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Thread: Masculinization of woman

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  1. #1
    "Xiong Mao"
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    My thought process is as follows. Say, for instance, there was a "formula" for writing a best selling novel that, if followed, would always result in a best seller. If, If, that existed, the person in possession of it would be the richest person in the world if they became a dedicated author. The fucker would probably surpass Shakespeare in notoriety if they got to write enough novels just so long as that formula died with them.

    Now say there was an instruction manual of a similar type on how to handle boobs (i.e. if handled this particular way all women would be pleased and like you). If that existed, you'd be able to get pretty much any woman you wanted to fall in love with you. You would, given the above examples, need a base level of abstract thinking and cognition to recognize the value of these manuals. Hence the IQ requirement. It's so damn low that a screeching angry monkey probably meets it though because gosh darn would you have to be dumb as a rock to not see how valuable these manuals are. Though for the "best-seller" one it'd probably be IQ 100 to actually use it. You have to be pretty smart to write a darn good novel after all, even with a formula guiding your keystrokes. Could probably sell it to an author for a hefty cut of future sales revenue though, that doesn't take much gray matter to think up .
    Here's the problem with that logic, the algorithm for best sellers already exists:
    I don't see an overabundance of people wanting to write best selling novels, though. In other words, a lot more than a manual is needed to be a published author, and just like that, you'd need a lot more than boob handling to attract women.

    As for masculine women... Idk gender expectations are subjective to begin with, but I wouldn't base my understanding of hedgehog anatomy from a Sonic game so why base this on an Austin Powers movie?

    (Also, please don't take dating advice from the men on 16t)

    Edit: Not sure if the post sounds harsh, but it's not meant to be.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pano Lou View Post
    Here's the problem with that logic, the algorithm for best sellers already exists:
    I don't see an overabundance of people wanting to write best selling novels
    I already answered that concern. You may poses the manual yeah, but can you identify it as such? Do you have the metaphorical grey matter to grasp its immense yet abstract value? I mean, countless fools here in my own country haven't the slightest clue as to why they might not want to just throw a quarter dating before 1964 that lacks that distinct copper band in its midsection when viewed at a certain angle into a vending machine. Tell me why without resorting to a series of google searches and I will have to revise my opinion of the average human upwards.

    Then there's the question of time and effort. The r-selected cannot even comprehend of the concept of short term losses for long term gain. Rabbits have yet to build an interconnected network of burrows that could both safeguard their young and provide a potential advantage in forthcoming assaults upon the wolves that plague them. Thus they remain prey, for even if one of them grasps the true strengths of their people and suggests a way to solve all their problems, do they actually care to listen? Again, ye may have the fabled formula, but does the person who holds it within their greedy hands actually grasp the value of it? Would they even bother to get it appraised? How naive are they to even attempt to get it appraised in a fallen world like our own? Every incentive to say its worthless when it's actually priceless after all if the fucker is dumb enough to just take your word for it...

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