Me, all day:

1.) What is the goal/point/purpose/intent/objective (of/for/behind this thing/action)? OR, the goal/point/purpose/intent/objective (of/for/behind this thing/action) is ___________. If I don't already know FACTS about the thing/action, I retrieve them--which isn't difficult, seeing as how my thirst for information/knowledge is unquenchable. Push comes to shove, I draw my own Ti conclusions.

2.) To what degree does this thing/action objectively work/does what it is supposed to do in the most efficient way possible, depending on the particular context the thing/action operates within; and if it does not work efficiently, what does it require in order to do so? OR, what is prohibiting it from doing so?

For example:

When bagging groceries, the Te (most objectively efficient) way to go about doing so will depend on the a.] type of groceries > height, weight, length, consistency, etc...; b.] type of bag > paper, plastic, or cloth, utilized in whatever way best optimizes its potential for holding the groceries; c.] the method by which the groceries will be transported; and so forth.

As far as I can surmise, Te is dynamic because of all the constantly "moving parts" that determine the degree to which something works/is effective, at any given moment, for any given situation.