Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
Trump has been in office quite a while, but still, I think I know the explanation for the rise of Trumpism: the dumbing down of American universities. Since everyone and their dog now gets a university degree "to survive in the economy," universities have nothing to do with the development of intellect any more. So now there are very few smart people, and evil smart people like Trump (let's just call a spade a spade, OK?) lead around all the stupid people into doing their biddings. Evil thriving when everyone becomes stupid seems like a good explanation for Nazi Germany too, but doesn't mean we have to compare Trump's government to ****** to validate criticism of it. Isn't the fact that he pretty much looks and acts like a Disney villain enough to really, seriously criticize him on?
I don't know about the trends of what universities generally focus on, but it's certainly not true that there is a lower amount of interest in intellectual fields from average people (in first world countries, since most third world countries didn't have any interest to begin with). If you look up VSauce videos, historical breakdowns, philosophical audiobooks, etc. on YouTube a lot of this stuff amasses millions and millions of views. Average people now are a lot more aware of intellectual fields than they were 50 years ago and this is more dependent on accessibility to material rather than universities educating people. Being a "nerd" is normal now even for teenagers who have no clue what university they'll go to yet.
Yes, it is true that average people are getting stupider in first world countries since lower IQ people (Mestizos, Arabs, Africans, etc.) have rapidly increasing numbers, but the vast majority vote for leftist candidates, so the dumbing down of society actually hurts right-leaning politicians. Yes, evil will thrive once the low IQ demographics expand their ghettos of violence and ginormous impulsivity to the point where Western civilization just gets chucked off a cliff. But this will not be seen in the form of authoritarianism, but rather of the anarchy you see in their ethnic homelands whose cultures they are still loyal towards.
I think that your pop culture reference really dragged down the intellectual level of your writing at the end. It's funny how you complain about people not being intellectual enough when you compare Trump to...a Disney villain. It really sets you on the same level as those fat ugly people marching with Darth Vader and Voldemort signs. Trying to compare America now to Germany then with such a simple, ignorant generalization makes it even worse. If you complain about lack of intellectualism in the world and don't even try to be intellectual yourself, then it must not actually matter to you that much and I have a hunch that you are just writing this to reverberate some article you read online.