Quote Originally Posted by schwiftyrickty View Post
I actually do kinda identify with Fe and that is my problem...Just not sure if it is truly valued.

Took that test, got IEE like I have on every test I've ever taken lol. But I've taken so many tests it's hard to be unbiased.
yes, I understand that feeling very well.

You should focus on what is of practical utility and not obsess about whether you or this or that if it is not immediately obvious. For example, you might find some utility out of determining yourself to be an "NF" type in general, or a Delta NF, or "Ne-Si valuing" etc.

When I used to self-typed as LII, I thought that there was an "extroverted", or perhaps an "agreeable" side to me that might give me reason to think I might not be LII, and I wondered if this was Ne or somehow even Fe, which seemed quite contrary to my typical personality. I cannot objectively say I have now resolved that matter: unfortunately, as @Singu has recently being saying, with Socionics, people will use different, even contrary explanations to explain a behaviour, and attribute distinctly disparate behaviours to the singular explanations, which are not really explanations at all, rather, they are desired conclusions that people work back from to determine premises that are based in circular reasoning.