Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
Yes, it's true that men who were raised to honored positions to represent the Catholic Church, who are entrusted to lead it, have perpetrated molestation and protected pederasts/pedophiles* and that is truly disgusting. I am thankful to our Merciful Lord that their crimes are now being exposed.

However, these criminals are not the Church, as you accuse. It is rash and foolish to look at those who are liars and traitors to the teaching of the Church, those who do OPPOSITE of what She teaches and say these are the Church. Look to those who live the teachings of the church. We have thousands of Saints whose entire lives are recorded and investigated to an exaggerated extent, who have been found to be holy, having lived the teachings of the church, from every century, and from every walk of life, since year one, who show us what it means to live the Catholic life.

Jesus promised there would be false prophets, and that there would be '"tares among the wheat" in His Church. Even one of his own twelve Apostles was a truly disgusting. People haven't changed and we haven't done better. Our Church is infiltrated by those trying to ruin it, and it's a very organized and systematic infiltration. For that, investigate the St. Gallen mafia because it's plan is behind this crime.

Surely what we see happening today is the reason for the last part of this statement of Jesus: "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Today we are surely watching hell beat against the church, yet we have been promised that hell will not prevail.

*The truth is that the name of the crime is pederasty - sex between a grown man and a boy. Just as horrible as child molestaion, but these perpetrators and protectors of perpetrators refuse to call it what they know it is. 80-84% of the victims are post pubescent boys over the age of 14, preyed upon by homosexual priests. For some suspicious reason, they are united (with the support of the media) in their endeavor to hide the true nature of the crime. And truly, it is organized crime.
I believe that is the Church though and it is a corrupt institution. It is an institution comprised of humans, like an other institution. As such, they have built a wall around its priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes, protecting its secrets, which have nothing to do with the teachings of Christ. It has evolved over two thousand years, but for over a millennia, they have persecuted people who do not believe as they do, treating homosexuals like they are evil, stifling freethought, causing wars, hording wealth, etc. It is filled with a lot of greed and hatred itself.

I don't believe that it has access to "the Truth" either. I don't believe in the presumed authenticity of revelation, resurrections, miracles, etc, which are all used to control the mind of man. I am a naturalist, and have a very naturalistic spirituality. There are probably genuine believers out there, and you Eliza sound like one of them; I am not against people believing what they want to believe as long as they let me believe what I want to believe. I am sorry if I have offended you. I don't really want to argue about religion. You seem like a genuinely nice person.