Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
I just find it utterly jarring that Christian Europeans conquer, dominate, colonize, crusade, enslave, destroy, pillage, and plunder virtually unimpeded for centuries upon centuries but when (according to some) "the chickens finally come home to roost," somehow Europe's shady, inhumane past vanishes into thin air and they suddenly become victims on the verge of being besieged by barbarian hordes. The unmitigated gall is astounding. To some, this is nothing but karma and I must say, you aren't taking it very well. And make no mistake, arguably, the Islamic Turks, Arabs, Persians, etc... are also getting their fair share of universal "karma." Maybe one day people will learn that regardless of our differences, we're similarly shit at the core and we should try to overcome that together.
And we still are enslaving and exploiting the third world today, only difference from the pre-WW1 age from today is that do it by propping up corrupt puppet regimes instead of sending in own our troops. The west wants the third world to stay poor so we can continue having excess to their cheap labor and resources, without our whole economy would utterly collapse.

The strategy amongst marxist today centers around assisting the third world to overthrow their puppet regimes and obtain sovereignty, which in turn would cause an economic crisis in the west and thus set the stage for revolution within the first world itself. If you've been paying attention to at China then you also know that they investing heavily into developing Africa, and there is a very good reason for that. It's time for and capitalism and western imperialism to come to end.