Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Lol. “Run”. At first, your suggestion of being in a feeling environment scared me silly. However....
@wonderland, we all have some of each of the functions, so we’re not entirely helpless. But as thinking-doms, we just appear much less capable to feeling-doms, like a young kid would appear to an adult.

I once asked an artistically talented 19-year old ESI to look at my guest bedroom and make suggestions on how it could be redecorated to make guests feel more welcome. (I had seen her own bedroom when she was showing me examples of her artwork, and it was the kind of place that just exuded beauty and comfort.) I explained that I wasn’t really capable of designing comfortable spaces, because I don’t have any feelings.
She (a feeling dom) replied that everyone has feelings, but not everyone shows them.
To me, her words seemed to be written in the air in flaming letters. What? I have feelings? To this feeling moron, her statement seemed so wise.
But notice: To her, this was just an offhand remark, expressed with utter confidence, as if she’d spent a lot of time already thinking about it.
Feeling-wise, she was the adult with power and control and I was the child.

However, this was an in-Quadra interaction, where I got automatic support. I’ve been in Alpha-dominated feeling environments, and there, instead of getting automatic support, I was made to feel completely wrong in every way.

So you just have to be aware of what kind of ethical and feeling environment you are in.
And if you need empathy and social grace to get by, you need a feeling-dom at your side as an advisor. Otherwise, you are going to be a monkey trying to work on a jet engine.
I thought Role Fe comes out at this point.