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Thread: I figured out what Ti/Te are

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    Default I figured out what Ti/Te are

    Ever read a guide on the internet looking for what a function does and get this:

    Extraverted thinking (Te): Te organizes and schedules ideas and the environment to ensure the efficient, productive pursuit of objectives. Te seeks logical explanations for actions, events, and conclusions, loo.... blah blah blah

    Or this:
    Extraverted Thinking (Te) is one of your 8 cognitive functions. How you experience it and how useful it is for you depends on how well it is developed and that depends on mostly your age and what your 4 letter personality type is.
    Click here for a simple explanation of cognitive functions
    Extraverted Thinking is one of the 4 judging functions the brain uses to make decisions. The other 3 judging functions are Introverted Thinking, Extraverted Feeling and INtroverted Feeling.
    With Extraverted Thinking, the judging is done based on facts and logic, rather than emotions and values.
    Extraverted Thinkers are able to set aside how they feel about something, so they can separate out the objective facts from their emotions.

    We all experience emotions when making decisions. In fact if you watch your thought process closely enough you will notice that when it's time to decide something, you first have a gut

    Does this honestly mean anything to anyone. It sure as heck didn't for me. But it was really simple.

    The car1 is moving 30 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car2 is moving 35 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car3 is moving 25 miles per hour in the red zone - information

    Cars generally move 30 miles per hour in the red zone - rule

    Te is factual information and Ti is the rules derived from that. The advantage to Te is the accuracy while Ti is condensed and easier to learn. They also seem to work together, you never use information without the rules and vise versa, but you have a preference to one or the other.

    PS - Have you ever read the MBTI function descriptions? It's needlessly wordy as if to draw "connoisseurs" in to "study" the functions, Haha the catch is, no one knows what is going on and everyone's understanding is different.

    One more thing, logical information involves "measurements" and numbers all the time. That's how you tell it apart form other "irrational" or ethical information.

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    Te and Ti compliment each other, but you've got the right idea.

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    yeah with Te every thing comes in as information and gets processed like an algorithm, categorically.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I like it so far. I'd say Ti is more accurate though but Te is more far-reaching (like a capitalist AoE spell or something lol) Ti and Te both have a lot of similarities that over lap and intersect though, that we all kind of ignore because we are all too focused on valuing one or the other. They are both highly logical and dry, and they both deal with facts as opposed to emotion. But the emotionality of Fe is always supporting Ti, and the emotionality of Fi is always supporting Te.

    Te isn't really 'factual information' its more precisely external objective semi-factual information, dynamically in motion. It can change and evolve and its not perfect. Te-egos especially will constantly try new things until they get it right for themselves and one other special person narcissistically with their own dual-seeking drooling of Fi. Ti is the one that is 'factual information' for its own sake. Ti is more stuck, but Te is more heartless. Te works by cracking eggs (the skulls of IEIs and SEIs) to make their omelettes. Te is like a more harsh, less wimpy version of Ne.

    Te is strategy, and Ti is tactics. Te wants to do something new and narcissistic to win, Ti wants to do what it knows is the most likely case to win, Te is obsessed about exploiting that predictability for their own self benefit. ((the main difference between a school (Ti) and a business (Te), right?)) So it often creates systems that are counter-intuitive to sustain themselves. This may make Ti sound too boring and predictable/weaker, but remember it has Fe casting Curaga on it constantly hehe. Fe is propping up Ti making it sound so much more interesting than it really is, so Ti/Fe valuers can sell themselves too.

    I don't really like or value the Te way, personally. My heart doesn't really value some businessman that moves around a lot and ignores the truth (Ti) for their own structuring of half-truths, to make them ownselves happy at the expense of everybody else. (Fi valuing over Fe) But obviously Te/Fi valuers see the world differently.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 02-25-2019 at 07:22 AM.

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    I would also like to add, Te is how the majority "Do it", whereas Ti is how "I" do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by plasmatorpedo1043 View Post
    Ever read a guide on the internet looking for what a function does and get this:

    Extraverted thinking (Te): Te organizes and schedules ideas and the environment to ensure the efficient, productive pursuit of objectives. Te seeks logical explanations for actions, events, and conclusions, loo.... blah blah blah

    Or this:
    Extraverted Thinking (Te) is one of your 8 cognitive functions. How you experience it and how useful it is for you depends on how well it is developed and that depends on mostly your age and what your 4 letter personality type is.
    Click here for a simple explanation of cognitive functions
    Extraverted Thinking is one of the 4 judging functions the brain uses to make decisions. The other 3 judging functions are Introverted Thinking, Extraverted Feeling and INtroverted Feeling.
    With Extraverted Thinking, the judging is done based on facts and logic, rather than emotions and values.
    Extraverted Thinkers are able to set aside how they feel about something, so they can separate out the objective facts from their emotions.

    We all experience emotions when making decisions. In fact if you watch your thought process closely enough you will notice that when it's time to decide something, you first have a gut

    Does this honestly mean anything to anyone. It sure as heck didn't for me. But it was really simple.

    The car1 is moving 30 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car2 is moving 35 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car3 is moving 25 miles per hour in the red zone - information

    Cars generally move 30 miles per hour in the red zone - rule

    Te is factual information and Ti is the rules derived from that. The advantage to Te is the accuracy while Ti is condensed and easier to learn. They also seem to work together, you never use information without the rules and vise versa, but you have a preference to one or the other.

    PS - Have you ever read the MBTI function descriptions? It's needlessly wordy as if to draw "connoisseurs" in to "study" the functions, Haha the catch is, no one knows what is going on and everyone's understanding is different.

    One more thing, logical information involves "measurements" and numbers all the time. That's how you tell it apart form other "irrational" or ethical information.
    I mean yeah, you quoted MBTI definitions. The definition you gave is pretty standard in socionics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    I would also like to add, Te is how the majority "Do it", whereas Ti is how "I" do it.
    That's ridiculous. What, Te users are sheep that can't think for themselves?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    That's ridiculous. What, Te users are sheep that can't think for themselves?
    I think what she said is what it’s like for ethical types basically, or the perception of Te by Fe egos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I like it so far. I'd say Ti is more accurate though but Te is more far-reaching (like a capitalist AoE spell or something lol) Ti and Te both have a lot of similarities that over lap and intersect though, that we all kind of ignore because we are all too focused on valuing one or the other. They are both highly logical and dry, and they both deal with facts as opposed to emotion. But the emotionality of Fe is always supporting Ti, and the emotionality of Fi is always supporting Te.

    Te isn't really 'factual information' its more precisely external objective semi-factual information, dynamically in motion. It can change and evolve and its not perfect. Te-egos especially will constantly try new things until they get it right for themselves and one other special person narcissistically with their own dual-seeking drooling of Fi. Ti is the one that is 'factual information' for its own sake. Ti is more stuck, but Te is more heartless. Te works by cracking eggs (the skulls of IEIs and SEIs) to make their omelettes. Te is like a more harsh, less wimpy version of Ne.

    Te is strategy, and Ti is tactics. Te wants to do something new and narcissistic to win, Ti wants to do what it knows is the most likely case to win, Te is obsessed about exploiting that predictability for their own self benefit. ((the main difference between a school (Ti) and a business (Te), right?)) So it often creates systems that are counter-intuitive to sustain themselves. This may make Ti sound too boring and predictable/weaker, but remember it has Fe casting Curaga on it constantly hehe. Fe is propping up Ti making it sound so much more interesting than it really is, so Ti/Fe valuers can sell themselves too.

    I don't really like or value the Te way, personally. My heart doesn't really value some businessman that moves around a lot and ignores the truth (Ti) for their own structuring of half-truths, to make them ownselves happy at the expense of everybody else. (Fi valuing over Fe) But obviously Te/Fi valuers see the world differently.
    Nailed the point of Te being dynamic and Te egos being dynamic types, and the opposite going for Ti and Ti egos.

    Ti egos are either Casual-Deterministic or Holographic-Panoramic thinkers. These thinking styles are quite static and specific with core focal points being isolated and presented as static pictures often times. On the other hand, dynamic Te egos are either Vortical-Synergetic thinkers or Dialectectical-Algorthmic ones. Their thinking doesn’t primarily work with those isolated states, and so they are much more fluid and vague. Remember that they have strong Ti in their Id block too, so they are unconsciously being calculating af towards their own means (Fi is also unconscious for them).

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    Default I figured out what Ti/Te are

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    That's ridiculous. What, Te users are sheep that can't think for themselves?
    Woah, keep your wig on sis.

    This presents a good opportunity to explain why I always say Te is public opinion, conformity and mob mentality. If you actually read the theory and consolidate the information you would see where I'm coming from. So let's start!

    Here is a very common and simple definition of Te.

    “Extroverted logic as base function is manifested as a need to accumulate factual information, also from external sources such as books, second-hand information, etc, on matters of personal interest or of professional activity. This also gives these types confidence on being well-informed on the same matters, which enables them to enter arguments related to them with confidence on their knowledge, which may come across as arrogance to others. Another manifestation is an evaluation of external reality - work activities, world events, finances, procedures, personal relationships, conversations - from the point of view of factual accuracy and "making sense" and efficiency. It leads to an inclination to be proactive in increasing the efficiency and reasonableness of the external world, as well as a sense of self-worth connected on being involved and productive in activities seen as useful, profitable, or that increase one's knowledge base. To give out information that the individual knows not to be factually accurate is disturbing and avoided as much as possible.”

    Do you see? In the VERY first line this definition has already told you what it’s about! “a need to accumulate factual information, also from external sources such as books, second-hand information” So what does this mean? Well, I’ll tell you. Looking towards “external source” when seeking factual information means someone is looking away from the self and is more interested in what others think. Wikisocion is so generous and even gave us some examples such as “books” and the best of all “SECOND HAND INFORMATION”. This instantly tells you they’re people that seek out raw hard cold factual information from others, they’re interested in looking for information from others as opposed to themselves. So it stands to reason a part of Te users may think “the more people the better”. Ok, let’s move on. A keyword the definition uses is “knowledge”, a Google search will give you two simple definitions.

    1.) facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

    2.) awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation.

    These two definitions explain Te well, and in the full context of the sentence - This also gives these types confidence on being well-informed on the same matters, which enables them to enter arguments related to them with confidence on their knowledge, which may come across as arrogance to others.- In essence, these types enter debates with pure hard facts, they don’t enter debates with reasoning.

    I have to add, facts can be produced in many ways, aside from the typical facts such as the sky being blue and grass being green, they are also produced with public opinion, “9/10 people love it”, “X has Y qualification hence they must be good at their job.” These examples constitute facts because it’s true.
    In order for me to understand the elements, I need to read it in the dominant and seeking position.

    So let’s move onto the seeking position.

    Suggestible by the external order of things, which is often the order that was in place during his upbringing: the political system, social norms. – ESI and EII crave people who understand and can bring forth the norms of society, “the way everyone does it”. These types need this kind of information, not only does it help them understand the world around them, but it also means they’re able to put their Fi to good use and add the figurative “heart” to Te.

    “what is the correct way to fill them out. Feels most comfortable in situations where there is only one interpretation of correct action” – lol this made me giggle. Now, this is going to be a long explanation so follow my train of thought. If there is a “correct” way of doing something, it stands to reason, that is the way everyone does it. Right? Now, EII and ESI desire someone that can bring them this “correct” way of doing things. As a result of that, Te doms are going to be people that are well informed, knowledgeable and have a comprehensive understanding of the “system” whether it’s political, social and best of all CORPORATE. They are the corporate goons of society.

    Knowledge of the facts of the situation often replaces true understanding of the underlying problems. – Doesn’t this sound familiar? Ti ignoring perhaps?
    Does not like those who destroy the norms of behavior, - So now it’s getting even juicer, it’s no longer just about facts, it’s about the way one conducts himself. As we’ve established, Te doms are the corporate goons, they know how to act in an environment where everyone has to think the same way. They can create a common standard of behaviour in any Te valuing group.
    So now we need to bring all of this together. An element that doesn’t care about personal thought, looks second-hand information, understands what the public thinks, has a correct way of doing things and finally the normality of behaviour, what is the ultimate objective? “It leads to an inclination to be proactive in increasing the efficiency and reasonableness of the external world”

    If everyone had their own understanding of things would that be possible?

    I’ll conclude with the final words of a Te valuing type. “You are not paid to think, so quit the thinking because that isn’t what we do here.”

    I hope you can see why I say Te is the function of public opinion and mass majority. If you do anything stated above, and you type yourself as a non te type or vice versa maybe reconsider your typing.

    Last edited by Danali; 02-28-2019 at 10:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    yeah with Te every thing comes in as information and gets processed like an algorithm, categorically.
    So weird see to me this seems like Ti.

    You would have to explain more I'm not getting it.

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    The major difference between LSE and LIE is that LSE can be big time caretakers in a baby sit the people around them. Here have a snack; here leave your stuff here so you don;t need to carry it; I'll do it for you (this is the big one). And so on. I'm like, just give me the Te Dude, I'll cover the rest and actually all the courtesy is distracting me.

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    ^^Because LIE and LSE have different thinking styles.

    In essence they do function by Te program which is effiency related stuff irl. Not particularly about algorithms. I can imagine LSE being a coder more than LIE.
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    Default I figured out what Ti/Te are

    Quote Originally Posted by Finaplex View Post

    The major difference between LSE and LIE is that LSE can be big time caretakers in a baby sit the people around them. Here have a snack; here leave your stuff here so you don;t need to carry it; I'll do it for you (this is the big one). And so on. I'm like, just give me the Te Dude, I'll cover the rest and actually all the courtesy is distracting me.
    Well EIIs are their dual and Si impacts on how their Te is manifested in society, as you alluded to, they tend to take a very caring approach with their Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    Well EIIs are their dual and Si impacts on how their Te is manifested in society, as you alluded to, they tend to take a very caring approach with their Te.
    Personally it really grates on me after a short while.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    yeah with Te every thing comes in as information and gets processed like an algorithm, categorically.
    It is not an algorithmic process I must say. Information is processed yes, but it also gets run across other factors, experiences, and all that like. is very analytic, but the other functions matter too. I do not question the times my tells me to do something, I just do it be damned. Of course, I've learned from experience that defying my most dominant function ends badly for me. Pretty sure that's a lesson all types learn eventually...

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    Te is about objective
    Ti is about links between objective

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    It's a mistake to assign specific interests or outcomes to Te or Ti. It's not what each does that's different but the way that each does it. The way that something is approached cognitively has different strengths and precipitates different behaviour but doesn't necessarily affect goals, focus (interest) or final outcomes.
    This article may relay my concepts of introversion and extroversion:
    But then again, I have a very different understanding of the information elements:

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Ti people like stereotypes

    Te people will then barge in the room saying nono that’s not accurate

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    "Te is factual information and Ti is the rules derived from that"

    This is very close to the essence of what Te and Ti are. Two different ways of gaining knowledge: Te is specific knowledge and Ti is general knowledge.

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    Te is factual information is a good start. Building on that, Te is associative logic, and it allows you to link two or more completely arbitrary actions together. When you confidently associate flicking a light-switch with the lights turning on, you're using Te.

    You have no epistemological grounds to draw that conclusion, because some hidden mechanism might have been responsible for turning on the lights. This is where Ti comes in to play. Ti is formal logic and it's used to provide logical proof for why something happens, which may lead to the conclusion that no such proof is possible. Ti also requires facts as starting input, but these can also be sensory perceptions or abstract concepts.
    Last edited by xerx; 08-15-2019 at 02:52 AM. Reason: punctuation

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Te is factual information is a good start. Building on that, Te is associative logic, and it allows you to link two or more completely arbitrary actions together. When you confidently associate flicking a light-switch with the lights turning on, you're using Te.

    You have no epistemological grounds to draw that conclusion because some hidden mechanism might have been responsible for turning on the lights. This is where Ti comes in to play. Ti is formal logic and it's used to provide logical proof for why something happens, which may lead to the conclusion that no such proof is possible. Ti also requires facts as starting input, but these can also be sensory perceptions or abstract concepts.
    This is why I always say that logistically speaking, Ti serves Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    Te is factual information is a good start. Building on that, Te is associative logic, and it allows you to link two or more completely arbitrary actions together. When you confidently associate flicking a light-switch with the lights turning on, you're using Te.

    You have no epistemological grounds to draw that conclusion, because some hidden mechanism might have been responsible for turning on the lights. This is where Ti comes in to play. Ti is formal logic and it's used to provide logical proof for why something happens, which may lead to the conclusion that no such proof is possible. Ti also requires facts as starting input, but these can also be sensory perceptions or abstract concepts.
    So basically, correlation vs. causation.

    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    You have no epistemological grounds to draw that conclusion, because some hidden mechanism might have been responsible for turning on the lights.
    Of course, if it has been tested, then not only that it might have been the case, but it simply is the case (to the best of our knowledge).

    Ironically, if we only say that there's only correlation but no causation, then that goes even further away from "objectivity", because of course there's no guarantee that the correlation has anything to do with it. The correlation could be completely wrong and completely off the mark.

    This is why I doubt that "Te" has anything to do with true objectivity, but rather it's merely the most socially convenient way of having authority by convincing others of its irrefutability, and hence you can make others do things (so can money, incidentally). Facts are authority.

    There's no doubt that causation is the most objective thing that we have. Unless we don't believe in epistemological grounds where we can make metaphysical claims about reality, and hence we say causation is invalid. Which is basically, Empiricism.

    But the question is, why can't you make metaphysical claims about reality? Why must you say, "Well if I can't see it myself, then it must not be true, or it's not even worth discussing"?

    Some appears to have skepticism towards "logic" or even the fundamental ability to "understand" things. This seems to do nothing but to delve further into mysticism and all sorts of irrationalities. And of course, if you logically make an argument that logic is invalid, then that becomes self-refuting. The reason we use logic is we have nothing better than using logic in order to make arguments. We don't have exactly have magic.
    Last edited by Singu; 08-15-2019 at 12:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Finaplex View Post
    This is why I always say that logistically speaking, Ti serves Te.
    That example would be Te serving Ti.

    Ti serving Te would be using a theory for practical purposes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    That example would be Te serving Ti.

    Ti serving Te would be using a theory for practical purposes.
    Sure, that's what I said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I like it so far. I'd say Ti is more accurate though but Te is more far-reaching (like a capitalist AoE spell or something lol) Ti and Te both have a lot of similarities that over lap and intersect though, that we all kind of ignore because we are all too focused on valuing one or the other. They are both highly logical and dry, and they both deal with facts as opposed to emotion. But the emotionality of Fe is always supporting Ti, and the emotionality of Fi is always supporting Te.

    Te isn't really 'factual information' its more precisely external objective semi-factual information, dynamically in motion. It can change and evolve and its not perfect. Te-egos especially will constantly try new things until they get it right for themselves and one other special person narcissistically with their own dual-seeking drooling of Fi. Ti is the one that is 'factual information' for its own sake. Ti is more stuck, but Te is more heartless. Te works by cracking eggs (the skulls of IEIs and SEIs) to make their omelettes. Te is like a more harsh, less wimpy version of Ne.

    Te is strategy, and Ti is tactics. Te wants to do something new and narcissistic to win, Ti wants to do what it knows is the most likely case to win, Te is obsessed about exploiting that predictability for their own self benefit. ((the main difference between a school (Ti) and a business (Te), right?)) So it often creates systems that are counter-intuitive to sustain themselves. This may make Ti sound too boring and predictable/weaker, but remember it has Fe casting Curaga on it constantly hehe. Fe is propping up Ti making it sound so much more interesting than it really is, so Ti/Fe valuers can sell themselves too.

    I don't really like or value the Te way, personally. My heart doesn't really value some businessman that moves around a lot and ignores the truth (Ti) for their own structuring of half-truths, to make them ownselves happy at the expense of everybody else. (Fi valuing over Fe) But obviously Te/Fi valuers see the world differently.
    Great read. You write really well!

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    Quote Originally Posted by plasmatorpedo1043 View Post
    Ever read a guide on the internet looking for what a function does and get this:

    Extraverted thinking (Te): Te organizes and schedules ideas and the environment to ensure the efficient, productive pursuit of objectives. Te seeks logical explanations for actions, events, and conclusions, loo.... blah blah blah

    Or this:
    Extraverted Thinking (Te) is one of your 8 cognitive functions. How you experience it and how useful it is for you depends on how well it is developed and that depends on mostly your age and what your 4 letter personality type is.
    Click here for a simple explanation of cognitive functions
    Extraverted Thinking is one of the 4 judging functions the brain uses to make decisions. The other 3 judging functions are Introverted Thinking, Extraverted Feeling and INtroverted Feeling.
    With Extraverted Thinking, the judging is done based on facts and logic, rather than emotions and values.
    Extraverted Thinkers are able to set aside how they feel about something, so they can separate out the objective facts from their emotions.

    We all experience emotions when making decisions. In fact if you watch your thought process closely enough you will notice that when it's time to decide something, you first have a gut

    Does this honestly mean anything to anyone. It sure as heck didn't for me. But it was really simple.

    The car1 is moving 30 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car2 is moving 35 miles per hour in the red zone - information
    The car3 is moving 25 miles per hour in the red zone - information

    Cars generally move 30 miles per hour in the red zone - rule

    Te is factual information and Ti is the rules derived from that. The advantage to Te is the accuracy while Ti is condensed and easier to learn. They also seem to work together, you never use information without the rules and vise versa, but you have a preference to one or the other.

    PS - Have you ever read the MBTI function descriptions? It's needlessly wordy as if to draw "connoisseurs" in to "study" the functions, Haha the catch is, no one knows what is going on and everyone's understanding is different.

    One more thing, logical information involves "measurements" and numbers all the time. That's how you tell it apart form other "irrational" or ethical information.
    Uh yeah, no. Not necessarily true in that case either.
    It's not as simplistic as actual vs factual logic and rather MBTI than Socionics.

    Ti: Logic of disciple/principality.
    Te: Logic of action/pragmatism.

    You could elaborate this even more if you wanted to, good luck.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: "The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of freedom."

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