Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
While I love physics, I suck at it. It's my inability to do addition right. I feel like Beethoven, who did all multiplication by adding. I do all addition by multiplication. At least mine makes sense. Now when I code, however, yes, I do take the long route.

Oh and I bungle the math too often. Way, WAY too often.
It's not that the math is 'too hard.' What I've concluded is that the math is almost all by rote (a description of something 'MBTI sensing' and then the math just 'tacked on'), so I'm either going to have to deal with that or get out of it...

I also think INTp and INTj are the exact opposite at physics: for INTps, they are studying math simply as a tool to learn the physics. I see physics almost as applied mathematics, and so I'm studying physics simply as an interesting way to learn math - I cannot possibly look at math as a tool...