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Thread: The Rise of Trumpism

  1. #161
    Alonzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    there are 2 classes: rich (who own means for labor) and poor (all the rest)
    that "america" is just a crazy capitalistic camp for peoples' torture to keep the control above them by rich class

    there is nothing else significant to "realize" in current politics. this situation exists for centuries of post-feudalism era. any socium where people are devided by anything, where they are not equal (by money or other) - is antihumanistic torture system. it allows to survive, but not to live. majority is kept below human's possibilities and suffers physically and emotionally. it's unnatural system where only technology develops and quantity of people rises. the quality of life is shit for all. including for the minority of higher class. all this appeared in agriculture age long ago and then progressed

    you discuss politics on levels which mean nothing as will change nothing
    to make the life better needs system's change, and also peoples change to accept that new system. the rest is illusions by which people are manipulated, misleaded. who cares how much money you'll have and what laws there will be if your life will be the same in essence and you'll feel almost the same despite those changes may to be

    Try to think about socium from higher and more general levels than you are indoctrinated to see it. Look what happened during the last thousands of years with people. The live by the same life, despite laws and technologies. They live rather badly. Do not even think it can be to feel better in the life or relations between people mb other than war and competing, supression and dominating, with the suffering for all sides.
    Is this you trying to flex your intuition of time? lol Cute, but you said nothing I don't already know and only added background to my point > that I wished more people, especially the most vulnerable, realized that class (as a system) matters, in that it has always mattered, way more than petty insubstantial dividers like race and ethnicity, and especially within an American text, which is what this thread is devoted to. But because a vast majority of the electorate is STUPID, and/or IGNORANT, they don't see how they are nothing but pawns in an economic system that (especially at present) works against their interests, pitting rich against poor.

    Having said that, the type of communism that bred you is most certainly not the answer--it's overly simplistic to assume that one extreme demands another. I grew up in Sweden, one of the wealthiest countries on the planet with one of the highest standards of living--I support an economic model more akin to the "Nordic" one, which combines tenets from both socialism and capitalism: its emphasis is on maximizing labor force participation, promoting gender equality, egalitarianism and income redistribution. The most vulnerable in a society must be safeguarded and protected while still allowing for everyone to profit from their individual innovative and creative merits. When people are being paid livable and competitive wages regardless of gender/ethnicity, when parents can have paid maternal/paternal leave and free or affordable childcare, when people can have paid vacations to actually enjoy their lives, when they can be comfortable that should they ever become unemployed, they won't starve to death and become homeless, an equal work/life balance will be more attainable. IMO, the point should be to work to live and not live to work. I just think that capitalism works best when the end goal is not rooted in greed for a select few but betterment for everybody--that way, it stays more humane.
    Last edited by Alonzo; 06-02-2019 at 11:20 PM.

  2. #162
    Moderator xerx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    They cut off their nose to spite their face by routinely voting for politicians and a political party (Republicans way, WAY more so than Democrats--we can't equivocate on this) that do not have their best economic interests in mind but pander to them with culture/identity politics by way of scapegoating those who don't deserve it (minorities of all stripe). It just blows my mind that poorer, "Middle American" red states are routinely subsidized and funded by rich, coastal blue states and yet they vote utterly corrupted, cynical, diabolical politicians (*ahem* Mitch McConnell *ahem*) into power that seek to systematically decrease the tremendous amounts of aid they receive while somehow enriching the pockets of the elite. How does somebody with rotten teeth and who is up to their neck in medical debt go to a voting booth and cast a vote for Mitch McConnell. HOW? Makes no sense unless they're a dullard plebeian.

    Yeah, Mitch Mcconnell is basically a scam artist at this point.

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