion to force and so on. But you do mention that you enjoy getting a rise out of people, pranking them, etc. and you mentioned you enjoy people who express loud laughter and stuff. It seems to me like you value Fe. Maybe not Se necessarily, but Fe.

    @Lord Pixel
    EII-INFj / INFP / Strong E4 and 9 energy / Melancholic-Phlegmatic / Musical-Intrapersonal-Spatial / Kinky-Sensual

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