She's definitely an Extrovert, but other factors in my mind are making it difficult. For one, she's definitely r-selected. Explains the extroversion but confuses damn near all else if ya know what r-selection indicates for a personality. I mean, if we even try to splice r/K selection theory with Socionics oh boy do things get vague and confusing very quickly as all types have would logically have both an r and K selected variant that makes total logical sense within a given theoretical state of any society both in fiction and real life. Which one matters more then? Does it indicate what the type is more likely to be? Gah! Why can't things in this world be more simple dang it!?

But yeah, the quadra us Gammas have a particularly strong grudge against. She's one of them, my tells me so. Ironically enough, that's my most beloved cousin's quadra (He's an LII far as I can tell). ESE, I'm gonna bet on ESE, because I just can't say why I dislike her other than I am anti-Communist in the most extreme sense and have a gut feeling that if we ever tried to speak to each other it'd be a coin flip for who would punch whom in the face first. She'd swing at me first I bet. I would, being the unique type of asshole I am, have anticipated it and executed upon her a "glory kill" if ya know what I'm referencing if she tried .