Quote Originally Posted by MrsTortilla View Post
Cool! Always nice to figure out your type. I typed ESI early on and then thought I was a bunch of other types before really understanding I am ESI and I’ve been sure of it for a few years now.

When you ask about enneagram do you mean do I know my enneatype or are you asking if I know about that typing system? I have thought I was 7w6 or 6w7, though now that I’m a mom the last time I tested I got a 2w3, which I don’t fully relate to. I would like to take a tritype test though because I read that’s the most updated understanding of how enneagram actually works. How about you?
Oh well, I'm a 3w2-8w7-7w8 so/sx. I was asking because enneagram can make people come across like different types. Now, as my tritype is triple assertive that may make me come off as being more Se (along with it being my hidden agenda of course).