Hey guys, so I'm debating whether I'm ESTp or ESTj. Here's some stuff about me:

- I'm pretty blunt and I tell it as it is
- My friends have said they admire how I do not let anyone walk all over me
- I hate incompetency
- I can be quite tactical and strategic- I enjoy chess for this reason
- I am very realistic (NF types sometimes interpret this as pessimism)
- I don't like people who can't take a joke
- I like being controversial
- At times I am guilty of "black and white thinking"
- I have always been popular at school - I'm the queen bee/ the Regina George.
- My IxFx family members have referred to me as "nasty" and "horrible"
- I am often the first to take action in a situation, I'm not one to sit around and moan if I have made no attempt to solve the issue
- I don't like sports
- I am a natural leader, I am able to organise people and be like "you do this, you do that"
- I have been labelled by people as "narcissistic", "histrionic" and "sociopathic"
- I'm either enneagram 3 or 8, and my tritype is definitely 378: The Mover and Shaker
- Ideally, I'd like to go into a career in journalism - preferably online
- I am really assertive, quite confident and dominant in social situations. I have no issue approaching people and talking to them.
- I will break rules to get what I want
- I often don't really know and understand how I'm feeling

If you need any more info, just ask