Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
Honestly I don’t think it’s a big deal. People are what they are and like what they like. I don’t like the idea of manmade chemicals changing people, but it’s too late now for many cases and people need to just deal with it and treat it as if it’s natural. Being however you are is no excuse to not do what you enjoy and find people who you love and who love you (well apparently unless you’re a pedophile or something).
The big question you're missing there is who is doing it, why they may be doing that, and if they ever considered the possibility of secondary and tertiary effects. A man who discovers this dense, heavy metal that can easily be formed into nice sturdy pipes that can thus enable a vast plumbing system to be constructed to easily deliver water to all at trivial expense can't exactly be blamed for the side effects of said pipes becoming a widely adopted staple of his civilization.

If he knew what "Lead" was and did to the human body/mind upon ingestion, yet pushed forth the lead plumbing system plan anyway well, that SOB gets a special place in hell. If he was prudent and tried it in a small test case and saw that oh yes, bad things are happening to these people very coincidentally after I built them that plumbing system and chose to just not inform society at large about his discovery... He gets a pass. I mean, mass indoor plumbing and easy access to water for all is a great thing. Yet, as with all things, costs vs. benefits. He was kinda a huge, huge dick in playing antiquity's version of Mengele but by the standards of those days the man was downright fucking Christian!