Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
See, that's the dreaded "P" word right there, in action > Privilege. It's more of a luxury for you to not get all "fanatical" about those you think are wrong. But for people whose lives are actually affected (and have been for centuries) by those who act/vote/demagogue based on the idiot beliefs expressed in this thread, especially considering the toxic political climate, there is a more urgent "call to arms" type of reactivity that should not be trivialized or chastized. That's why I found it to be extremely patronizing to be told to "calm down" as if I had been unreasonable up to that point, and I had not been. I had given a rational reason for my inquiries/opinions to the poster I was addressing.

1.) Funny you point out MY reactivity, but not the evident reactivity of the person telling me to "calm down" and take a chill pill based off of my comments. Was he/she/it/whatevertherfuckitis nobly "attacking" my argument and not my person? Furthermore, how are you the arbiter of what is "excessive?" It seems to me you were perfectly fine with someone trivializing my concerns (rooted in some of my in-groups' empirically proven, historically disproportionate, negative outcomes when it comes to the demonization of the other) and more immediately concerned about her/it's well being...when that person was obviously neglecting to consider MY wellbeing. Fuck outta here.

2.) So, in light of the reactivity of the poster telling me to chill out, I reacted as I saw fit. I don't take kindly to having my perspective patronized, especially within the confines of a thread where I'm outnumbered by skull fucked bigoted peons. Again, it's understandable for YOU to choose to normalize that kind of behavior and tolerate it, but I'm not you and as far as I know, we don't share the same experiences.

3.) DId you not see the anti-semitic comments? Comments by some POS with ****** in his avatar? Did you see baby Columbine talking about low IQ "Mestizos, Africans, Arabs" ruining the country? This is why your "intervention" pissed me off. I'm attacked for saying admittedly problematic things but you conveniently skipped by everything else.
You're right, I kinda skipped through this thread after reading @Raver's post. I know some users on here have some very fucked up racist, racialist, anti-semitic views, I don't really bother reading their content too much, anyways. I agree that such views are dangerous, if they ever gain legitimacy in the eyes of the pubic (not the case as of now) and/or get political power (this is happening in some parts of the West to an extent).

Patronizing, why? It wasn't patronizing, intepret it how you want though. If telling someone to chill out, when they frankly need to is "patronizing", then grow up, son.

Have you ever watched the movie Twelve Angry Men? It's fiction but goes to show, I think quite well, how one person using reason, and using it well, can win over other people even when outnumbered.

In any case, I agree that racilaist views like those expressed by some in this thread are a problem, but I don't see throwing tantrums as the solution. This is what bothers me, that it only worsens the toxic politcal climate you mention.