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Thread: Type the Lynx!

  1. #41

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    I get a very Beta NF vibe from Luminous Lynx, but I wouldn't be able to tell if you are more IEI or EIE. To me, that really seems the only plausible debate for your type, because I think your Ti seems better to me than if it were an inferior function but maybe not. Fe is pretty clear to me in your interactions on here, and I'd say your eyes have more of a Ni piercing quality than a Fi one to counter @Sol here.

    your eyes have a lot of Fi and that is either Fi type or role

  2. #42

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    So I finally overcame procrastination and got around to visiting your thread and writing something in it, too. Hurray. Although I don't know how productive hanging around a typology forum can be considered.

    As you might remember, I saw you typing as D-IEI-Fe and I said it was a nice fit. That was before I got to be close and personal with you, and before you made this thread of course. Now, learning of your close-knit camaraderie with Oppai, I can say that I'm sold on EIE and never coming back. Not sure about DCNH, you know your limits and strengths way better than I do, so that's completely up to you on that.
    The IEI energy is lowkey shit-stirring-- But there is nothing lowkey about you, really
    You're super extra and assertive to the point where you could very well do with leaving your old life behind and becoming a cult leader. But I don't recommend doing it . The fact that you've been getting along so well for so long with Oppai is a happy example of duality gone magnetic, imo, and is an excellent type indicator /in this case/.

    I saw you taking the lead in a few threads on here (such as the latest thread in "New members") and your demeanor in doing so is heavily Fe + Se HA influenced. The IEIs, as I said previously, are mellower, even if they might come off as mischievous. Your humor and style is much more "out there" and in line with Oppai's cutting edge remarks, you two would make for a great gay couple .

    I have read most of what you've written in the thread but I haven't watched more than 2 minutes of one video. I will edit this lateeeer, when I finally do so.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

  3. #43
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    So H-EIE it is now? I've met a few of them, hmmm.. I am skeptical, you didn't exactly seem harmonizing in the video. But I might have an example of how I see them

    H-EIE: Smooth, manipulative, refined taste...

    I remember watching a documentary about this violinist and I thought "that's H-EIE".

    Here he is:
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  4. #44
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Nikolai Gogol is the EIE-H poster boy Gulenko benchmark.

    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

  5. #45
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Nikolai Gogol is the EIE-H poster boy Gulenko benchmark.
    He actually looks a little like Charlie Siem whom I type H-EIE
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  6. #46

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    I've been digging through Gulenko's representations of EIE in DCNH. Dominant hits home in places, but is too over-the-top and headstrong to fit me - I'm more 'D' than IEIs, but D-EIE is basically me on steroids lol. Creative and Normalizing are a mixed bag, certain lines strike a chord, but Creative is too hypomanic and Normalizing is too compulsive, on the whole. Finally, Harmonizing most consistently encompasses me, with the person who knows me best actually typing me H, so I'm fairly settled with it. I can see how an H-EIE-Ni would mistake themselves for an Introvert. If anyone that took the time to read my onerous questionnaire or watch my video has an alternative case to present, I'd be grateful. Cheers!
    Yeah it's possible for EIE-Ni/H to see themselves as introverted.

    Whatever type Teal Swan is, that may be your type too lol, based on the video, I don't remember if I said this before.

    These bits sound IEI:

    "Inwardly: "How do I minimize coming off like a dick when I pressure You to either explain Yourself, or argue my own point?"
    Outwardly, I'll get them to explain their point of view and analyze where we may have common ground. I'm reassuring, but internally I don't tend to budge too much."

    "Assess if we relate well, close distance quickly, get to know them deeply, 'share their world' so to speak"

    "I'd prefer to spend a majority of my time with a person I relate to very well than spreading myself thin across acquaintances with whom there is no consequence to our mutual futures."

    "When I was young and depressed in foster care, I didn't bother with people much, but since my life's hugely improved in the last decade my eye contact sky-rocketed comparatively, and I carry myself more confidently than I did in my youth. Once I've kinda scanned someone and I warm up to them I can be extremely talkative."

    "Getting out of the house more, getting a task done, soaking up some energy and atmosphere with friends, revisiting something I'm passionate about, or just riding it out for a couple days.... there are many ways to get out of a 'rut' for me. They don't typically last long. With regards to emotional ruts, venting to fri ends helps, refocusing myself and pouring my passion into something else fills a void, and alot of recovery is largely automated within me anyways. I'm an emotional dude, I have a taste for the anger, but I get over shit pretty quickly."

    "Motivation (in the sense of momentum moreso than encouragement in a verbal/emotional sense), more organized thoughts"

    Also with wanting this for your partner "An affectionate, strong-willed woman who enjoys playful (sometimes aggressive) banter". (Overall fits SLE more than LSI in the way you presented it, tho' of course it's just a few traits, not an exhaustive description enough.)

    Maybe more Rational though: "Perfecting an honorable, unchanging set of conduct is extremely attractive."


    you said, "I am perhaps a hypocrite, however, as, if You go after my peers, then it's us vs the world and I hold no regrets. So, in theory, an eternal code of honorable conduct is alluring, but in practice, I'm extremely tribalistic."

    I don't think accepting shit behaviour needs to be part of the eternal code of honourable conduct... in fact, that'd be just enabling behaviour that leads to bad consequences hurting others too.

  7. #47

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Nikolai Gogol is the EIE-H poster boy Gulenko benchmark.

    His Bob is on point.

  8. #48
    Total sweetheart PussyInASarcophagus's Avatar
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    Fe base for sure. Seems more democratic than aristocratic imo

  9. #49

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  10. #50
    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karatos View Post
    lmao pls. That was obviously a joke pic. Long time no see, man.

    Also, why are You tagging Singu? He's the most ardent Socionics detractor I've seen lol
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karatos View Post
    Was gonna make a manson joke when I saw ur mention

  12. #52
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    the type who gets ego boost from bullying online strangers. the type who doesn't understand people and yet feels entitled to address them like a priest. the type who doesn't know shit yet spits insults with his ignorance around. the type that needs to invent stories just to sound cool. the type that has to use big words to compensate his lack of understanding...

    in a word, a shit (type)

  13. #53
    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
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    Ooo is calling me a "bully" and a "priest" because I am one of the only people on the forums who holds her accountable for her actions. In this post I will demonstrate through evidence rather than conjecture why her and I have such tension, and in future I will refer back to this post ad nauseum, if need be. Be sure to click on all hyperlinks for proper evidence.

    This all began back in April of the present year (2019), in the "Unofficial Members Picture Thread". Ooo revealed that she had been "dating" a married man, the attentions of which she enjoyed to such an extent that he apparently has a tattoo of her on his arm. She posted a photo of the wife and passive-aggressively insulted her appearance. I received one such photo from the deleted posts by another user, so as proof of these deleted posts: [There was a picture here. -DA]

    These original posts and the accompanying disgusted responses (myself and several others included) were then deleted entirely. Raver made a separate thread -- titled: "Is Cheating Acceptable" -- in response to people expressing disgust at infidelity. Him referring back to the incident in question is pictured here. This is the surviving relevant post in the aforementioned pictures thread. The remaining posts I will show here can be found in Raver's aforementioned thread.

    She sets the stage with a variety of would-be possible exceptions that may excuse cheating. Additionally, here is further confirmation of the original situation. In case anyone has the idea I'm the only person that's gotten on her case about this, Alonzo has regularly referred to this information, and the thread in question is 8 pages long, with many posts directly responding to and disapproving of her reasoning, including Ooo's fellow Delta NFs, such as Raver (already pictured) and Maritsa.

    Ooo then ignores the implicit colloquial definition of cheating that everyone is clearly working with (infidelity) and begins moving the moral goalposts of the word in an abstracted general sense to accommodate herself and define her own actions outside of that framing, in a clear attempt at excusing herself. Here she takes the focus entirely off of sexuality, which is what the entire thread was created for, and claims that focusing on the emotionally hurt parties is "trivial" and that "doing something that might upset the other person, equals cheating" followed by "are you sure you've never done that?" thereby effectually incriminating everyone else. She then doubles down and claims that cheating is simply "upsetting someone's expectations" and applies to everything, even saying "get out of the relationship frame of mind".

    Here she gives an example of her feeling "cheated" on, which involves not receiving the outcome she desired. Here she likes a post about the alleged normality of cheating. Here she is 'blessing' an espousing of moral relativism: "see what's right and wrong FOR YOU". I'll let this quote speak for itself. Here she makes the claim that over half of the long lasting relationships she knows of involve cheating, and then makes a remarkable, incommensurate comparison between judging someone for infidelity and judging an obese person, excusing even that under the utilitarian grounds that that "makes them happy". Here she is saying "I am more christian than all of you <3 ".

    Responses to her are too numerous to list in this already obnoxiously bloated post, but here are a few: Maritsa, and Lord Pixel completely dismantles her: here, here, here, and here to reference a few.

    Raver's aforementioned thread (along with many others) is replete with her tendencies. If you disagree with Ooo you simply do not understand her, are too "ignorant" need to "educate yourself" and "read again". Her typified passive-aggressive, dismissive, incoherent responses have been noted by many. None of these are merely my conjectures. All of these posts are originals, directly from Ooo herself, as well as others. I have made these available in photo format as well as linked the threads in question. In the event that any of this is conveniently taken down, I have everything saved to my HD. In the event that this very post is taken down, I have the text and photos saved as well. If the claim that this husband and his wife are in an "open relationship" is even true then there will be no harm in my finding this wife, presenting her photo evidence of everything and explaining the situation. If this forum wants to penalize or even ban me for curtailing or standing against infidelity and its many rationalizations they can go ahead, as it won't in any way harm my ability to do exactly as I said.

    Ooo can call me a "bully" and a "priest" and anything else she wants. None of that changes anything. None of that undoes anything. None of that takes any of this away. None of that removes the evidence from my HD. You do not want to be condemned for your actions, and even arrogantly claim you are a superior Christian to others despite your actions. Actions have consequences, and your insistence that others do not have grounds to judge you rests atop a set of weak equivocations and excuses that are linked in this very post. As several people said to me this morning "she may want to forget, but the forum remembers". In fact, I was approached this morning by another forum member who wants to find this wife as well, and provided further evidence. I accosted you the other day over Space, who was struggling with conflicted feelings about a man who appears to take interest in her, despite her being in a relationship. I will continue to accost you if I get even the hint that you are rationalizing infidelity. Just because you're ok with something and "forgive" yourself, doesn't mean others don't or can't have a problem with it. Go ahead and block me, or report me to a mod if I'm "too harsh", but if you wanna start some shit on my typing thread, I'm going to publicly disgrace you - I don't even have to try, you've done it to yourself.
    Last edited by DirectorAbbie; 08-03-2019 at 03:22 PM.
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
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  14. #54
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    A murder.
    @Luminous Lynx though we strongly disagree on certain issues, I gotta're about to make me STAN. Gorgeous, flawless execution. You even tapped into that role Te and brought ample receipts. Impressive.


  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    aha, good job LameLynx, so you're pusblishing in public the pictures of a girl whose profile is private just to keep projecting your hate on me? this is how good and principled you are. now, it amuses me to think at your smug face after writing this lengthy shit post, you think you're being so cool, and you're just stinking bad.

    but hey, congratulations in wasting hours of research and copy-pasting just to recounter your version of my story (lol). I hope you get turned on by this as much as you get turned on by walking around with a stick up your ass.


    I really don't care of dismissing the amount of shit you've tried to weave onto me, nothing of what I've been through is as you portray it; and if you think you know anything from the screenshots you've carefully posted, you're just more retarded than what it already looks.

    I've used this private forum to share my experience with this guy, that I've avoided and complained about since the beginning. the time I posted the picture of this girl, was just to get her typed, and I payed compliments to her, as other people can confirm. BTW, this story happened 5 months ago, and since the time I posted the photo (deleting it right away for privacy reasons from which you're not excluded) you've assaulted me multiple times, last night too, without knowing shit, making stuff up, and just throwin your bucket of stinky shit to me. get a grip.

    I go to sleep at night thinking I did the right things, with that guy and with his wife. you on the other hand keep accusing online strangers without knowing shit about them, their story, and getting pride in trashing them down. get some help. you need it.

  16. #56
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    @Raver, I'd expect a moderator to forbid abusive behaviors take place in public forums, this guy and others are continually harassing me and, in this case, publishing the private pictures of unknown people. do your job for once, thanks.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    the type who gets ego boost from bullying online strangers. the type who doesn't understand people and yet feels entitled to address them like a priest. the type who doesn't know shit yet spits insults with his ignorance around. the type that needs to invent stories just to sound cool. the type that has to use big words to compensate his lack of understanding...

    in a word, a shit (type)
    I feel like drunkposting should be sort of a big no-no for you.
    human flesh tastes like pork

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    @Raver, I'd expect a moderator to forbid abusive behaviors take place in public forums, this guy and others are continually harassing me and, in this case, publishing the private pictures of unknown people. do your job for once, thanks.
    What? I'm not a moderator.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

  19. #59
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    oh, I was told you were one

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    Last edited by ooo; 08-02-2019 at 11:43 PM.

  21. #61
    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
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    You sound literally drunk or on a substance. Your initial response reads like I'm being insulted by Tommy Wiseau. I had to work with the public posts that were available. That I don't have full knowledge of any situation is a given, I had to work with what is available. If you don't want people commenting on your private affairs then don't fucking post them in a public forum. This shouldn't need to be explained to a functioning adult. Regardless, You said so much asinine shite in the many links that other people dismantled, Your views are gross and warrant rebuke, even if Your story is not as it seems. I never had a single opinion about you until you made "Dating" a married man public knowledge to people. I don't know what on earth you thought would happen, or how on earth that was a good idea.

    Regardless, if @woofwoofl or any other mod wants to censor me, honestly, go ahead. Let me say now without any equivocation: I can agree to stop bringing this incident up, but If I see you loosening the definition of infidelity or comforting people with such thoughts ever again, I'm not going to back down. I don't care if you don't like that. Even if I never read a damn thing about your affairs, your views on the subject are toxic and I will not allow you to poison others. If I deserve to be banned for that, a mod can PM me. Now take this to another thread.
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
    DCNH: Dominant

    Enneagram: 1w2, 2w1, 6w7
    Instinctual Variant: Sx/So

  22. #62
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    I didn't read the entirety of shit post, @LuminousLynx.

    if it makes you feel good and cool to spread your raging shit to someone you don't know, and ruin her life further, you're a very poor thing.

    this girl knows his husband was dating someone else, she doesn't know it was me, as she doesn't know me. so yeah, go tell her it was ooo, lol, and probably she'll do what she's always done, accept it and move on; something you should do too, since it's pretty clear that the stick up your ass is giving you constipation.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    You sound literally drunk or on a substance. Your initial response reads like I'm being insulted by Tommy Wiseau. I had to work with the public posts that were available. That I don't have full knowledge of any situation is a given, I had to work with what is available. If you don't want people commenting on your private affairs then don't fucking post them in a public forum. This shouldn't need to be explained to a functioning adult. Regardless, You said so much asinine shite in the many links that other people dismantled, Your views are gross and warrant rebuke, even if Your story is not as it seems. I never had a single opinion about you until you made "Dating" a married man public knowledge to people. I don't know what on earth you thought would happen, or how on earth that was a good idea.

    Regardless, if @woofwoofl or any other mod wants to censor me, honestly, go ahead. Let me say now without any equivocation: I can agree to stop bringing this incident up, but If I see you loosening the definition of infidelity or comforting people with such thoughts ever again, I'm not going to back down. I don't care if you don't like that. Even if I never read a damn thing about your affairs, your views on the subject are toxic and I will not allow you to poison others. If I deserve to be banned for that, a mod can PM me. Now take this to another thread.
    what about the many available public posts where I say I don't excuse infidelity and don't approve of that behavior? convenient to bring your own version up as you please, yeah? I've been attacked on all sides when I revealed one detail of the situation, even by people who are apparently ok with open marriages. I really didn't explain the situation and all you people were doing was projecting made up hateful stories to me.

    I don't even regret that relationship for the little you think you know, but because of other things that are aside of this infidelity plot you like so much to push on me. if you knew, you wouldn't be here playing GodonEarth, but granted, it's funny to see you boast out of your ass.

    mr wannabe therapist who think he can understand people's dynamics by half a line : )

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    I perused the thread and it looks like mutual insulting is going on, so I advise @ooo and @Luminous Lynx to put each other on ignore.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    I never had a single opinion about you until you made "Dating" a married man public knowledge to people.
    Base Fi protect peoples' feelings, that those would not hurted by others.
    Base Fe would watch a drama with a fun, except when a "victim" was meaningful human to them.
    Ego functions is what people perceive as a mission in a socium. They care by them about more people than other types.

    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    the type who doesn't understand people and yet feels entitled to address them like a priest.
    surface understanding of people - weak Ne
    in European culture priests are Christians - the religion of universal love and compassion - Fi

    Fi type with S: ESI and SEE
    while P types are lesser moralists
    Last edited by Sol; 08-03-2019 at 02:03 AM.

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    @Director Abbie, I requested the private pictures to be removed, as they're no public property and violate privacy rights.

    the "mutual" insulting, yeah... it's 4 months I have to deal with online hate on here, all because I said I dated a married man. it was LameLynx to start this shit back in time, and he again addressed me yesterday in another thread, with his usual delivery of offensive shit, requesting people make a scapegoat off me.

    so I guess offensive + bullying behavior is allowed when someone's unjustly made the culprit of someone else's delusions? how nice. it's just particularly idiotic when it comes from people who base their relationships on the theories of one infidel husband, and display unfaithful artists as their avatars...

    so, if it's just a gang assault on me, as it is, fine. but it still falls under bullying, and so by no means should be allowed in a moderated forum.

    now, some decent mod in here remove the pic, thx

  27. #67
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    posting in epic thread

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    in European culture priests are Christians - the religion of universal love and compassion - Fi

    Fi type with S: ESI and SEE
    while P types are lesser moralists
    yeah and that's why none of the people perpetrating the above shit is a Fi ; ) SEEs and ESIs often abide common moral laws, and if anything, they empathize with human experiences, don't make a fuss imposing strict rules that they don't even apply on their own.

  29. #69
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    I find it weird that lynx would care so much, and ooo would share stuff like that when people are assholes

    infidelity hatefucking, anyone?

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    @Director Abbie, I requested the private pictures to be removed, as they're no public property and violate privacy rights.

    the "mutual" insulting, yeah... it's 4 months I have to deal with online hate on here, all because I said I dated a married man. it was LameLynx to start this shit back in time, and he again addressed me yesterday in another thread, with his usual delivery of offensive shit, requesting people make a scapegoat off me.

    so I guess offensive + bullying behavior is allowed when someone's unjustly made the culprit of someone else's delusions? how nice. it's just particularly idiotic when it comes from people who base their relationships on the theories of one infidel husband, and display unfaithful artists as their avatars...

    so, if it's just a gang assault on me, as it is, fine. but it still falls under bullying, and so by no means should be allowed in a moderated forum.

    now, some decent mod in here remove the pic, thx
    You're not repraochless in these matters, you bully too. Who bullies first or back doesn't matter, it goes back and forth anyways. The more I read you going at or back those people, the less I like you honestly, and btw, they aren't ganging up on you, they are individuals who don't like you/disaprove of your choices, pretty sure they didn't make a "bully ooo" group and have meetings on how to ruin your life, you're not the center of their lives. They are just unrelated people who don't like you.
    You call them delusional, but you seem to be too honestly.
    I'm tired of seeing this, I'm tired of thread splitting, and if you notice, you're in the middle of the shit storm, so if we want to get rid of the most of the shitfest right now, you're the one to ban. As I said, it comes from both sides to us, unwilling spectators.
    Btw, how do you think randoms from the internet would react to a story of dating a married man? People are affraid of betrayal and that's a huge one to many people. It plays right into a deep fear for many, of course the reaction is likely to be bad.

    But I agree to at least remove the wife's picture.

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    how am I a bully? because I've answered to multiple gang attacks and threats repleted for 4 months?
    what they do is bullying, exactly because they are in group and are the first to attack, when I have to defend myself alone. try disprove this if you have all the courage you're showing.

    you don't like this? you have all the means to ignore this, nobody's keeping your eyes wide open and forcing you to read. but on the other hand, you're reinforcing their behavior. so thanks for letting me know what type of person you are.

    and why do you call me delusional? because I keep defending myself from a group of people that feels entitled to offend me and bring my pvt life up as they find convenient, to shame me?

    and lol, why should I be banned? because a gang of people finds it amusing to vent their fears on me? that's scapegoating, just as I said, bullying. yeah, ban the victim. good logic, smarty pants.

    honestly I shouldn't be the one to take actions in here, the moderators should have done that already, and not against me. unfortunately they are as biased as you are, just stick with the bullies because it's cool to defend their friends shit, so noble!

    good job, trash forum.

  32. #72
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    i haven't followed this situation well at all but from this page lynx posts come off as well thought out and rational while ooo's posts come off as defensive and immature. im sure shell get riled up about this or make some passive aggressive response insulting me. chasing after a married man and bragging about it equals high insecurity and theres nothing cool or brag-worthy about it, posting his wife online and talking shit about it adds on to the insecurity pile. I'm sure you'll realise this with time.

    now continue on

  33. #73
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    and it's not insecure to write an essay about some internet stranger pinging ur bad ptsd feels about infidelity ... lol ppl

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    yeah and that's why none of the people perpetrating the above shit is a Fi ; )
    Your types are IEI and ESI. You both have different approach and priorities in F region. So you may dislike how you behave in F region.

    He was rude in the situation, but in common borders for forums. I can even read what he writes about the situation without geting of total aversion. Even holly EII happen to behave badly sometimes ( I did them, at least lol )

    > SEEs and ESIs often abide common moral laws

    Fi types, especially J ones, prefer to follow and protect common moral laws as the opposite annoys people. Fi types do not like to annoy the most. And moral laws are made as a compromise so people annoyed each other the least.

    ESI are the least tolerant when someone behaves badly. If you do something "bad" and they depend on you (for example, when you work together) - they the first will condemn you, mb publicly, to inspire the guilt and will prefer to keep away from you as potentional threat. Unlike N types - ESI are surface in moral evaluations, so when they notice something even minor is wrong they become overprecautios to distance from that. ESI are suspicious people and the most they see is how people act in Fi regions, while Fi regions strongly crosses with morality. ESI may act roughly - to be rude and direct to express own emotional relation to you if you'll hurt them or someone strongly. This may suprise as in general they prefer to be nice with everyone until the last moment or when see extraordinal and then explode. It's what Lynx showed here, being generally not conflicting in my perception - he did the rude conflict with you alike without good reasons (I suspect he also had problems outside of the forum to make him more angree to react so much on so minor).
    As an example of moral control. People do not like when someone lies to them or fools them - that annoys and also that is against common moral - such cases will catch the attention of base Fi the most. If you'll break a vow and also hurt them - base Fi will guilt you and then may kick away by different ways. Cheat in doing of your work so more load went to others and they'll think about you as a shit. Do something really bad to others against the rules and they'll catch you. , may try to fix you, to discuss you with others or to remove away. Base Fi try to make emotional relations of people better, so anything what annoys and upsets - is what they'd want to fix the most.

    > don't make a fuss imposing strict rules

    ESI mb said the most moralist people. While they are not holly, but with a pleasure will "punch" you for doing something bad. When that bad hurts or may hurt other people feelings. Unlike Fe type which have more formal moral ("be decent"), Fi types react on what hurts indeed ("be nice").

    In the situation you've exchanged by punches in F region. It's strong region of the both of you so seems noone will change own opinion. Anyone has "own truth". And anyone mistakes partly, as tends to see from own point.

    I've pointed on typing use of your conversation as you behaved naturally - it's the most interesting data for typing. While your impressions about Lynx - as you have base N - were rather classical about ESIs.

    @Luminous Lynx

    it's LIE girls


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    it's LSI

    Think to which group your soul is attracted more, which girls are more emotionally comfortable for you. Look into their faces to feel them as personalities. You may do not hurry and to look at them later too, after you'll get more doubts about EIE as your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sneeds Feed and Seed View Post
    posting in epic thread

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by india View Post
    i haven't followed this situation well at all but from this page lynx posts come off as well thought out and rational while ooo's posts come off as defensive and immature. im sure shell get riled up about this or make some passive aggressive response insulting me. chasing after a married man and bragging about it equals high insecurity and theres nothing cool or brag-worthy about it, posting his wife online and talking shit about it adds on to the insecurity pile. I'm sure you'll realise this with time.

    now continue on
    chasing a married man? lie

    bragged about it? lie

    talking shit about her? lie

    i'm sure one day you'll realize you didnt get a fuck

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Fi types, especially J ones, prefer to follow and protect common moral laws as the opposite annoys people. Fi types do not like to annoy the most. And moral laws are made as a compromise so people annoyed each other the least.

    ESI are the least tolerant when someone behaves badly. If you do something "bad" and they depend on you (for example, when you work together) - they the first will condemn you, mb publicly, to inspire the guilt and will prefer to keep away from you as potentional threat. Unlike N types - ESI are surface in moral evaluations, so when they notice something even minor is wrong they become overprecautios to distance from that. ESI are suspicious people and the most they see is how people act in Fi regions, while Fi regions strongly crosses with morality. ESI may act roughly - to be rude and direct to express own emotional relation to you if you'll hurt them or someone strongly. This may suprise as in general they prefer to be nice with everyone until the last moment or when see extraordinal and then explode. It's what Lynx showed here, being generally not conflicting in my perception - he did the rude conflict with you alike without good reasons (I suspect he also had problems outside of the forum to make him more angree to react so much on so minor).
    As an example of moral control. People do not like when someone lies to them or fools them - that annoys and also that is against common moral - such cases will catch the attention of base Fi the most. If you'll break a vow and also hurt them - base Fi will guilt you and then may kick away by different ways. Cheat in doing of your work so more load went to others and they'll think about you as a shit. Do something really bad to others against the rules and they'll catch you. , may try to fix you, to discuss you with others or to remove away. Base Fi try to make emotional relations of people better, so anything what annoys and upsets - is what they'd want to fix the most.

    > don't make a fuss imposing strict rules

    ESI mb said the most moralist people. While they are not holly, but with a pleasure will "punch" you for doing something bad. When that bad hurts or may hurt other people feelings. Unlike Fe type which have more formal moral ("be decent"), Fi types react on what hurts indeed ("be nice").

    In the situation you've exchanged by punches in F region. It's strong region of the both of you so seems noone will change own opinion. Anyone has "own truth". And anyone mistakes partly, as tends to see from own point.

    I've pointed on typing use of your conversation as you behaved naturally - it's the most interesting data for typing. While your impressions about Lynx - as you have base N - were rather classical about ESIs.
    moral laws entails basic decency and respect too, something Fi is good at, you know, compassion. Fi types understand very well the complex social nature of human relationships, they can't condemn someone based on a faulty, incomplete understanding of these complex schemes. they know themselves better, in that case.

    expecting everyone to live by standard social rules: Fe, requiring everyone respect a limited mindframe built out of their own conjectures: Ti.

    making shit up to blame someone else guilty: NTR, bs.

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    look people, you're all cool. my bad for sharing a personal experience on this shithole. i should have know better. you had all the rights to call me a wreckless whore, a wreck, a family destroyer, a disgusting hoe, to tell me i shouldn't reproduce, i should die, you were right to threaten me to ruin my life, the lives of the people close to me, yes, you're absolutely right, because I stumbled in what was a sort of open relationship, and I get that's so condemnable for you all, it hurts your very deep sensitivity. i'm so sorry for hurting you all.

    i'm sorry i reacted to all of these very justifiable attacks of yours, because obviously you're all right and i really surpassed the line in defending my self and my non-existent reputation from your very knowledgeable opinions.

    i wish you a good life and lots of love <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    look people, you're all cool. my bad for sharing a personal experience on this shithole. i should have know better. you had all the rights to call me a wreckless whore, a wreck, a family destroyer, a disgusting hoe, to tell me i shouldn't reproduce, i should die, you were right to threaten me to ruin my life, the lives of the people close to me, yes, you're absolutely right, because I stumbled in what was a sort of open relationship, and I get that's so condemnable for you all, it hurts your very deep sensitivity. i'm so sorry for hurting you all.

    i'm sorry i reacted to all of these very justifiable attacks of yours, because obviously you're all right and i really surpassed the line in defending my self and my non-existent reputation from your very knowledgeable opinions.

    i wish you a good life and lots of love <3
    Please don't internalize the criticism. You did nothing wrong. Fuck the haters, woman.

    Unless, of course, this is sarcasm, in which case I say, Lol. Great.

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