Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
Trump has been in office quite a while, but still, I think I know the explanation for the rise of Trumpism: the dumbing down of American universities. Since everyone and their dog now gets a university degree "to survive in the economy," universities have nothing to do with the development of intellect any more. So now there are very few smart people, and evil smart people like Trump (let's just call a spade a spade, OK?) lead around all the stupid people into doing their biddings. Evil thriving when everyone becomes stupid seems like a good explanation for Nazi Germany too, but doesn't mean we have to compare Trump's government to ****** to validate criticism of it. Isn't the fact that he pretty much looks and acts like a Disney villain enough to really, seriously criticize him on?
I should add that the majority of Western universities tend to promote the opposite of Trumpism in regards to the fact that universities are notorious for having a strong Liberal bias from most of the professors and their students tend to adopt those views readily due to high malleability. So Trumpism actually has little to do with universities aside from an indirect involvement by being against the mainstream thought of academia. On top of that the majority of American media nowadays tends to have a very strong liberal bias in regards to CNN and other major media outlets as well if you ignore Fox News. So the issue is almost the opposite of what you frame it as in that there's a big narrative being pushed towards heavy liberalism from universities and media nowadays. So Trumpism is merely the push back or counter force to that because it publicly goes against it.

I'm not saying that Trumpism or any other form of it is inherently good or bad, but it exists as one of the more popular means to counter universities and the media's main narrative. Trump was smart enough to realize there was a huge voting base that was nationalist that was not voiced by any Republican candidate or Democratic candidates so he grabbed the majority of this voting base that lacked a voice and gave it one in the American mainstream. That's why a lot of Democrats ended up voting for Trump, it was their way of rebelling against the media's strong narrative to get Clinton as president. Anyways, I'm not saying that you have to be pro-Trumpism or become alt-right, but I know judging by your general views coeruleum that you have the propensity to at least see eye to eye on some right wing issues that counter some left wing ideas that are very harmful.

That's what Trumpism really is in the end, it's a way for Americans and even other nationalities that are dissatisfied with mainstream politics to latch on to something big enough with enough momentum to fight the mainstream narrative because at the moment there isn't much else that is willing to go against it. It's the mainstream narrative of extreme liberal views that is heavily backed by corporations via mass media and government via academia. You don't need to join Trumpism or become alt-right to be against the mainstream narrative. You just need to recognize which of these views that are continuously shoved down our throats constantly are harmful and which ones are benign. The mainstream narrative is what I mentioned earlier of globalism, neo-marxism and post-modernism. In theory these ideas may sound appealing, but in practice is a different story and they can be incredibly harmful.

If you recognized it then I think you are perfectly capable of becoming more sympathetic to Trumpism or even the alt-right without having to join them or even agreeing with most of their views. My views are generally far more left than people that generally support Trump or occupy the alt-right, but I can still see eye to eye with them on the issues that matter most because they are one of the few groups willing to fight the mainstream narrative that is constantly shoved down our throats via mass media and academia. So essentially I know you are aware that there is an oligarchy or economic elite yielding their sphere of influence, but you haven't identified their main weapon yet against the masses. When you do is when things will start to click for you and you'll be able to identify the problems that plague modern society and the solutions required more easily.