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Thread: ESTp or ESTj?

  1. #161
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Wow, it my first ad hominem and it wasn't even intended as one, since it sees to be Fi that's moralising on my side it could be plausible that you as a polr won't get it.

    I would say i've opened the door for more ad hominem against me but i guess they would have been there anyway.

    I don't see my behaviour as destructive, no.
    I'm a very nice person and easy to get along with, at a certain point i will call out things that i deem wrong tough.
    It's not my intention to put her down, what should i gain from this?
    For me it is important hold up at least some values and someone who spits on them with no regret can be called out for it imho you are doing nothing else right now only that our stances differ on the matter.

    I don't see where this discussion could start to become productive.
    I don't like cluster-b people, not at all, i don't see them as wholesome in any way.
    When they without any regret flaunt how cool it is to shit on basic values and decency than they may bring some kind of honesty with themselves but imo it does not make it in any way better.
    You will propably not change my mind and i won't change yours.
    No. PROPABLY not...

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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    Like they should have taught you in school, show don't tell

  3. #163
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    Do you relate to this at all:

    Many ESTps seem to really get incensed by this uncovered description so if you're one, perhaps you too will be :

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Do you relate to this at all:

    Many ESTps seem to really get incensed by this uncovered description so if you're one, perhaps you too will be :

    a.k.a. I/O
    I really enjoyed that description for ESTp haha. But idk if I am one - I mean, I typically don't see what's right in front of me haha.

  5. #165
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Wow, it my first ad hominem and it wasn't even intended as one, since it sees to be Fi that's moralising on my side it could be plausible that you as a polr won't get it.

    I would say i've opened the door for more ad hominem against me but i guess they would have been there anyway.

    I don't see my behaviour as destructive, no.
    I'm a very nice person and easy to get along with, at a certain point i will call out things that i deem wrong tough.
    It's not my intention to put her down, what should i gain from this?
    For me it is important hold up at least some values and someone who spits on them with no regret can be called out for it imho you are doing nothing else right now only that our stances differ on the matter.

    I don't see where this discussion could start to become productive.
    I don't like cluster-b people, not at all, i don't see them as wholesome in any way.
    When they without any regret flaunt how cool it is to shit on basic values and decency than they may bring some kind of honesty with themselves but imo it does not make it in any way better.
    You will propably not change my mind and i won't change yours.
    Since this is a socionics forum do you want to explain how her responses to you so far are a manifestation of polr or is it just that you think her incapable of understanding you due to polr? If so that is pretty insulting. I believe her to be intelligent enough to understand you and disagree with you at the same time.

    As for type of the OP, too soon to tell. If some of what she says is true but exaggerated it sounds a lot like teen rebellion. I went through my own. I am sure my family thought me an ungrateful little monster but I grew out of it. I didn't give the tough girl act while doing it but I did cause my mom and family a lot of grief. We have no idea what has led her to describing herself in this way. My mom had no idea what led me to act out in certain ways until I was an adult. I still haven't told her everything since she would blame herself. Have you never had evil thoughts of ruling the world, crushing your enemies, etc... like some socionics descriptions of your self type suggest?

    I am not even sure why I am getting involved other than you tried to use socionics against a forum member in a way that doesn't make sense to me. Incidentally, any ethical type could have responded to OP in the same way you did. Any ethical type could have defended her in the way @sbbds. There are some things that go beyond socionics type behaviors as you have demonstrated here. If you want to go by the book your actions look more like the actions of an ethical type so maybe take a breath before telling someone their polr will prevent them from understanding your point of view.

    She is perfectly capable of understanding you. She just doesn't agree with you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Since this is a socionics forum do you want to explain how her responses to you so far are a manifestation of polr or is it just that you think her incapable of understanding you due to polr? If so that is pretty insulting. I believe her to be intelligent enough to understand you and disagree with you at the same time.

    As for type of the OP, too soon to tell. If some of what she says is true but exaggerated it sounds a lot like teen rebellion. I went through my own. I am sure my family thought me an ungrateful little monster but I grew out of it. I didn't give the tough girl act while doing it but I did cause my mom and family a lot of grief. We have no idea what has led her to describing herself in this way. My mom had no idea what led me to act out in certain ways until I was an adult. I still haven't told her everything since she would blame herself. Have you never had evil thoughts of ruling the world, crushing your enemies, etc... like some socionics descriptions of your self type suggest?

    I am not even sure why I am getting involved other than you tried to use socionics against a forum member in a way that doesn't make sense to me. Incidentally, any ethical type could have responded to OP in the same way you did. Any ethical type could have defended her in the way @sbbds. There are some things that go beyond socionics type behaviors as you have demonstrated here. If you want to go by the book your actions look more like the actions of an ethical type so maybe take a breath before telling someone their polr will prevent them from understanding your point of view.

    She is perfectly capable of understanding you. She just doesn't agree with you.
    For me Fi (not only) is associated with ethical behavior and personal values having weak and unvalued Fi as your weakest point could make it for me more likely to not really get why someone is upset about someone not caring and actively denouncing these values.

    The double standard really is there, it was the first borderline-non objective statement by me of any kind in this discussion, what i mean is that it was the first thing that could somehow be counted as not factual but attacking the person behind the post.
    It wasn't even intended as such, i really tried to figure and i think you are overreacting to my post, especially if you see what others especially tiger have thrown at other people in the progression of this thread.
    I also never said anything about her not being intelligent enough, i also don't really get how people perceive nuances in comfort and internal sensations, that does not make me dumb in any way.
    Before this thread i read a lot of her stuff and liked and respected her, and i still do even though it's probably one sided.

    Yes for me it sounds like histrionic personality disorder with a lot of narcissistic and antisocial traits and maybe some borderline. So we interpret this phenomenon differently.
    I saw a lot of young people thinking and acting that way when i was younger, that they were young too and that everyone was like "oh no just let her do it, she will grow out of it, heh, puberty isn't it"
    Did not make the harm they did in any way less.
    Keep defending her attitude, it's the same attitude as that of #notallXY hashtags and the best way to enable XY to commit more crimes, rape more people and spread more suffering in the world.

    I meant ethical in the common use of the word, i mean it as a synonymous for moral in this context, i don't have such a kind of bias.

    So let's summarise what exactly i said in a small subclause to sbbds:

    Maybe it's related to your polr that you don't understand me being so upset about unapologeticly displaying such an attitude.
    So, this was everything i wrote in this regard after hearing from her:

    It’s pretty stupid and low-quality to jump to conclusions and shit all over a young person whom you are basically a stranger to over the internet, who is just being a bit angsty and hyperbolic like any normal teenager.

    You don’t sound like someone who has their own moral mechanisms and priorities in place and you shouldn’t try to coach people who are vulnerable. You’re much closer to being sociopathic etc than she is.
    [...] If you think that this is the way to treat young people as a result of your “experiences” then clearly you haven’t learned much and should listen and observe more. This seems like it’s an excuse to take your personal frustration out on her and satisfy your ego, as if you’re some kind of a better person.

    So after all of this, you blame me for this small sentence, you can't be serious.

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Itsme I just don’t think that an attacking and inflammatory approach towards a YOUNG person who still has all of their faculties left to develop is a productive approach. Do you know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is? If you frame a person as negative then they will be more likely to become that. Whereas if you ignore (not feed with attention) qualities you think need to change, and encourage the positive ones, then they will go into a positive direction and fulfill a positive image.

    If you think that this is the way to treat young people as a result of your “experiences” then clearly you haven’t learned much and should listen and observe more. This seems like it’s an excuse to take your personal frustration out on her and satisfy your ego, as if you’re some kind of a better person.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    For me Fi (not only) is associated with ethical behavior and personal values having weak and unvalued Fi as your weakest point could make it for me more likely to not really get why someone is upset about someone not caring and actively denouncing these values.

    The double standard really is there, it was the first borderline-non objective statement by me of any kind in this discussion, what i mean is that it was the first thing that could somehow be counted as not factual but attacking the person behind the post.
    It wasn't even intended as such, i really tried to figure and i think you are overreacting to my post, especially if you see what others especially tiger have thrown at other people in the progression of this thread.
    I also never said anything about her not being intelligent enough, i also don't really get how people perceive nuances in comfort and internal sensations, that does not make me dumb in any way.
    Before this thread i read a lot of her stuff and liked and respected her, and i still do even though it's probably one sided.

    Yes for me it sounds like histrionic personality disorder with a lot of narcissistic and antisocial traits and maybe some borderline. So we interpret this phenomenon differently.
    I saw a lot of young people thinking and acting that way when i was younger, that they were young too and that everyone was like "oh no just let her do it, she will grow out of it, heh, puberty isn't it"
    Did not make the harm they did in any way less.
    Keep defending her attitude, it's the same attitude as that of #notallXY hashtags and the best way to enable XY to commit more crimes, rape more people and spread more suffering in the world.

    I meant ethical in the common use of the word, i mean it as a synonymous for moral in this context, i don't have such a kind of bias.

    So let's summarise what exactly i said in a small subclause to sbbds:

    So, this was everything i wrote in this regard after hearing from her:

    So after all of this, you blame me for this small sentence, you can't be serious.
    I didn't say I blamed you. You seem to miss the fact that you didn't understand her perspective and just blamed it on her polr. You are entitled to your opinion. I have not seen much from OP yet. I would be careful about diagnosing people on the internet though. Some people are highly suggestible (not talking about OP) and what you claim about them can be internalized, then manifested, especially if young. Are you a psychologist by any chance? Serious question.

    Quoted her so you can see what she said again and yes it does support my response to you.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  8. #168
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    I did understand her perspective i just did not agree.
    I brought the example with the knife as a response, some phenomena are just dangerous and acting otherwise will lead to harm.

    Funny thing is especially histrionics actually are highly suggestible.
    Half of what we do in this forum is diagnosing people over the internet, with an a lot more complex system than some DSM personality disorders questionnaire.
    Im studying in this field and acquired a lot of knowledge about those things before.
    And yes it's pretty obvious for me as what i "type" her in this regard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I did understand her perspective i just did not agree.
    I brought the example with the knife as a response, some phenomena are just dangerous and acting otherwise will lead to harm.

    Funny thing is especially histrionics actually are highly suggestible.
    Half of what we do in this forum is diagnosing people over the internet, with an a lot more complex system than some DSM personality disorders questionnaire.
    Im studying in this field and acquired a lot of knowledge about those things before.
    And yes it's pretty obvious for me as what i "type" her in this regard.
    I'm obviously not that suggestible then because I couldn't give a shit about your opinion tbh.
    You've proved to me that you are a hypocrite and also pretty egotistical about your own qualities and the way you put others down.
    Maybe reflect on your own self typing before judging others

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    Quote Originally Posted by LeaderLightChange View Post
    For my type?

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
    For my type?
    On the example of @Delilah SEI [your more than EIE possible type] seems like to ask questions.
    As for S types it's harder to understand the contexts, so your question about the evident fits better to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    On the example of @Delilah SEI [your more than EIE possible type] seems like to ask questions.
    As for S types it's harder to understand the contexts, so your question about the evident fits better to them.
    Yeah I'm definitely not a SEI.

  14. #174
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    @ItsmeYes for me it sounds like histrionic personality disorder with a lot of narcissistic and antisocial traits and maybe some borderline. So we interpret this phenomenon differently.”

    This is not a normal point of view or reaction you’re having to her. It looks much more like you’re the one who has these issues, from an outsider’s perspective.

  15. #175
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    Yes, but really only from an outsiders perspective, histrionic is like the one i am most away of.
    There are far better guesses than this.
    Maybe you guys are just being naive and i have a bit more life experiences with how people like her work and don't fall prey as easy as you.

    But seriously, you are acting like this is some name calling contest (and responding with a "no u", which does not make it better.)

    Those are words with meaning and no insults, it's like me trying to tell you that the plumber has fucked your mother and she is cheating on your dad and you retord with "yeah but i fucked your mother yesterday, and she enjoyed it quite a bit".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Yes, but really only from an outsiders perspective, histrionic is like the one i am most away of.
    There are far better guesses than this.
    Maybe you guys are just being naive and i have a bit more life experiences with how people like her work and don't fall prey as easy as you.

    But seriously, you are acting like this is some name calling contest (and responding with a "no u", which does not make it better.)

    Those are words with meaning and no insults, it's like me trying to tell you that the plumber has fucked your mother and she is cheating on your dad and you retord with "yeah but i fucked your mother yesterday, and she enjoyed it quite a bit".
    Nice try with the alienation of me.
    You really are the most pretentious nob on here. You have such a superiority complex it's not even funny.
    Also, please see a therapist, it could really help with all that emotional baggage you seem to be carrying.

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    seriously, i've keeped calm long enough under your insults and accusations, just fuck off with that. Nothing of what you write here is even remotely true.

    But hey, you can have the drama you thrive so much on, you should like me; and you are definetely not Te ego, you are Fe ego.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    seriously, i've keeped calm long enough under your insults and accusations, just fuck off with that. Nothing of what you write here is even remotely true.
    Haha, you're in no position to be annoyed by accusations. I hope you get your issues sorted out.

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    You are so cute when you think you finally hit a sore spot.
    It's always the others who are somehow deficient, that's how you deal with all your criticism, accusing the other person of being a bad or unhealthy person.

    Life will humble you and it will be a great show for everyone who has ever been involved with you before.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    You are so cute when you think you finally hit a sore spot.
    It's always the others who are somehow deficient, that's how you deal with all your criticism, accusing the other person of being a bad or unhealthy person.

    Life will humble you and it will be a great show for everyone who has ever been involved before with you.
    If you don't see how this literally describes you, you are delusional.

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    Why am i even still talking to you, i knew from the beginning that there is nothing to gain, i will stop with this now so get your drama from somewhere else.
    You could abuse an animal and post it on social media or something like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Why am i even still talking to you, i knew from the beginning that there is nothing to gain, i will stop with this now so get your drama from somewhere else.
    You could abuse an animal and post it on social media or something like that.
    So you get called out and then say there is nothing to gain. Very delusional of you.
    Also, the fact that you bring up animal abuse is a huge red flag.

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    Yes, i'm not willing to refute your thousand lie just for you to bring up a new one.
    There are people like you, and there is no legal way to fix them, that was my opinon before talking to you and you did not change it in any way.
    I brought a ton of arguments and now you demand from me that i argument against your fucking name calling?
    Against your "no you" You are the only huge red flag here in the thread and you will not be able to fool everyone around you, some day you will meet a person that does not give evil a free pass and the world will change for the better.
    People like you always go down, it's just a matter of time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Yes, i'm not willing to refute your thousand lie just for you to bring up a new one.
    There are people like you, and there is no legal way to fix them, that was my opinon before talking to you and you did not change it in any way.
    I brought a ton of arguments and now you demand from me that i argument against your fucking name calling?
    Against your "no you" You are the only huge red flag here in the thread and you will not be able to fool everyone around you, some day you will meet a person that does not give evil a free pass and the world will change for the better.
    People like you always go down, it's just a matter of time.
    You clearly don't like being given a taste of your own medicine. Listen up, I am not "evil" as you claim. You don't know me, you don't know my life.

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    Lying and manipulating, blaming the person who confronts your malicious behaviour as the perpetrator and in the same sentence saying "oh i'm not evil, you don't know me"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Lying and manipulating, blaming the person who confronts your malicious behaviour as the perpetrator and in the same sentence saying "oh i'm not evil, you don't know me"
    You've done the same to me when I called you out.

  27. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    There are people like you, and there is no legal way to fix them
    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    People like you always go down, it's just a matter of time.
    This is disgusting. You need to be banned. Threatening others and getting personal is not acceptable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    This is disgusting. You need to be banned. Threatening others and getting personal is not acceptable.
    inb4 you get called Fi PoLR or naive so he can keep blaming others.

  29. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    This is disgusting. You need to be banned. Threatening others and getting personal is not acceptable.
    I'm only telling you what works and what does not work.
    It's idiotical to imagine a threat here, also its insane to say that i was the one being personal in this dispute.
    I wrote what i wrote, nothing different, nothing more or less.
    So don't invent stuff i did not write.
    I'm really loosing hope here, i mean i get it when people like her get their way on a close distance and when people are not being made aware of what's happening, here it's right in front of everybody and you only need a decent pattern recondition to see what's going on, instead of that people like you jump to conclusions and play white knight to make themselves look good (in front of themselves).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I'm only telling you what works and what does not work.
    It's idiotical to imagine a threat here, also its insane to say that i was the one being personal in this dispute.
    I wrote what i wrote, nothing different, nothing more or less.
    So don't invent stuff i did not write.
    I'm really loosing hope here, i mean i get it when people like her get their way on a close distance and when people are not being made aware of what's happening, here it's right in front of everybody and you only need a decent pattern recondition to see what's going on, instead of that people like you jump to conclusions and play white knight to make themselves look good (in front of themselves).
    Just quit trying to turn people against me, it's so sick and twisted.

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    i wanted to stop this right after my first post, it's just difficult for me to just let peoples insults and accusations against me stand here uncommented, that's why i still answer to this. This does not lead anywhere and i knew that beforehand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    i wanted to stop this right after my first post, it's just difficult for me to just let peoples insults and accusations against me stand here uncommented, that's why i still answer to this. This does not lead anywhere and i knew that beforehand.
    Again, you came at me accusing me, stop playing victim.

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    I'm not playing the victim.. You are such an impossible person, seriously, i want to puke more than i could ever eat, how can people even pick your fucking side when you are such an obviously manipulative, lying person.
    Look at my first fucking post, look at my second fucking posts, only because i have feelings and am usually an extremely agreeable friendly person it does not mean that i play the victim.

    I already said everything i have to say about you, i just can stress it again and again, but there is no point in it.
    Get your drama from somewhere else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I'm not playing the victim.. You are such an impossible person, seriously, i want to puke more than i could ever eat, how can people even pick your fucking side when you are such an obviously manipulative, lying person.
    Look at my first fucking post, look at my second fucking posts, only because i have feelings and am usually an extremely agreeable friendly person it does not mean that i play the victim.

    I already said everything i have to say about you, i just can stress it again and again, but there is no point in it.
    Get your drama from somewhere else.
    Maybe people "pick my side" because you came out of nowhere saying you wanted me to die. I'm not being impossible, I'm holding you accountable.

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    Okay, you won I am an horrible person while you are honourable and honest, i wish everybody on this world was like you, you are a fucking role model everybody should strive to live up to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Okay, you won I am an horrible person while you are honourable and honest, i wish everybody on this world was like you, you are a fucking role model everybody should strive to live up to.
    The childishness does not help you.

  37. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I'm only telling you what works and what does not work.
    It's idiotical to imagine a threat here, also its insane to say that i was the one being personal in this dispute.
    I wrote what i wrote, nothing different, nothing more or less.
    So don't invent stuff i did not write.
    I'm really loosing hope here, i mean i get it when people like her get their way on a close distance and when people are not being made aware of what's happening, here it's right in front of everybody and you only need a decent pattern recondition to see what's going on, instead of that people like you jump to conclusions and play white knight to make themselves look good (in front of themselves).
    You don't get to choose who people like or dislike. If I want to be friends with ****** I will. You are not in any position to preach. Now get off your fucking horse.

  38. #198
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    Nothing needs to help me, the world needs help to become a better place, and i at least try to make it better by calling out people like you.

    I should probably just let it be, but it just feels extremely wrong to leave the last word to your falsehoods and lies. I mean people could believe them at the end and deem them true and then people like you win.
    And the other times i did that you came back to write something again anyways.
    Probably should not give you this attention, but my sense of justice really can't stand it even remotely to look like that you were right with your perfidy.

    Quote Originally Posted by COOL AND MANLY View Post
    You don't get to choose who people like or dislike. If I want to be friends with ****** I will. You are not in any position to preach. Now get off your fucking horse.
    I don't care who you like and dislike; why should i want to do that?

    I just wanted to state my opinion about immoral behaviour and attitude since them i am reacting to all kinds of idiotic accusations that people pull out of their ass.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Nothing needs to help me, the world needs help to become a better place, and i at least try to make it better by calling out people like you.

    I should probably just let it be, but it just feels extremely wrong to leave the last word to your falsehoods and lies. I mean people could believe them at the end and deem them true and then people like you win.
    And the other times i did that you came back to write something again anyways.
    Probably should not give you this attention, but my sense of justice really can't stand it even remotely to look like that you were right with your perfidy.
    So it appears your arrogance and ignorance mean you cannot self reflect. Well here's what has happened to help you jog your memory: I made a couple of innocent hyperbolic posts in regard to visions and my traits (most people my age probably would do similar in all honesty) and then you came telling me how I'm disgusting, a bad person and how the world would be so much better if I was dead.
    Now, I don't want to label you as narcissistic because I'm not the type of person who diagnoses people with disorders over the internet, but if the shoe fits....

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    If i was narcissistic i would put on a show like you, narcissist usually need admiration from outside and won't stand so firm with their principles against public opinion.
    What you are seeing here is my 1 sx/so a passionate Moralistic streak and the refusal to conform to peer pressure when it goes against my values.

    You are still acting like this was name calling it's not.
    I am a lot into psychology, have met several Cluster-b personalitys in my life and study the subject.
    I've diven into those topics for years so it's not a "your mother is a whore"-thing it's more a "energy does not simply disappear, it get's transformed into other kinds of energy"-thing

    And yes, it is my opinion that sociopaths with all their co-morbidities like histrionic, narcissistic or borderline personality would improve the world by simply disappearing.

    I don't see why you are moralising, i mean you could attack my statement with arguments instead of just crying wolf "oh no i'm a horrible person and he says without horrible persons the world would be better"
    Yes i do think so, and that's nothing to be ashamed of, it's controversial yes, i am very aware of this, but i have faced a lot of these people, and all they do is spread suffering and pain for everybody around them, so yes, it's still my opinion and i don't see why i should be ashamed of it.

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