Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
Thank you, Beautiful Sky. I am in NO way a "T" though. I wish I was but it's my weakest area.
(96% Introverted; 59% Intuitive*; 76% Feeling*; 71% Prospecting. My Intuition and Feeling have actually come down some over the years. My introversion went way up lol)

I just scanned the info for both the ISTP, ISFP, and INTP. None of them fit. A
esthetics was the word I was searching for earlier. I barely give such a second thought. I could care even less about fashion or trends. As for intellect. I am extremely lacking in every way possible (except writing/speaking and music).

Thank you, Lord Pixel. I am, indeed, Enneagram 9w1. I tritype myself as 945 though no test agrees rofl. They put me at either 925, 964, or 962
While I'm not an intellect, I try to be lol. I'm no good with patterns and symbols. But I love researching questions and following "bread crumbs" (remembering what I learn, however, is another problem entirely :/ ) That's lower on my list of needs. First and foremost are peace, harmony, comfort, entertainment.
Nah ur 2 smiley to be 4, you seem to have 2 because you seem to be in service of others. 962 makes sense actually, you also used to take meds for "anxiety" 6 is the most anxious etype.

Not sure you can be N and not be good with patterns. Are you imaginative?

The last statement you said sounds very Si-Fe and alpha.