Quote Originally Posted by Doctor Weird View Post
I'm not sure Differential r/K theory has ever been fully validated, so it may lead to a false understanding or over-simplification of human reproductive strategies and behaviors.

Your suggested test is amusing though. I imagined you doing this with latex gloves and doctors' instruments. Sounds like a setup for a porno scene
In my mind it is quite validated. It fully explains the "cycle of civilizations" for one thing. Prosperity is a curse, ruin is a blessing. Sadly, the cycle continues and we've no idea as to why. Until r/K selection theory that is. Now we know. Hopefully we "get it" this time around and arrest the cycle at peak prosperity after the next/upcoming ruin phase. Find God, exercise thine pimp hand and make it strong Lord, so that ye may ensure thine descendants never tolerate r-selected bullshit like Atheism, Feminism, Communism, and Egalitarianism. For hopefully they'll learn from our monumental mistakes and thus not make them ever again.

Quote Originally Posted by ruined View Post
women over here are still very feminine, I'd say it's the opposite. MEN are becoming more feminine, and instead of getting the cool "female" traits like sensitivity and open with emotions today's dudes inherited the more unlikable "female" traits like passivity and apologizing for things that aren't their fault.
Women are becoming the aggressive Alpha males they need, and men are becoming the nurturing/vulnerable women they want. Again, fully predictable, a key part of r-selection is the inversion of "traditional" gender roles. Trust me, the bitchification of your men will very, very soon, be met with the butchification/masculinization of your women. Mark my words, I'll bet money on it. Give it a year or two, you'll see it happen .