Howdy, lads and lasses. I'm assembling Y'all cause I've run into something of a conundrum. I've been studying Socionics now for a meager half-year. I'm taking to it quickly enough, but in some ways I'd wager starting fresh with Socionics, rather than transitioning over from many years of MBTI bollocks, would've actually benefited me. Right down to simple, stereotypical presumptions, such as Extroverts being a certain way, and such. As several of You likely recall, I originally typed EIE when I arrived here. Somewhere along the way of learning the ridiculous number of subsystems and such, I get the feeling I've made certain misunderstandings about, for example Creative vs Program function, the HA IE, thinking EIEs were all supposed to be super energetic drama queens, and so forth.

Not only have I since come to find many claiming that EIE literature is rather misleading (They're not necessarily hypomanic drama queens), but apparently EIEs are actually kind of serious on the whole, and that EIE-Ni's can in fact appear more reserved than IEI-Fe's, as well as people with strong internal doubts and tension. I had no conception of this being possible previously, thus I just thought "I'm not 'out-there' enough to be EIE", so having this bubble burst first hand was amusing. I was linked a large list of compiled typings on the forums, and, to my ignorant surprise, found that EIE-Ni people were far more inline with my own behaviour and appearance than the IEI-Fe's were, not only this but actually more agreeable in general. I do recall being told I VI like an EIE in Filatova's collection, and since listing myself as IEI-Fe I've been told by several people they think I'm EIE, namely @Karatos, who was the most ardent on this. If I appear like one, relate to them in video, and people are calling me one, it's worth investigating. Whatever my actual typing is will stand up to testing.

I may not be a D-IEI-Fe, a 'dominant' Introvert, I may simply be an EIE-Ni1 or EIE-Ni2, a reserved Extrovert. One thing that tripped me up was Hidden Agenda. See, the materialistic aspects of Se Super-Id block positions I never quite related to, but all the stuff about strength, willpower, energy, martial arts, etc, very much so. I have noticed I'm generally more aggressive, radical, and boisterous than most of the IEIs I see on the forums. It's particularly obvious in the shoutbox lol. For ages I figured the whole Dominant thing in DCNH was enough to explain it, but I'm not so sure atm. There's also a strong possibility that my Id block might be Fi ignoring/Ne Demonstrative (EIE), as the differences aren't that considerable, and alot of the EIE literature I've been reading lately is checking out.

So, below is a filled out, detailed Member Questionnaire everyone seems to use, photos and a video for VI, and some other details that may provide a fuller view to improve typing. A gracious cheers to all You insanely patient people that take the time to read this post


Member Questionnaire

What is beauty? What is love?

On Beauty:

"What is beauty to you?" or "What is beauty?" I have little interest in consigning beauty to whatever one's preference is. I have always sought a more ambitious, holistic view, to observe beauty as a manifestation, an echo, or rather a beckoning towards the highest forms, rather than something that happens to please me. I reject the notion that beauty requires an observer to effectively exist. Beauty is not subjective qualia, but the subjective experience is effectively peculiar to that individual. However, the mountain exists with or without us, and it's beauty is independent of our opinion.

Materialism is the (understandable) blunder of the deracinated spiritual orphan. Darwinian thinking leads one to the reductionist conclusions that distinctive (though possibly not exclusively) human traits--empathy, sympathy, laughter, self-sacrifice, love, innocence, imagination, the broad range of emotions, artistic expression, creativity, etc--can be relegated to survivalist pragmatism, and that the baseness of mere propagation under environmental pressures is enough, given an inconceivably protracted period of time, to gradually emerge such distinguishments. This, simply put, is sophistry, and a parlor trick for empiricists.

These distinct, profound gifts point to the Higher Order. Within mankind, the most superlative expressions of these profound gifts are where we find Beauty. The stirring chords of a classical string arrangement, the selflessness of martyrdom, the purity of a Mother's tenderness, the resonant harmony of reverent Chamber Choir, the symmetry and grace of the finest feminine form, the inspired artistry of Gothic architecture...

The ubiquity of the Divine's imprint is self-evident - the awe inspiring might of the greatest mountains, the immense depths of the ocean and it's mysterious lifeforms, the immeasurable vastness of Space, the aesthetic perfection of the perfectly captured moment of a photograph; all is Beauty. Conversely, animals do not 'express' Beauty, they are Beauty - the galloping Stallion, the Hawk that takes flight, the Wolf pack, the pouncing Leopard, the stalwart Stag, the incorruptible purity of a Dog's love; all is Beauty.

The highest forms of art are rousing, they compel us deeply; art that fails to compel anyone is itself a failure. Thus it is that we call the greatest accomplishments of art 'Inspired' works. Beauty is the coalescence of the sublime; the Divine, therefor, is the most essential Beauty, not an expression thereof, but Beauty itself, and the ground of our being.

God is found in Beauty.

On Love:

The quintessential Love is not merely attraction, affection, passion, accordance, sexuality, self-denial, nor generosity.

Dependents and Masochists are destructively self-denying. Attraction is often ephemeral. Affection, accordance, and generosity often precede Love, but they are perfectly suitable to mere friendship or familial relations. Passion and sexuality is often lost in the entropy of our time period, given away carelessly, even for a single night. The temporary release of a 'fling', the excitement of a 'crush', the dopamine rush of an orgasm with a stranger--or someone better-off left an acquaintance--palliates the loneliness of our condition; for those brief moments we succumb to the sweet comforting delusion that we are at one with something, until we are left empty, unwhole.

Where attraction cannot survive, Love endures. Where passion and sexuality wanes, Love is patient. Where accordance is broken, Love perseveres. Many have said that "Love hurts", but this is false, Love cannot hurt. To quote Liam Neeson: "Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt."

The quintessential Love is martyring, loyal, steadfast, passionate, intimate, sincere; it buries a body for it's spouse at 3am; it stays the course, where one loses faith and confidence, the other commits all their strength; It sees it's lover with no cynicism, it holds each other to the highest potential; it is mutually empowering and tender all at once. The strongest Love can ostensibly be confused for the petty possessiveness of insecurity. This is not so. Rather, it is territorial of it's incomparable bond, wherein 'jealousy' is, in actuality, a compliment.

The truest form of Love is a deep, reciprocal, profound inner harmony of spiritual and emotional catharsis, where two become one.

What are your most important values?

Loyalty - Both group and interpersonal, without which all other values and qualities of a man do not find expression on a scale that matters, for he is only one man. Treachery is the cardinal sin to me.
Purpose - Without which there is no matrix where all other values find expression.
Passion - Without which there is no momentum, no zeal, no urgency to the expression of all other values and endeavors.
Perseverance - The resolve and willpower that pushes the struggling individual towards sublimation. Pity holds people back. Having the right attitude is half the battle.
Strength - Both personal and organized force, without which we're all just waiting to be robbed. Without the use of force no values become precedence, and without the deterrence of the threat of the use of force, Order is impossible.
Faith - Without which no other values will carry us through the darkest nights.
Mortality - Without which all of man's passion and struggle would be redundant. This is why Tolkien's Elves envied Mankind. Without death, life has no urgency. Do not fear death, fear wasting the time You do have.

Generally, my intention is that my personal conduct is tailored to the broader good of the society/group. That is to say, if a behaviour is clearly unhealthy on a societal level, it is thus definitively foolish on a personal level, rationalizations being the convenience of our desires and ambivalence. Sin (involves) honoring what You desire above what You know is right.

This is less a matter of observing the present customs of a society, nor a matter of politeness, rather, it is about asserting what I see as honorable on a larger scale; it's not acquiescence to convention, it's acclimating myself and others to what I see as forms of conduct that can stand the test of time. Perfecting an honorable, unchanging set of conduct is extremely attractive. That said, the fact I don't always live up to these expectations is implicit. This is a matter of pursuing the Good, not just 'following the law' or simple niceness. 'Subjective' ethics are too ambivalent to the broader world for my liking. I am perhaps a hypocrite, however, as, if You go after my peers, then it's us vs the world and I hold no regrets. So, in theory, an eternal code of honorable conduct is alluring, but in practice, I'm extremely tribalistic.

Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

As a foster child of several families, I was raised in various Protestant denominations. In my late teens I fell away from Monotheism. I entered a typical agnostic inquisitive phase, wherein, once I had my own privacy and computer, I began to investigate other cultures and traditions. The world-denying passivity of Buddhism was a turn-off for me. The aesthetics of Hinduism were alien and disconcerting. The non-prescriptive borderline-formlessness of Shintoism was, as much as I appreciate it's aesthetics (and the people who bore them), lacking the structure and pressures that spoke to me. I found Ancestor Worship of several traditions highly attractive, but also too limited in scope. Confucianism's (scroll down for a video of me on this) social conduct and political structure appealed greatly to me, but it wasn't a strictly religious tradition, that is to say, it was not contingent on particular beliefs, and thus was simply a highly attractive form of social engineering (the reasoning of its caste system is deeply admirable).

Daoism was, for a couple years, the ontology that spoke to me the most, less-so for its gentleness, and moreso for the simplicity and clear-mindedness of its wisdom. It was effectively the Eastern equivalent of Heraclitus' wisdom. Like Confucianism, one can technically be a Daoist without having a mandatory set of core cosmological beliefs, and Daoists themselves would typically offer priest-like services to the processions of many local cultural traditions. From there I found Alan Watts, through which I was more formally introduced to strains of Pantheism, but the egocentric tone of it ("I AM THE UNIVERSE") never spoke to me, and it's ontology has always struck me as reductive, and largely grown in concert with the emerging modern sciences. For quite some time I referred to myself as an Animist, a simple acknowledgement than the animating force of Life is transcendent in origin, but this, in it's simplicity, failed to satisfy. From there, exploring and connecting with my personal heritage brought an interest in Ethnic traditions, so I rubbed shoulders with many 'Pagans'. I have a deep love for my lineage, but ultimately many of those same traditions were also the crest and trough of the wave of history, Catholicism becoming the next wave in that line.

Faith has always come easily to me, where to place it however has been fraught with doubt and uncertainty, and likely no small measure of pride. I believe in a Higher Order because there is no way that I could not, knowing what I do. If I were to lay that argument out here, this unnecessarily long post would--much like this bloody sentence--become far more unnecessarily elongated. Accordingly, the frustration of my aimless faith has led me to my current New Year's resolution: To find God. I attended a Catholic Mass for Christmas, and I intend to find structure and purpose to my faith. My Brother's faith inspired me to expose myself to the sacred atmosphere, and Chamber Choir music was integral in opening my heart; music is what stirs my soul. As I have stated above - God is found in Beauty.

Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

My opinion on war depends on the war, and furthermore is irrelevant. War has and shall always be. Do not learn to speak of it, learn to wage it honorably. This has been worked out for many centuries already: Casus Belli and Noblesse Oblige. Struggle tempers people. Struggle and plague is why European genetics are remarkably resistant to many diseases. Struggle is an opportunity to persevere. Friends and enemies will never not exist, anymore than family will cease to be. My father beat the absolute shit out of my as a child, for years, concussed me and split my head open (requiring stitches) at his worst - the most significant aspect of that entire period of my life was not the act, but my attitude. I never broke, and I never accepted pity for it, as I rebuke being held to that time, to be defined as such. I'm not a product of things 'happening' to me unless I capitulate to them, I am the potential I choose to strive towards, the spirit that precedes circumstance. Child abuse and predation is fundamentally unacceptable, but the world was not made to shelter us from tragedy, we must rise to the occasion. Self-preservationist anthropocentric thinking clings to life, but there are far worse things than death. Pain can be a beautiful thing, if we meet it with the right mindset. In pain, we have the opportunity to shed skin, to sublimate, and ultimately to become stronger.

Real power is the organized force through which externalities and outcomes can be controlled. Simple as that. There are many forms of personal strength, of course, but strength on a scale that matters is the essential power. The measure of a man is how he wields power over his subordinates. Hierarchy is too often crassly reduced to tyranny, but natural, ad hoc hierarchy is emergent, and an intrinsic element of humankind. It's usage and conduct are what matters, the nature of it's existence, not whether or not it exists. Again, Noblesse Oblige.

What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

My long conversations and interests are one and the same: Psychology, typology, history, music, philosophy, cosmology, nature, anthropology/genetics/heritage, certain media (films, shows, games), occasionally politics...
Why? Because they interest me. Why do You prefer vanilla or chocolate? You just do. Also, an opportunity to share enthusiasm and bond won't likely be passed up.

Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

Basically none. I care about health insofar as food is nice, and I don't want to be a fucking slob. That said, I'd always like to take better care of myself, and should, but doing so for a future family's sake was always a hell of alot more motivating to me than just doing it for myself. My interest in the body is almost entirely Martial Arts related.

What do you think of daily chores?

They can fuck off, but I do what I gotta do.

Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

Films: LoTR, Hero, Gangs Of New York, Prisoners, No Country For Old Men, The Witch, Blade Runner(s), Road To Perdition, Master And Commander, Man With No Name Trilogy, The Revenant.... (tons of fighting and Chinese/Japanese films)

Shows: Deadwood, Attack On Titan, Dexter, True Detective (Season 1, mostly), Daredevil, Ghost In The Shell, The Wire, Metalocalypse, Cowboy Bebop, Trailer Park Boys.... (plenty of other shit)

Books: Not really a books guy. The Tao Te Ching was always my fave. If we wanna throw in lectures and audiobooks however, countless Philosophy/Religion/Psychology stuff.

What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

Pets dying, being betrayed, powerlessness in the face of wanting to help others, extremely heavy moments either IRL or in films and shows where empathy just kicks in, and seeing my friends and family suffer are all ways to fuck me up. I smile very easily, that's too broad to tackle. I smile at shit You're not supposed to smile at, like Beta ST flippancy. I laugh easily as well.

Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

Gonna rob my Bro's answer: "Among friends and family where neither my opinions nor sensibilities have to be guarded/hidden--particularly if it's because those opinions and sensibilities are shared."
I'm both rather radical (by today's standards) and tribal, so belonging is very selective and contextual, and thus not easily achieved. After extensive exposure to people I love I feel almost high, gracious to just be alive and honored to have the people I do in my life. The more energetic the interaction, the more cathartic that outcome.

What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

Righteousness, pride, stubbornness, not doing enough with my intelligence, pretentiousness (cough look at this fucking post cough), and occasionally being overbearing. I dislike most of this about myself, but my resolve isn't "be less of myself" it's "find a higher expression for these traits in Yourself", but maybe that's that stubborn pride speaking.

What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

People have complimented me on: My command of language, my speaking ability (I won 4 speaking competitions in school), my ability to understand and see into/through people, my patience (I never really bought that lol), my warm supportiveness, how easily love and faith both come to me and are expressed, that I'm a natural teacher, and other shit, but enough bragging.

I like these things about myself, but people are sometimes too generous, as they are often seeing what they lack in themselves and overestimating it in me. Internally, I am a very doubtful person by nature, so having a clear sense of my strengths feels tenuous, not what strengths, but the degree of those strengths. I know my strengths, but not their limits. I'd like to actualize my obsession with martial arts more fully (I've taken a few things briefly, while living in certain places). I intend to further cultivate these strengths in my pursuit of Psychology and self-improvement.

In what areas of your life would you like help?

Motivation (in the sense of momentum moreso than encouragement in a verbal/emotional sense), more organized thoughts, keeping me intellectually on my toes, and I could probably use discipline with physical training (dieting, working out more, etc), as I won't be young forever lol.

Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

Sure. Everytime I presume I'm a low energy person I realize I'm not once I have a day where I really feel in a slump. Also, having lived with give-or-take 20+ siblings growing up in foster care, I know from experience I'm not as languid as I might see myself on my own. I've been around legit docile, spaced out people, and they're a bit disconcerting. Getting out of the house more, getting a task done, soaking up some energy and atmosphere with friends, revisiting something I'm passionate about, or just riding it out for a couple days.... there are many ways to get out of a 'rut' for me. They don't typically last long. With regards to emotional ruts, venting to friends helps, refocusing myself and pouring my passion into something else fills a void, and alot of recovery is largely automated within me anyways. I'm an emotional dude, I have a taste for the anger, but I get over shit pretty quickly.

What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

Sour, humourless cunts. Nihilists. Selfish, disloyal people. Strident atheists. Moral relativism. Overly materialistic shit. Business trumping intimacy and family. People who discourage having kids. Infidelity. Shit, man, I could go on for a while...

Shit I like: The opposite of all that trash. Saying what I dislike is probably easier than listing what I do like lol. I get along with a vast majority of Betas I meet, most Gammas, some Alphas, and occasionally a Delta or two, that's just the way it shakes out.

How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

See the section on Love, above. Romance and sex cannot be separated for me. Without intimacy there is no sex. I have no qualms about saying one night stands are beneath me, I think it's a mindless cancer on our societies, and I'm happy I've never done such. I'm an intense, romantic man. Sexuality for me is the physical extension of intimacy, as You literally cannot be any closer to each other, and a physical, emotional, spiritual release, only for Your lover. Exclusivity is value. I require total devotion from my partner, and demand that they require it of me. I know how betrayal feels, and I'd rather not get thrown in jail for domestic violence, frankly. Basically, I'd like my partner to be an Se ego, ideally, and I'd expect them to be rather possessive and committed. Quality time together is more important to me than freedom or simple cohabitation. We should mutually strengthen one another, the dynamics of that depending on the IR. An affectionate, strong-willed woman who enjoys playful (sometimes aggressive) banter, wants to become a Mother, and intends to share a general worldview with their partner. Shared music is a quick way to my heart.

If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

This is starting to feel more like an advertisement than a questionnaire, but I'll play ball. The question for me of raising a child isn't "if", it's when. Public school is trash, particularly at the Secondary/High School level in North America, they're basically circus/prisons of hormones, a microcosm of a dysfunctional society, and fundamentally repressive towards the Masculine nature. I despised school, and floated my way through it begrudgingly, but now I get high 90 grades cause I'm not fucking miserable. I have no intention of my children experiencing the same. Home Schooling or a selected Private School would be considered. To steal my Bro's line again: "The public schools are poison for the soul and the love of money (especially to the exclusion of your folk) is the root of evil."

Alot of parenting is getting to know Your children as individuals gradually in-bloom, as they come into their fuller selves slowly. Generally, my aim would be to understand them each contextually, and help them cultivate their natural gifts. More generally, my children would be raised with a sense of their heritage, the civic nature of their society, pertinent elements of history and ontology, and I would commit to them the fullness of my teaching ability. As a psychologist in the making, mediation would likely fall to me, which I look forward to. I imagine by that time I will have a far more defined worldview and religious practice to share with my family. I want my children to have energetic outlets. Martial arts (self defense is certainly important), sports, academics, arts, wherever they find their strongest passion. Life without passion and purpose is mere existence. Particularly for males, society has relegated and cordoned off where it is acceptable to engaged in masculine activity, so providing full contact activities for growing boys is important. My children will know that taking shit from people is almost always a fool's game, as craven cunts will abuse civility to cut You, they will know many people need to be put in their place, and they can trust that I will deal with the fallout of whoever they offend. I despise how much bureaucracy and helicopter parenting has drained people of their virility and will. My children will know love, but they will not be taken advantage of.

A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

Inwardly: "How do I minimize coming off like a dick when I pressure You to either explain Yourself, or argue my own point?"

Outwardly, I'll get them to explain their point of view and analyze where we may have common ground. I'm reassuring, but internally I don't tend to budge too much. I have no issue extending good faith to sound reasoning though, if they can argue their position well I explicitly commend them. If I think they're out of line or in error I can get rather overbearing at times. I'm loving, but pressuring.

Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

a) I'm Canadian White Male, from lower-class but grew up in foster care in middle-class homes. I'm a Psychology student, and an eventual author.
b) People aren't a "whole", that's abstract and stupid. People are many microcosms of relations, and are a product primarily of heredity, followed by environment. There are too many factors that cause people to fall along a given fault line to address here. People are many different "wholes".
c) We live in an age of deracinated, fickle, secular, materialistic, hedonistic entropy, and it must be reformed or violently overthrown. For example, pedophiles and child predators should be publicly executed.

How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

Pretty similarly to how I start relationships: Assess if we relate well, close distance quickly, get to know them deeply, 'share their world' so to speak, and if there is a bond there, they have a friend/partner for life, sufficed they don't leave or do something unforgivable. If Romance is involved then once that distance is closed I'm very forward about how I feel and what I want in private. I'm extremely "Sx" in instinctual variant, so high intimacy, and quite selective. I'd prefer to spend a majority of my time with a person I relate to very well than spreading myself thin across acquaintances with whom there is no consequence to our mutual futures. I'm generally a very deliberate person, but sometimes You just meet people circumstantially and things 'click' as well. Once I'm comfortable with someone (doesn't often take long) I'm pretty open and relaxed until they give me reason not to be. I can be forgiving, but once I'm done with someone it's over for good, and when I love someone, they have a lifelong peer.

How do you behave around strangers?

My body language is pretty rigid and haughty, I'm intense to the point that people seem a bit surprised once I actually start speaking to them at how warm I am. I had people in High School (those were dark times for me) tell me "Dude, I thought You were an asshole when I first saw You, but You're actually really friendly". I walk with a long-stride, wide-shouldered, chin up, I tend to look somewhat standoffish if I don't know someone/what they want yet, but I loosen up quickly enough once I feel their vibes. Not sure how much of this is typical of males that were physically beaten as children, or if it's type related.

When I was young and depressed in foster care, I didn't bother with people much, but since my life's hugely improved in the last decade my eye contact sky-rocketed comparatively, and I carry myself more confidently than I did in my youth. Once I've kinda scanned someone and I warm up to them I can be extremely talkative. When my ILI buddy and I went to Christmas Mass, he was mostly head down, looking at his feet, barely speaking to anyone other than me, yet he was the actual Catholic of the two of us. Being Fe ego is probably the biggest factor there, but he kept remarking at how easy it seemed for me to talk with people, wish them a Merry Christmas, shake hands, sing the hymns, and generally look up and forward and maintain eye contact. I guess Fe PoLR can be pretty extreme...

Video for VI:

I was 22 at the time (I'm 27, currently) so ya, my knowledge was in the process of improving, but this is a broad Introductory informal lecture I did with an old buddy of mine, as he wanted to do a series on world religions, and wanted me to host a few of. He sadly only found time and interest in doing the one, but this was the result. Obviously, I'm the speaker on camera:

Photos for VI:

So here's some outdoor shots. This was a road trip around most of Scotland (While I was living there), so my facial hair was shit, I was tired, and I looked disheveled:

Me Trip Forums 1.jpg

Me Trip Forums 4.jpg

Me Trip Forums 2.jpg

Me Trip Forums 3.jpg

Here's some indoor, more close up shots, at various ages and levels of shagginess:

Me Suit 3.jpg

Me Tartan 3.jpg

Me New 16.jpg

Me 24.jpg

Me Hairy 2.jpg

Me Profile Pic.jpg

Me Silly.jpg

Me Wink.jpg

Me Smiling.jpg

Me 1.png

Me in my teens:

Me Young 2.jpg

Me Young 1.jpg

Me as a 4 year old:

Me as a Child.jpg

Additional Info:

I'm an Enneagram 6w7 (The test results below is almost completely accurate), tritype 628 Sx/So Counterphobic.
As my sig displays (for now, may change):

Quadra Values: Beta
DCNH: Dominant
Enneagram: 6w7, 2w1, 8w9
Instinctual Variant: Sx/So

Astrology: Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising; Scorpio/Pluto Dominant

I also typed ENFJ in MBTI on occasion, but always saw myself as more of an Introvert, due to aforementioned stereotypes. I'm an ENFJ in DaveSuperPowers (From Youtube) typology system "Objective Personality", where I'm an ENFJ S/B.

My Mother is an ESE without a doubt. My Father's type is undetermined, as I haven't seen or heard from him in 15 years.
I have zero doubts about my Quadra values or Quad itself, I know I'm NF as shit, and I've read Delta NF types and they don't stick at all, but feel free to chime in whatever You think You see and we'll see if it catches on.

Any additional info requests or questions You may have feel free to ask!

My Enneagram Socionics Typology Results.jpg

Tagathon: @Oppai Anschluss @Myst @Karatos @hag @Adam Strange @Aylen @Muddy @PussyInASarcophagus @Samson @Volcana @squark @Varlawend @woofwoofl