As a side note, there was a general Christian church building I knew of, stained glass and traditional in style, that closed and was turned into a dance club for many years. It was a cool place. They had many rooms for different styles of music. I saw Neil Finn also perform in that building. It was a great show. Since those days, the venue closed down. They actually turned it back into a church again. It is located in one of the more impoverished cities in the metro area here.

Another church - traditional with stained glass - was turned into an artsy high end antique gallery shop. This is in a more country remote area outside of the Metropolitan scene.

It has been interesting to see how churches have been repurposed.

For many years I used to go to a small church whose sanctuary was so crowded, it held main services in its adjacent school building gym. Man I gave them a lot of money in hopes of a new building. Our beloved Pastor died before the dream was realized.

Anyway, this is going to sound controversial but Catholic churches are extremely beautiful inside. It is a shame that some of deviant minds in the clergy might find it too sensual.

To think objectively about it, and though trying not to offend, it would make sense it seems for true worshippers to consider more simpler, puritan style buildings than the sensory indulgences of Catholic interiors. If one can get past the offensive stumbling block crucifixes, the interiors can inadvertently be somewhat seductive to human nature. I am thinking now of popular alternative songs that sing about hot sex in the forbidden church zone. Some taboos are turn ons for some people. Not for me when it comes to taboos... But one must admit it is highly probable for some cognitive dissonance. Perhaps this is justified by the theologians as "feeding the mysteries of faith." Hmmm.

Anyway, I wonder if the Catholic church would consider a reformation of interiors in a somewhat puritan spirit of simplicity. But alas, the grandeur probably speaks of power and also maybe the beauty is intended to inspire sublime mystical thoughts not carnal. Oh what to do, what to do.

I haven't ever met anyone of my generation who decided to become a priest. It is such a rare vocation now. Perhaps the church will divert its attention from homosexual questions and consider letting the clergy marry. No doubt there wouldn't be so many scandals of abuses from displaced urges.