@Aylen, because you had asked why I was making a distinction about the false name of the abuse problem being pedophilia [link to the brief official definition is there], I thought I would tell you something I further I learned about the official definition. Pedophilia describes only pre-pubescent children, and the definition of pedophilia does not include any distinction between whether the abuse victims are male or female, or if perpetrated by male or female. Just any pedophilia is crime. However the distinction of male or female, heter- or homosexual is made for all post-pubescent victims. That is why it is clear that at least 80% of the victims are of a homosexual nature.

This 80% figure does not factor in the also-widespread issue of sexual crimes against seminarians, who are all male, so that additional (and linked) problem is all homosexual. So even though the responsible bishops, cardinals and the current pope are refusing to speak of the homosexual nature of the problem, it is impossible to hide the obvious fact that the key to the problem lies there, so I don't know how long this charade can go on. One cannot avoid blaring key facts and expect to get to the bottom of the problem, which is what these crimes are crying out for.

[I want to add that there is no impication that all homsexuals are pederasts. That would be unjust, just as it is unjust to imply that all priests have this proclivity].