Parts from the article and my repsonses:

He lives by external rules or "charter" that he has thought up himself.

Are these "rules he thought up himself" based on black or white principles and is he inforcing them? if that is the case then this is Ti with Se, beta quadra, does not seem like could be Te

He imposes his vision of the correct "order of things" in external situations and is conservative in this vision (his assessment of who should be doing what, etc.). Everything must be in its place; moving anything makes him want to put it back where it belongs.

Seems like LSI and SLE would fit this best

Has a strong notion of "my territory", of "ownership".

seems very Extroverted Sensing

Those who create a mess on his territory irritate him - everyone should know their place. Does not seek to change this status quo.

This seems to be LSI's high Ti, high Se, high Si, and zero Ne

It is as if he lives by that which he creates in the environment with his own hands; any changes made to this are seen as attempts to change his person.

Seems more relevant for static rational elements Ti and Fi, maybe with some Se force to back it up in defense.

Once he has learned a certain rule, he will follow it throughout his life (2x2=4).

Ti with no Ne. even this is a bit too extreme imo

Existing order must remain unchanged; if it is replaced by a new one, for him it is worse by default. Restoring order on his territory is self-affirming for him. He is well versed in the rules, the order of things: if you wish to get something done, he can tell you how you should act, which order or sequence of steps you should undertake, where you should go, what documents you should bring, etc. He knows how to assemble and disassemble anything and is confident in his ability to do so. Can spend hours with a soldering iron and parts, taking apart complex mechanisms. “If in my world there are stable and invariable rules and order, then I can live. If not, then I don't exist.” On his own territory, he acts as the boss and does not tolerate opposition. If his notion of territory is more widely delineated, his control may be extended to anyone who is on it. Their home is their fortress. If you try to explain something to him, sooner or later he will say "I got it" and interrupt you since he doesn't aim to attain an understanding.

so much Ti combined with Se here!

They are interested in facts of objective reality - these are not to be understood, but rather memorized, learned, evaluated, and implemented. For example, if one wishes to assemble and disassemble vacuum cleaner, there is no need to understand but only to remember how to do it, which part goes where. If the facts of his objective view of the world are changed, this irritates him, because he will need time to reevaluate and rebuild.

How does one go about learning anything without understanding what they are learning? Even if you "memorize", you still have something on your mind it is not emptiness, you can still point to something there, and once you do, you have understanding of it, how know its identity whether simple or complex.

His main criteria of activity is objective benefit that can be achieved.

please explain this further....

Living with such a person on his own territory can be done only in accordance to his rules, and sometimes he attempts to extend them to nearby territories,

more Ti with Se

as expansion of borders is viewed as a useful activity from point of view that a person lives by this, meaning that by this expansion he will "exist" in even greater extent. To go elsewhere, to someone else's territory,

ok, THIS is very interesting or at least the fact that it got me possibly closer to understanding Te. in order to not loose existance, Te needs to expand it's bounderies and cover all the ground and last at doing this in order to not die off? Is this what is going on? Maybe similar thing can be said about Fe. to put it differently, everything that gets noticed must be included in the work flow process, and that's they it is a rational element as opposed to an irrational on, because it has aim, a purpose, things are being marked, but the marks are in a process not black or white definitions static in one place, Te needs time in order to exist? activity? dies off if it freezes activity?

and start dictating who is supposed to do what or how something should be done is fairly typical for him. Communicating with such person there is a persistent impression that he is always in the archetype of the boss - he likes to give orders even if he has not been empowered to it: "take this shovel, you will go dig up potatoes".

more Ti and Se

He does not like those who spend their time irrationally and unproductively. He likes to confirm the factual basis of anyone's argument.

So when Te encounters something it can't addon to the dynamic process, it gets frozen and dies off? This sis why can't stand irrationality and unproductivity?