I don't even know why people still use Filatova photos to type other's with. Even Filatova didn't use VI according to that link.

It should be noted that Ekaterina Filatova did not use visual identification ("V.I.") to diagnose types. She relied on questionnaires and interviews to establish socionics types and later began to notice similarities between people of the same type, which she tried to capture in her type photo albums.

Perhaps video would capture whatever "mimicry" that is supposed to be portray but honestly it doesn't look like anything to me. I look like my mom. I have been told I use some of her expressions. A couple weeks ago I showed a recent pic that I took for my sisters (over the holiday) to someone since I was wondering if I now VI LSI. My sisters told me, in unison, I look so much like our mom. Both my sisters look similar to me btw. The ESE a bit more since the EII is darker hair, olive skin. Anyway, when I shared the pic with an extroverted sensor they told me my eyes were too glazed over to look LSI.

I was looking at my whole face and missing the details My family copies each others facial expressions and we look similar so trying to type any of them by a static photo comparison from that link would be impossible for me. I notice over all vibe, irl, and it is easier to see similar features in people than micro expressions (K4M does that I think) or whatever people use to type by these photos. Maybe if someone were to use a stylus and mark the areas that match I might finally get it.