Hello there!
I first tried to find my type when I was 17 years old, now I am 27 and I am still not sure about it. All the test and readings that I do doesn't really help. I've found this forum lately, I have read a lot here, a the beginning I didn't want to ask you for help but who knows, maybe you could do that for me?

Here is the video:

And here is the questionnaire (the question that are not inclued in the video):

What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
Here additionally I answer the second part of the questionnaire starting form the question about friday

What did you do last Friday?
After work I went out with friends to see a gym soccer game but I was very busy with some project (a mobile application) that I do for many so I came back quite quickly home and worked on the app.

What is your biggest accomplishment?
I think that I learnt Spanish and Italian on my own is my biggest accomplishment. I watch movies and series in those languages, I switched the languages in most of applications that I use to those languages too. It really makes me proud. Also finishing my studies could be because it was difficult as hell.

What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
Mostly just problems at work, but after work I almost automatically stop thinking about them. They just come back at night before sleep, but not for a long time I also catched a call a week or so ago - that worries me much more since I hate to have health issues

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
I try to believe in God but I struggle a lot. I go to church with my girlfriend, I really try to believe in something. But I only believe in what can be prooven and seen so for me it is really hard or maybe even impossible. But I value all the religions and beliefs, I am actually very interested in those topics, anytime I have an opportunity to learn about different religions that the one that I was raised in (christianism) I read a lot. Then often I defend other religions which are totally not mines and people see me as a heretic or something but it is just that I think that all religions have the same rights to exists as far as they don't force to kill other people. And no - I don't think that islam is bad religion. I have talked with many muslims and they were extremely peaceful people this is why I often argue with others because nowadays it is very common to say that all muslim are terrorists which extremely stupid so I defend muslims though I am not one of them and never will be.

What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
Firs of all I thing politicis is shit. I don't vote for any party or something. I take part in every voting but I give an empty vote because I don't belive politics. I think they all just try to do a career and have their own goals and don't give a shit about the people. But I have many political beliefs and they are quite important for me. I often discus with people about racism, tolerance for religions and different sexual orientation. I always think that freedom and tolerance are important and we should let people to be the way they want and believe in what they want. We are all equal, and even if we are not, death will make us equal sooner or later :> thank you death!

Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
I have thought about it quite often. Maybe I could try some day but I would have to be sure that I am well prepared and I know what I am doing. If I would start my own business I would do that only to have much greater freedom and being even more independent. Of course my business would be connected with IT, probably a software development stuff, I would rather never start a business in a field that I am not good at it. But by now I don't feel ready for such challange.

What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
I like to work with people that I know and that I can trust at least at basic level (a higher level of trust is hard to achieve ). It is difficult for me at the beginning to work with people who are strangers to me. I also like friendly atmosphere, I often joke at work, smile and laugh and I always say that being professional doesn't mean to be sad I try to finish my task as soon as possible with the minium amount of work and maximum quality. I will never admit that I finished something if I don't consider it of a good quality, but I also try to finish stuff quickly and relax In job I look for money mostly but also as I said for a good atmosphere and some interesting challanges. It annoys me if I have to do repetetive stuff... I try to automize it or get rid of it if possible

What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
Geography, physical education and english
English because I always have seen it as very useful. PE because I always have enjoyed sports and it was a real fun and geography because it was the most interesing stuff that I was taught at school. It was telling so much about the world around us, how it is built, how does it work, why it rains and why the desserts are so hot and dry. Geography was absolutely the best one and I had the best notes in that subject! I read the whole manual before the school began haha I also liked history because it was also explaining a lot me, but some topic were a bit boring and it was not so logical as geography. I also liked physics but it was often too difficult for me to fully understand it, though I was one of the best in my class in physics and the teacher was telling to me that I should study it but I am lazy and concerned too much about fun with my colleagues haha
I wanted to study meteorology because of my interest in geography but I have choosen computer science because it guaranted my much better work and salary. Sometimes I regret it because I was really good in all that geography stuff. But I don't think too much about that.

How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
Ah dear responsibility... damn I always though it is written responsability I try to have as few responsibilites as possible because I am extremely serious about them. If I give my word, if I will promise that I do something, then it must be done. It is extremely important for me that people see me as a responsable man that keeps his promises. So if I know that I cannot take some responsibility I refuse. The only problem I have with keeping my responsibilities is the time. Sometimes doing something takes me more time than I told. And I don't care too much that people have to wait for me - what is important for me is to do what I said, what I promised.
I also like if others have similar approach but I rarely depend on others, I prefer to do something on my own because if I will fail myself than I will disappoint myself and I don't want to be disappointed with other people. There are some people that I know I can count on because they proved it for many years, but I ask them for a favor when it is the last possible option.

Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
Last time on vacation I was last summer 8 days in Italy, I visited Venice, Florence, Sanremo, Milano and many others! I was sightseeing mostly, with my girlfriend. It was probably the best week of my life so many new places, so many things that I saw in movies or in television I could some with my bare eyes, the weather was soo amazing, so warm, sunny. And in general travelling is cool and it was the biggest travel that I made! Amazing!

What was your high school experience like?
High school was really cool. I had many friends there, the subjects were rather easy, but I hated homeworks but I loved high school because of so much fun with friends that we had there

Do you like kids? Why or why not?
Yeah I do kids are usually honest and open, not judgmental, this is all I need to like them.

If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
I really want to be a father soon but damn, that's not a piece of cake I guess raising children is a really hard work. The most important thing for me would be to learn a kid that we are all equal and that he must respect others. Also I would do everything that is possible to make the kid feel safe and loved.

Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
I was quite a lot into sports in the past and some day I started to feel really bad. Later I found out that I've got asthma and some stomach problem which not allowed me to do sports almost at all at the beginning. And it was really difficult to me, I had many other problems with those diseases... ehh a really tough time. I though that I will for example never play soccer again. I was really sad, I couldn't accept it but every time I tried I finished with my sympthoms getting worse and worse. So I stopped trying and partialy accepted it. After years (like 2-3) I tried again but much more slowly with patience and it worked. I started to do sports again but not to an extent as I did before. But I am happy again and they help me to heal. In general I think patience is the key for the biggest problems that are beyond of capabilities.

How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
The biggest problem of society is that usaully people see only their own point of view. They cannot understand why others hurt them, why they are different. They don't try to understand others, they just judge. There is too few understanding and mercy.

What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
I try many different methods to get what I want, trial and error usually one the methods works, but if none of them do and I cannot see anything else to try I just change my priorities and try get something else. If you really cannot get something, then you just have to stop trying. But it is quite rare.

Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
I work in a team of programmers and I often think that it would be really nice to try some day to be a team leader. I am not sure if I would be good at it. I could be sometimes too accepting and at the other times too demanding or controlling. But being a leader seems a hot topic to me. I don't see myself as a manager in a corporation, just setting tasks for others and keeping the distance between me and my co-workers but rather as a captain fighting with my crew hand in hand in the first line for me leadership is a responsability for the failure of the whole team and helping your team to be as good as possible in what they do, showing them the way.

How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
Sometimes everyday, sometimes once a week. If people lie to me it makes me really angry. If they try to force me to do something that I don't want to also. Sometimes I am also a bit controlling, especially in case of my girlfriend and when she doesn't like it I am becoming angry. Lack of tolerance also makes me angry, racism and stuff like that. Being concerned too much on fun sometimes also.

What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
Actually nothing really bad happen. I couldn't solve something at work and I lost a lot of time to find out how to do it, it was very frustrating but I finally made it work. Though today I've got the phone call that it is not working the way it should still...

What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
Life has no purpose at all in comparison with the university that we live in, we are like a dust, meaningless and small. The only purpose of life is to preserve. That's how I see it in general from scientifical point of view but personally on a daily basis there are many things that I find meaningful, love, friendship, fun, family, being everyday better than yesterday

What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
Woow that is a super nice question. Last year I started to travel a little bite (finally! since it was my big dream always) and I've been in quite many interesting places! Paris, Amsterdam, Bratislava, Vienna, Venice, Verona and Monaco were the most interesting for me. They were so much different from the place where I live, full of historical buildings, full of people walking here and there. Bratislava was great for me because it wa so chillful! I would love to come back there and just lie on the grass near to the river and just do nothing or take a walk here and there an amazing place! must see! Others were also cool but there so many things to see that I had no time to relax and stop for a while.

How do you dress or manage your appearance?
Ah... I've got some colors that I like blue (preferably dark), red (a bit darkish ), gray, black, white, beige and I try to stick to them but in general I don't have any kind of style. My clothes have to be comfortable and somehow I have to like them. I often let my girlfriend to choose what she likes me to wear. At home I wear anything what is comfortable and I totally don't care about the look. But in general I like to look good, it helps me to feel more confident so there are things that I will never agree to wear or put

Do you like surprises?
It depends. Little ones yes. Bigger ones... sometimes not. If they interfere too much with my plans and I have to change them then they annoy me a bit.

By the way, if it may help you here is a gallery of the pictures that I made when I was 19-22 years old:
They are made in photoshop, I don't have any artistic skills rather. I enjoyed, especially the admiration of many people which enjoyed my images. I stopped doing it because it was quite time consuming. One image like that was a week of work and when I started learning languages later it became much more important for me, more difficult because it is a lifelong task but also much more rewarding - less admiration maybe but high self confidence

If you have any question that could help you to type me (or not ) I will answer them as soon as possible
Thank you in advance! You are my only hope!