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Thread: The Rise of Trumpism

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    Alonzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    You just answered your own question, it's because those 87 ethnicities reside within different nations. If these 87 ethnicities were within the same nation then it would be significantly more problematic. I don't see how this even remotely compares to diffferent ethnicities residing within the same nation.
    Wrong. And I’m going to be generous and just list the major European ethnic groups within various European countries.

    UK (according to the 2011 census): English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish, Irish, British (including the Cornish)
    Belgium: Flemish, Walloon
    Spain: Andalusian, Aragonese, Asturian, Balearic, Basque, Canary Islanders, Galicians, Leonese, Valencian, Cantabrian, Castilian, Catalonian, Extremaduran
    Switzerland: German-Swiss, French-Swiss, Italian Swiss, Romanch
    France: Alemannic Germans, Arpitan, Basques, Bretons, Catalans, Corsicans, Flemings, Occitans.

    That list is by no means exhaustive, but I just wanted to prove three points, that 1.) unsurprisingly, you don’t know what you are talking about; 2.) that you were disingenuously speaking in coded language meant to single out non-ethnic European people as somehow being incapable of integrating with ethnic Europeans without significant strife; 3.) that “social policies” rooted in unifying people through economic incentives, shared values, and laws that codify inalienable human rights can indeed bring peoples together. Don’t believe me? Take a gander:

    The thing is this: reasonable people understand that it can take time (with a few bumps and bruises along the way) for different cultures to acclimate to each other and that's ok. Humans are tribal, narcissistic and stubborn--we need time, hell, even when we look alike, speak the same language and come from a similar place (look at early Irish immigrants in the US). Some of you seem to be incapable of understanding that ALL cultures change and evolve over time and that's both normal and ok.

    But you know what doesn't help the integration process along? Hatred and fear mongering.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    If Africans or anyone else entering into Europe that is not an actual refugee that wants to migrate to Europe due to poor economic conditions then they this should be done through a proper immigration process. Prioritization should be given to families as opposed to young men, immigrants willing to integrate into Europe, those with careers or jobs that will benefit the economy in some form. Those that do not meet these requirements should not enter Europe, it's pretty simple. Other countries like the US and Canada follow this simple system of immigration to an extent, yet Europe ignores these basic immigration rules and just let in anyone in posing as a refugee when they're not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    The EU is single handedly ruining Europe with their abysmal immigration laws that don't screen anyone and just let them in because they want to come there and are masquerading as refugees. The fact that the EU enforces these laws upon all members of the EU rather than allowing EU nations to choose immigration laws that they believe will benefit them is autocratic and prohibitive of the power of nations to govern themselves independently. This is ignoring all the other economic issues the EU has brought upon the majority of nations with the introduction of the Euro and many other reasons on why the EU dictatorship is single handedly destroying Europe.
    I just find it utterly jarring that Christian Europeans conquer, dominate, colonize, crusade, enslave, destroy, pillage, and plunder virtually unimpeded for centuries upon centuries but when (according to some) "the chickens finally come home to roost," somehow Europe's shady, inhumane past vanishes into thin air and they suddenly become victims on the verge of being besieged by barbarian hordes. The unmitigated gall is astounding. To some, this is nothing but karma and I must say, you aren't taking it very well. And make no mistake, arguably, the Islamic Turks, Arabs, Persians, etc... are also getting their fair share of universal "karma." Maybe one day people will learn that regardless of our differences, we're similarly shit at the core and we should try to overcome that together.

    Having said that, I don't believe in unfettered immigration, especially along the lines of what we've recently seen. I think that there must be a healthy respect for the fact that 1.) resources have limitations, 2.) most people need gradual change and time to adjust to "difference," and 3.) with that "difference" comes some potential culture clashes and problems that must be addressed honestly and responsibly. But then again, the migrant crisis is a crisis, and does not reflect normal trends. Sweden is particularly burdened because other countries don't pull their weight, whether from of a lack of desire (Denmark), an inability to handle the load (Serbia and Croatia) or both (Poland)--although Poles don't mind "burdening" other EU nations with their own people, including mine.

    Lastly, I believe that most of the current influx of immigrants should go back to their countries once there is greater stability in their lands and that moreover, they actually do want that for themselves. But when people are in dire need, I believe that humanity owes it to ourselves to help, especially when a certain group of humans has literally benefitted off the backs of those now knocking down their doors. It's quite simple really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    @Cybernetic is trying to tell you that you should be less hostile and less emotional when it comes to political debates. You have demonstrated on numerous cases that you are perfectly capable of being logical and rational so why you decide to add in hostility and emotion when it's not required is befuddling.
    What’s befuddling to me is how we are on a personality typing forum and you can’t read under my avatar, at the very least, and see that I’m an enneagram 8w7. Lol And an ENTJ who had his primitive ass Fi values stepped on, which is never pretty. But I came back to the discussion because I’m just too petty to let you get away with being wrong.
    Last edited by Alonzo; 04-05-2019 at 01:04 PM.

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