Almost all of the people mentioned in this thread are not EIEs. How did you guys learn Socionics? I'm gonna post some EIEs below and describe some of their patterns.

Some ENFjs have stronger Se, others a weaker one. It varies from subtypes and other factors: temperament, etc. But all of them, or almost all of them, have the same pattern: an aristocratic, noble, arrogant, distant, misterious, sometimes mystic appearance. In some cases their eyes are colder, in other cases, soft and inviting, but they always have a slight feminine, soft energy about them. They look kinda Introverted sometimes, verging towards an IEI look, since their energy is so distant and abstract, but you can still notice the tension and aggression which is absent in IEIs. ENFjs express a big Ego and of someone who is beyond the mundane world. But at the same time, vulnerable. So, it's just an outward look. Deep inside they're sensitive and romantic. It's just an outward false over-projection of strenght (Se), which often translates into arrogance and a noble look. EIEs also tend to have very proportional, beautiful faces. A lot of famous male singers are EIEs. I'll post a few of them. Women of this type are very rare, at least famous ones. Another hypothesis is they are difficult to detect, because they may seem so "play-acting" (The Actor), and look like other types, but my theory is they're just rare.

Mads Mikkesen

Bon Jovi

Bono Vox

Axl Rose

Lord Byron (Poet)

Barack Obama

Matthew McCounaghey

Joaquin Phoenix

Margot Robbie

Billie Ellish


I tried to find female EIEs everywhere: actresses, singers, and only found these 3 clear ones. Maybe EIE females are in other careers, such as humanities, journalism. The few I've met in real life worked in those areas. But as I said, my theory is EIE women is a rare type, in terms of genetic creation in nature. EIE men, for some weird reason, are way more common to find.