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Thread: Te - What is it, how does it work? Need Help understanding static vs. dynamic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VorticalFlow View Post
    I am LII and am still having problms grasping exactly what Te is and how it works. I am not even sure exactly where / how to start asking questions. I have similar problem with Fe.

    My problem is understanding dynamic information elements in general. I don't understand how an element can be dynamic and rational at the same time, don't understand how Te is using logic when things are not clearly defined, black or white definitions.
    The world of things is called dynamic, because it is in constant state of changes. Everything is an evolving situation. The Te is dynamic, because the sitations of actions is always changing to adapt to the new reality. So, you are building a house, Te is refered to as dynamic in this sense, because the building of that house is a changing evolving situation. Te is taking the pieces of information: where to buy the lumber material - well the BEST place is at Home Hardware, because they have 10% of 2x4s; how to get the roof on - well on Monday, thursday, friday the roofing contractors can't make it, so it will have to be on the other days...

    And so on.

    Is Te like attempting to use logic while not paying full attention to things, so bypassing things quickly? How does this work? How does this even "acheive results" and "be efficient" if not all the details are taken into consideration and things are not fully understood for exactly what they are?
    Because you don't really need to understand the principles of things in order to do them, unless that is your job to know the principles, in an effort to do the best version of that job possible. W

    How is Te logic?
    Do this, that results. A=B Its actually cave man logic, not in the sense that it is primitive, but in the sense that its sequentialized thinking through reality in order to achieve an outcome, usually best use of time. Which is why efficiency is associated with Te.

    Very important, how is Te experienced in consciousness? What is the experience of it?
    Simply put: it is the capacity for a human being to experience the *alert, problem solving-mind* The alert problem solving mind is the prominent modality in the current Western Civilization.

    What are the best words for describing it?
    Refer to the wiki.

    How true are my following statements regarding Te and dynamic information elements in general?

    - Te is like having smooth transitions between things.

    Yes, it can be. Si and Ni "flow" gives this different characters.

    But my question here is what are those things in and of themselves?
    Have you ever tried to do something and looked up a youtube video to show you how? That youtube video is a kind of Te, as well as the act of youlooking up the video, is Te in and of itself. You wanted a way to do a thing and in order to do that the fastest way, you went and watched a how to video. Logic of your actions. Need to do a thing + watch a how to video + doing it = getting it done.

    How can you pay attention and not pay attention at the same time?

    Are you referring to the ignoring Ti while still doing Te? Its all about dimensionally. When a IE is 4d dimensional, it means that individual has being preforming that IE since childhood. Do something that long and you don't really need to consciously pay attention to it with some self conscious effort, it means its just effortless.

    With Te, maybe they have done something a thousand times by now and they have the whole process licked, there is no longer any need to deeply understand the underlying principles of how to do said thing, or why to do it, or how this effects that.

    - Te is a lose of boundaries. But again, my question is if things don't have boundaries, then how do they exist/get noticed? How do you know what you're working with? How do you understand things through Te?
    Not sure what you mean.

    - Does Te require a time element to it to be able to wrok?
    Yes. All things in reality require a time element.

    - Te and other dynamic elements are like not payign full attention to things.
    The opposite. Te is fully paying attention to things. Might be, though, that they are on auto pilot. See what I said about childhood onwards. Se is static, because its looking at things as discreet objects, even though they are in flux, it still seems them as separate from each other. Ne is also static, because it is looking at discreet objects of another kind, even though they might be in flux, it still seems them as snap shots. Te is dynamic, because events are moving from one to another, things to do are moving from one to another. First this, then that, type of perception.

    - Te blends things together without understnanding their properties, the things they are built from.
    Very possible this could happen. They might piece together tons of information: specifications, real world applications, methods, ect, science, how I saw my Grandpa do it, how my Daddy done' taught me, how I did it last year, this year..And so on.

    You have to step away from thinking of Te as logical in a debating Socrates sense. It's not intellectual logic, although it can be, IF that is the application the user is doing at the time. Its more simple.

    Thanks for the Help
    No problem.
    Last edited by Finaplex; 03-15-2019 at 01:58 PM.

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