Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
...........Or the only other logical conclusion that you can make is that a Fe person will ALWAYS act in a certain way. But that is refuted by the fact that the human brain is plastic, behavior is malleable, and humans seemingly are capable of making a choice. The real cause of the vast majority of social human behavior is likely rooted in one's cognition. And the innate property of the human brain can't possibly be the cause of something, because you'd need the environment in order to give virtually any kind of expression. So our cognition is likely the result of the brain PLUS the environment.
The brain may be plastic but cognition and ego needs structure - a stable kernel. Observable behaviour may be alterable but information processing structure is more likely not, and most of who we are resides in software below the surface. Brain functioning is irrelevant to Socionics like computer algorithms are to word processing. Information processing certainly does exist so that we can operate in and on the environment; therefore, environment does greatly affect who we become but not so much how we process. I agree that finding causation is difficult; we still don't really know what gravity is but we're not stuck at observing different varieties of apples falling from trees.......

a.k.a. I/O