Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
I agree with everything @Raver said. The closer you get to colleges in my area, the more liberals you’ll run in to.I would suggest watching the documentary Death of a Nation for another perspective in this.
Exactly, the mainstream media and colleges are predominately Liberal with a few exceptions. Judging by the trailer, the movie looks highly entertaining and worth watching even though it should be taken with a grain of salt:

Quote Originally Posted by bgoo View Post
1% Metacritic
83% liked this movie Google users

^that is pretty amazing lol. i've vaguely heard about him getting shat upon by "the left" for this movie but didn't know it was that huge of a disparity. def gunna watch it now .
Lol, 0% on RT and 89% from the RT audience:


Critics usually critique a movie's cinematic value and plot, but they tend to not critique entertainment and/or factual accuracy. So I tend to trust the audience's input far more than the critics if I want to watch an entertaining and/or informative movie.