Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
Hmm, since the abuse problem is proven to be an 80-84% a homosexual problem [and there is evidence that it is even higher], and you are saying that there might be less a problem if they were married, do you know any women who would want to marry a man (and have sons with him), in order to protect him from his desires to have sex with boys?

I don't.
I think what Dr. W means is if priests were allowed to marry, more straight males would become priests, thereby reducing the number of homosexual priests. However, being homosexual does not make one more likely to molest children, being a pedophile does. The Catholic Church needs to do a better job screening candidates and punishing offenders in regards to pedophilia. Also, priests having sex with under age teens, whether male or female is considered rape. These people should be behind bars.