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Thread: [VI] Help this confused dude!

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    hm no, I'm Ti-valuing and I can't relate to this, particularly the "monotone" part which is an statement of aesthetic, sensory perception i.e. Si evaluation of his environment - kind of why Si has been described in the past as reaching harmony and homeostasis
    You don't have to relate to it. But the fact is an LSI or LII is more likely to say something like that than an SLI. Order is not the same as homeostasis.

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You don't have to relate to it. But the fact is an LSI or LII is more likely to say something like that than an SLI. Order is not the same as homeostasis.
    Your characterization of Ti has to encompass every person who is Ti-valuing. Else it is bunk.

    He has mentioned "monochromatic" preference in his videos, which no one in this discussion has mentioned being same as order, but it is a perception-based, aesthetic, harmonious evaluation of his preferences that is attributed to Si as an information element within socionics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Your characterization of Ti has to encompass every person who is Ti-valuing. Else it is bunk.
    This is a behavior and not everyone who values Ti has to manifest the same behavior.

    He has mentioned "monochromatic" preference in his videos, which no one in this discussion has mentioned being same as order, but it is a perception-based, aesthetic, harmonious evaluation of his preferences that is attributed to Si as an information element within socionics.
    Organizing clothes is done first and foremost to organize which is a Ti motivation. The fact that it's done based on physical qualities is secondary.

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    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    This is a behavior and not everyone who values Ti has to manifest the same behavior.

    Organizing clothes is done first and foremost to organize which is a Ti motivation. The fact that it's done based on physical qualities is secondary.
    Nobody has stated that "organizing behavior is equal to Si" anywhere within this thread. You came up with that association on your own, then proceeded to counter-argue with yourself. I wasn't talking about organizing behaviors - you have misread - but about inner motivations and traits, which are NOT about specific behaviors, so how about you don't misinterpret what has been said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Nobody has stated that "organizing behavior is equal to Si" anywhere within this thread. You came up with that association on your own, then proceeded to counter-argue with yourself. I wasn't talking about organizing behaviors - you have misread - but about inner motivations and traits, which are NOT about specific behaviors, so how about you don't misinterpret what has been said.
    The motivation was to organize as was stated three times in the quote you posted.

    He could still be SLI however.

  6. #6
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You don't have to relate to it. But the fact is an LSI or LII is more likely to say something like that than an SLI. Order is not the same as homeostasis.
    My LSI mom has absolutely everything in order, a place for everything. She notices when something is out of place too. She can glance around the room and know if someone moved or removed something. I never knew how she did it. Trying to hide something broken around someone like that was not easy.

    I grew up in an overly organized home due to my mom and step dad (military training). She never slipped on keeping it that way, even back before my step dad, when she worked 16 hour days after my bio dad left. Not sure if that is partly due to being an E1 too.

    Unlike Adam's ex wife my mom cannot tolerate boxes or any clutter. Items get put in their proper place right away and boxes broken down and thrown out. She is not lax on keeping her environment in order or trying to enforce it on everyone else. She does not tolerate disorder very well, in thought processes or in her environment. We used to joke about our mom being an "white glove inspector" as kids way before we heard anything about cognitive functions.

    My IEI brother used to stand behind her and mock her movements and sort of silently lip sync what she was saying. We could barely keep from laughing, often we couldn't contain it and did. She would catch him sometimes but since he was her baby she didn't get mad or anything. The only person who didn't find it as amusing was my EII sister. Even she couldn't help but crack a smile when my brother was doing his mocking of our mom. hahah

    I thought OP was saying it was monotonous to do it but he does it anyway, in the part quoted by silke. I am not sure how that quote was meant to support Si typing but maybe she meant monochromatic and associated that with Si for some reason. I only watched two vids so far. I think she probably used VI mostly since visually his expressions would look more like the SLI portraits.

    Based on video, and chatbox, the OP, if he is an Si ego and IP type, could be SEI E9. Maybe what I am seeing is a lot of E9 traits. That seems more likely than SLI according to how he and others (according to him) describe him in the first two videos. He seems a little shy, agreeable, and laid back, while able to enjoy a little trolling of others. I believe he said he has good diplomatic skills. I was listening on laptop but my headphones were connected to desktop so his soft voice was hard to hear on these speakers.

    Mainly I don't see Te creative or Fe polr. I believe he said he likes confrontational people rather quickly, yet took so much time to answer the question about what annoys him, the answer, finally, was people who are too agreeable which is how he describes himself. So people like him can annoy him. Not uncommon.

    I guess I am used to a more rigid or forceful presence in a LSI (not a bad thing) so I could not see that at all. I am not sure about LII.. If I see more of his posts I may change my mind. I don't even type OP. Just kind of musing on his video and what silke and you were saying back and forth.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    lesser possible - other T-I types

    It's interesting to see your results in IR test. also this may help you to understand IR theory and your type.

    keep this interview on your disks. will be interesting for you to look after years
    you may show it to other typers too, later

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Mainly I don't see Te creative or Fe polr. I believe he said he likes confrontational people rather quickly, yet took so much time to answer the question about what annoys him, the answer, finally, was people who are too agreeable which is how he describes himself. So people like him can annoy him. Not uncommon.
    You brought an interesting point. I don't think that I have Fe Polr, I see it as fairly developed. I'm pretty capable of detecting the general emotional atmosphere in a group dynamic, but I wouldn't necessarily participate in it. I'm also pretty considerate, but I don't prioritize one's needs over mine (sounds immature and selfish, but it's how I am).
    Also, I'm not that agreeable and/or laid-back. It might be an impression that aquaintances or strangers have, but the people close to me have always described me as looking rigid, angry, butthurt (not necessarily a reflection of my internal state) and being quite stubborn and wanting to have things flow my way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamouchou View Post
    I don't think that I have Fe Polr, I see it as fairly developed.
    For a novice you should be lesser sure in your opinions about types. Besides the lack of theory understanding, until you'll check your type by IR - you may mistake in any your type's trait.

    You have T type and hence weak and undeveloped Fe, compared to F types. The issues which you noticed before - with the lack of emotional selfcontrol - are almost not possible for F type. The difference between types in how good they use weak functions is not significant and especially should be not noticable for novices like you.

    Seems by emotional reasons you want other type than you got from me. As you show unreasonable negativism, claim and trust to rationalizations weaker than your IQ and rationality level. With the most chance, after a time and geting of more facts you should understand your mistakes or to forget about types and hence had no problems from those mistakes.
    You probably want to improve your weak regions and so may do not want to accept the perception of your real type as it may look as "boring". It's lesser "boring" in lesser accentuated variants, but you keep your type anyway and it's seen in you still. With the needed typing skills.
    You'll not fool IR, - you may reject them and to close eyes on them only, as with regular typing - you'll be geting regular and significant misfiting to their theory. Generally, in case you'll be geting theory misfitings - do not hurry to think about bad theory, try to suppose about the possibility it was incorrectly applied by you.

    Take lesser seriously heresies and surface noobish fantasies you are geting on typology forums. Lesser of emotions in logical region as typing will be useful too for you. Rely on your strong region - it's logics. This will reduce your mistakes. Instead of a mess which you get on Enlgish sites, for a novice is useful to start with Filatova's book from my typing recommendations.

    IR test would help you, if you'd not rejected to use it without rational reasons

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    For a novice you should be lesser sure in your opinions about types. Besides the lack of theory understanding, until you'll check your type by IR - you may mistake in any your type's trait.

    You have T type and hence weak and undeveloped Fe, compared to F types. The issues which you noticed before - with the lack of emotional selfcontrol - are almost not possible for F type. The difference between types in how good they use weak functions is not significant and especially should be not noticable for novices like you.
    Seems by emotional reasons you want other type than you got from me. As you show unreasonable negativism, claim and trust to rationalizations weaker than your IQ and rationality level. With the most chance, after a time and geting of more facts you should understand your mistakes or to forget about types and hence had no problems from those mistakes.
    IR test would help you, if you'd not rejected to use it without rational reasons
    You're overinterpreting my messages. I'm not rejecting anything at all, and I'm in the process of taking that IR test. It's true that I'm showing a skeptic/inquisitory attitude towards several typings here (not only yours, so it's not personal in the slightest), but it's just my default reaction, especially that I'm pretty new and no one here is familiar with me or has seen much about me, and that I'm not aware of the typing accuracy of members here.

    Sure, I'm not denying that I could be misinterpreting stuff and rationalizing it (if you've seen, I don't use statements such as "I don't have Fe polr", but I start such statements with "I don't think.."). I'm actually glad to get such reactions as this one, as it shows some of the reasoning behind such typings.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    An S type. Would you please send me a side profile picture?
    There you go, I apologize for the low quality.
    Last edited by Hamouchou; 03-06-2019 at 01:23 PM.

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