My boyfriend is an ESTP who suffered from depression in the past, he has previous trauma because couple of his friends died in a car accident when he was younger, and later on, one committed suicide.. he also suffers from insomnia.
We met and I started fixing these things, he became happy and I made a schedule that helped with his insomnia (he used to sleep couple of hours every 3-4 days before we met), I helped him sleep daily for few hours..
The problem was that when I get mad at him I say bad things, I'm an INTJ and most of the things I say has harsh truth on them. I know myself and I used to ask him for time to cool off, but he was so drunk with my love; he always said he can handle it, it's impossible for him to get mad at me, and all these things are going to be fixed when we get married.
His family are control freaks, they didn't allow him to see me in the past month. That caused me to keep saying the harsh stuff I say; things like, "Your family controls you.." or "you're a talker and I never see actions..".
After a while we had a stupid fight, it was misunderstanding, he kept apologizing and in the end he said he's not going to humiliate himself anymore.
We solved that problem, and we became cool again. But couple of days later, another friend of him died in a car accident. He didn't tell me. We weren't seeing or talking with eachother because of his family, we only texted for about an hour a day. I noticed his mood is off a week later and he explained his friend died, and that his insomnia is back (I thought it's back because I was away)
Couple of days after, he said since that fight we had, he doesn't feel he respects himself with me anymore. He doesn't love me anymore, and he's not happy in this relationship. And there's nothing and no one can change his mind.
I don't believe you can stop loving someone this fast, the night before this he was talking about our wedding.
I'm not sure of anything but the fact that he's depressed.
I don't know what to do to him, I'm sure he's the one, and I'm the only person he ever loved. Please ESTP's tell me what you think.