Quote Originally Posted by Cybernetic View Post
@Alonzo, the funny thing is that I actually would have gotten behind what you were saying in your initial post, if you weren't telling people that they would have been better off dying in the womb. How can you expect to have an intelligent debate, or have others be sympathetic to your views, or maybe even see things from your point of view, if you're just telling people to go die or that they should be dead?

Just how I see things.
I see it like this: considering what passes for "acceptable" on this site, and on this thread even, I didn't think I was "crossing the line" by wishing death on mothers in utero (of vile bigots) or telling you to sip on some bleach. My rationale is that if it's OK for MFers to sublimate the extreme violence and terror of someone like Adolph ****** by using his likeness in an avatar, and the MFer in question still be a contributing member, then my words should mean nothing, in comparison. Therefore, I can't feel too bad.

Do I actually want you to die? No...that is, not if you don't want me to die--I'm very tit for tat, that way.

What you have to understand is that certain points of view are violent in their intentions; I'm sure you can understand that. If you had to walk through a group of men yelling misogynistic slurs at you, even if they didn't physically assault you, I'm sure you'd feel threatened. Being on a site that allows certain types of people to flaunt their marginality is off-putting, but I'm a big boy who can fight unbelievably dirty, if necessary. I just believe that if you don't censor them, I shouldn't be censored either.

Quote Originally Posted by prowthin View Post
Shooting up a virtual school is unrealistic but I appreciate you oversimplifying my venting from another thread with a pop culture reference like the epic liberal you are. I was hoping to play with you some more but if you're going to give up just like that then so be it.
The fact that you walk around with perpetual rigor mortis of the face is nothing to bandy about, but I guess your esteem needs the boost, so have at it! And we're done "playing" because I can't seriously debate someone who can't even afford to pay for the paper that cleans (or doesn't) his narrow, non-existent ass. Don't be subject to mandatory curfews and the potentiality to lose internet privileges and then perhaps we can talk.

Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ave View Post
Patronizing, why? It wasn't patronizing, intepret it how you want though. If telling someone to chill out, when they frankly need to is "patronizing", then grow up, son.


Have you ever watched the movie Twelve Angry Men? It's fiction but goes to show, I think quite well, how one person using reason, and using it well, can win over other people even when outnumbered.
1.) Again, AFIK, you don't have a history of people patronizingly telling you to "calm down" about very real (AGAIN, empirically proven) existential threats facing your communities, that we are overreacting to being disproportionately targeted for abuse, incarcerated, shot down, etc.... And this is why, AGAIN, I don't believe you are the right one to be telling ME to calm down OR defining what I find to be patronizing. My point is that it's a privilege to not be reactionary regarding certain things. I would be a fucking tool if, when a woman was telling me that she feels uncomfortable walking by a gang of men sneering/gesturing at her and so she dawns her rape whistle, due to her increased likelihood of being sexually victimized by virtue of her sex, I told her to "calm down."

2.) AGAIN, for the seats in the back, I'm MORE than capable of proving my points and articulating my views in a way that "wins over" others--I do that shit in my sleep but that's not what set me off. It was being told to "chill out" which I perceived as open hostility. And especially when her comment was being cosigned by far more problematic pieces of shit. Is it possible I overreacted? Of course. I just don't believe my overreaction demands what I think YOUR overreaction is considering the full context of the situation.

Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
rofl how did a sensitive little girl like you survive this long on the internet?
Cave Bitch, I'm not "sensitive" in that way; I can more than handle MFers coming foul out of their mouths so long as it's OK for me to do the same. But we have the selective outrage police trying to single me out for "crossing the line" when, arguably, you having that shitty avatar is a most egregious "line cross," considering the millions of lives he took. How that compares to me offering somebody a bleach cocktail, I'll never know.