One of my best friends is INFp. We have been friends since middle school. A couple of weeks ago i was drunk and talking socionics with him and an ISTj. The ISTj, of course, couldn't handle the conversation because it just didn't fit and was too out there for him. My INFp friend, however, took the hidden agenda idea very personally, he goes "you're saying i don't understand things! you're saying i don't understand" and i felt bad, because it really wasn't the intention of me to insult him. He has enough troubles as it is in life with girls and so forth(i agree with the shadow thing) having an ISTj in our 'group' doesn't help matters much, either. I suffer socially because the ISTj see's everyone as a potential threat and lives in a selfish and destructive world, whereas the INFp never speaks up and seems to avoid pushiness as much as possible. it is a difficult friendship, only satisfying in the sense that he is the most creatively humorous person that i have ever met. he has so many dreams, but he just can't break through the confidence issues.