
I identify myself as an ENTj-Te. I am having difficulty conversing with and learning from the two instructors in one of my mandatory college courses. I believe the two instructors are ENTp and INTj.

Does anyone have any pointers or advice in better interacting and adapting to these two types for an ENTj? I feel like everything I do, giving a 100% dedication; it is just not equally valued by them.

The course consists of a very reformed, Socratic class layout about epistemology and critical thinking to improve writing skills. The professors argue for the equal value of ethos, logos, and pathos; stating everything is subjective and dynamic. No truths in the world.

The whole class is VERY abstract and 'distant' for me. I don't really know what they want me to do from a behavioral and academic perspective. I thought it may be worth a shot asking Socionics forums. Thanks.