Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

Mainly I don't see Te creative or Fe polr. I believe he said he likes confrontational people rather quickly, yet took so much time to answer the question about what annoys him, the answer, finally, was people who are too agreeable which is how he describes himself. So people like him can annoy him. Not uncommon.
You brought an interesting point. I don't think that I have Fe Polr, I see it as fairly developed. I'm pretty capable of detecting the general emotional atmosphere in a group dynamic, but I wouldn't necessarily participate in it. I'm also pretty considerate, but I don't prioritize one's needs over mine (sounds immature and selfish, but it's how I am).
Also, I'm not that agreeable and/or laid-back. It might be an impression that aquaintances or strangers have, but the people close to me have always described me as looking rigid, angry, butthurt (not necessarily a reflection of my internal state) and being quite stubborn and wanting to have things flow my way.