Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
I think it's the opposite way around. Powerful people are more androgynous since they don't have to breed as much, while the unwashed masses need clear sex signaling so they can pump out babies like the livestock they are. Look at royalty throughout history for crying out loud.
That makes sense, but only up to a certain point. The powerful may not need to breed as much, but as the late and not so great Stalin put it: "Quantity has a quality all its own"

Basically, if I have enough "dudes" to throw at you, your "superior" whatever means jack shit. The cycle will continue, thankfully I'm on the right end of it. The elite are androgynous, effeminate, and fully convinced that they are the future. Boy how wrong they are. I will relish my moment alone with the last surviving members of some Illuminati dynasty. I will rub all of it in their faces. It shall be quite glorious