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Thread: INTx and Strategic Thinking

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
    Are you an INTP in MBTI by chance? My theory is that Most INTPs are likely to be LII-Ne or maybe ILI-Te, with a lesser chance of ILI-Ni, LII-Ti, and SLI.

    Besides that, I should mention that I, too, was an active TF2 player a few years ago. I never got into trading since I could never find a good server to trade on, but that aspect of the game always attracted me: I could make money off playing a game without having to be fake on a youtube video or twitch stream?

    It's interesting that as an Ne subtype you approach this from a perspective of flexibility rather than of rigidity. I know you said that you have some things you're very firm about, which is understandable and completely expected, but at the same time, it fits the standard description less stereotypically.

    What you describe in the second half of your second paragraph reminds me quite a bit of what Stratiyevskaya wrote about Ni base in ILIs. "One can only envy ILI's manner to not hurry anywhere and yet rarely be late for anything (even intentionally he cannot make himself be late). Traffic jams on the roads similarly in no way complicate his life: despite everything, he still arrives on time." I know that the contexts are different, but the 6th sense for what to do sounds like Ni. LII has Ni demonstrative and Ne subtype boosts intuition, so this makes sense.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Yep, I would consider myself INTP in MBTI, and actually was influenced by auxilary Ne development posts to a great degree before I jumped into Socionics (I've spent roughly 4 years actively into MBTI, with cognitive function/function stack knowledge, before I jumped into Socionics) and that is a fair assesment, I would say. More Ti heavy INTPs indeed come off more like SLIs, though can see ILI to a lesser degree as well.

    That sounds fitting with Fe PoLR, I would say? Seeing making videos about the game on the youtube/twitch as something more of fake reactions, which there are definitely a lot of to be fair, though you might be just referring to your general temperament and how well it would hold for an "entertaining" video, which I would likely suck at if I was being genuine or even if I tried to be fake as well, so a fair point, I suppose.

    And it is a bit more of flexibility via self-imposed rigidity, to be more precise. Tying in with your last paragraph, for example, there are times I can be fairly "late" at things, but key point is that, I tend to judge what I can get away with and what I can not. For example, if the teacher of an early morning class is someone who is rather a stickler for students showing up on time, I will prepare as accordingly so that I won't be on bad terms with that teacher to not be left on their mercy when it comes to end of the semester if I pass or fail, but for more relaxed teachers, I might not really mind as much that I was late, though try to keep how much I push the boundaries of what I can get away with to a reasonable level, so that I still have control over general end result to some degree/likelier to not end up in the worst case scenario, even if I already have "if the worst case happens, I can just X and/or Y and it will be still okay" mentality to keep pressure of expectation/need for certain success low.

    Ie. I spent my entire high school years in a careful balance of listening the class to the extent I needed and then doing whatever I felt like, while not giving the teachers opening in any area by being able to answer what they asked since I kept an ear on the subject and getting good grades and keeping civil while interacting with them, added to being completely frank with my parents about all of it, so they really didn't have any ammo to impose on my personal freedom no matter how much it pissed them off. It is self imposed rules and rigidity by taking into account what is the bare minumum necessary in any situation to be able to make a rational and sensible sounding argument against someone if they try to impose on your freedom, it is still connected to Alpha "expecting that if you can give a sufficient enough reasoning for your actions in a socially acceptable and/or tolerable way(Fe/Ti), then you can not be publically shamed or attacked for people would rise to defend you and you can defend yourself with your words(Ni/Se devaluing)" with ignoring/being blind to Se based possibility of actually being attacked physically or socially. Ne is mostly a part of it in "If that fails, I can just go with the next best option, it is okay." rationalization process, if that makes sense?

    So there is a strategy involved, with a core rigid structure at the start, yet depending to circumstances, can change direction wildly if situation calls for it?

  2. #2
    FarDraft's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post
    Yep, I would consider myself INTP in MBTI, and actually was influenced by auxilary Ne development posts to a great degree before I jumped into Socionics (I've spent roughly 4 years actively into MBTI, with cognitive function/function stack knowledge, before I jumped into Socionics) and that is a fair assesment, I would say. More Ti heavy INTPs indeed come off more like SLIs, though can see ILI to a lesser degree as well.
    I'm in the same boat, really. I studied MBTI for about 3 years or so before starting socionics. I prefer socionics as a theory since it has more nuance, but the MBTI subreddit has been getting better over time, I'd say.
    SLI in socionics is almost identical to ISTP in MBTI, so it'd make sense for a Ti-heavy INTP to come across as SLI. I have an INTP friend who has the stereotypical INTP use of Ne and Ti, but he's very health conscious and has an accentuated use of Si. I typed him SLI, and he obtained the same result on a test, which, while not too accurate, says something, I guess.

    That sounds fitting with Fe PoLR, I would say? Seeing making videos about the game on the youtube/twitch as something more of fake reactions, which there are definitely a lot of to be fair, though you might be just referring to your general temperament and how well it would hold for an "entertaining" video, which I would likely suck at if I was being genuine or even if I tried to be fake as well, so a fair point, I suppose.
    That comment was mostly a joke, but I do agree that I'd probably not be the best for making an entertaining youtube video. Maybe in something else I'm interested in, but the gaming community is relatively diverse but with each group being highly specific in their tastes.

    And it is a bit more of flexibility via self-imposed rigidity, to be more precise. Tying in with your last paragraph, for example, there are times I can be fairly "late" at things, but key point is that, I tend to judge what I can get away with and what I can not. For example, if the teacher of an early morning class is someone who is rather a stickler for students showing up on time, I will prepare as accordingly so that I won't be on bad terms with that teacher to not be left on their mercy when it comes to end of the semester if I pass or fail, but for more relaxed teachers, I might not really mind as much that I was late, though try to keep how much I push the boundaries of what I can get away with to a reasonable level, so that I still have control over general end result to some degree/likelier to not end up in the worst case scenario, even if I already have "if the worst case happens, I can just X and/or Y and it will be still okay" mentality to keep pressure of expectation/need for certain success low.
    That's reasonable. I definitely relate to some of it. Figuring out what you can get away with is the key to minimizing effort, which is always the goal lol.

    Ie. I spent my entire high school years in a careful balance of listening the class to the extent I needed and then doing whatever I felt like, while not giving the teachers opening in any area by being able to answer what they asked since I kept an ear on the subject and getting good grades and keeping civil while interacting with them, added to being completely frank with my parents about all of it, so they really didn't have any ammo to impose on my personal freedom no matter how much it pissed them off. It is self imposed rules and rigidity by taking into account what is the bare minumum necessary in any situation to be able to make a rational and sensible sounding argument against someone if they try to impose on your freedom, it is still connected to Alpha "expecting that if you can give a sufficient enough reasoning for your actions in a socially acceptable and/or tolerable way(Fe/Ti), then you can not be publically shamed or attacked for people would rise to defend you and you can defend yourself with your words(Ni/Se devaluing)" with ignoring/being blind to Se based possibility of actually being attacked physically or socially. Ne is mostly a part of it in "If that fails, I can just go with the next best option, it is okay." rationalization process, if that makes sense?

    So there is a strategy involved, with a core rigid structure at the start, yet depending to circumstances, can change direction wildly if situation calls for it?
    Makes perfect sense to me. I was similar in high school, as I found most of my classes either incredibly boring or easy. I'd pay attention if I knew the teacher focused on lecture material, but I'd be doing something else whenever I got the chance. I think this can come across as rigidity but also as pragmatism. My goal as a student is to get good marks so that I could get into a good university and whatever else... However, I also have other things I could better spend my time on, so I do it. Perhaps the way you do it is more "rule-based", but to me it's more a cost-benefit decision. I hate having to rely on backup solutions, but I will if it's necessary.

    I'd agree that this is definitely a light form of strategy.
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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