Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
The practice of the Catholic Church to overlook abusive priests and nuns and to simply transfer them somewhere else is the natural, self-preserving response of an unchecked institution to the problem of having a very hard time of recruiting new workers. Not many people want to be priests or nuns anymore, so they do everything they can to keep the ones they have.

This natural impulse to hide the bad that one does is the reason the US has three branches of government which police each other.
Fun fact that it's Traditionalist dissenters that are both the most adamant about laicizing abusive priests, unleashing secular authorities on them, and cite the Council of Trent to support it. This is a problem that spiked alongside Modernism (and homosexuality) among the religious.

Simultaneously it's the Traditionalist orders seeing yearly accelerations in vocations (eg. at current rates the Jesuits will have fewer members than the SSPX in 20 years).

I'd also be remiss to not point out that proportionally the clergy doesn't abuse at a higher rate than secular authorities (eg. the public school system). It only gets extra spotlight for the same reason for the saying that the roads in Hell are paved with the skulls of Bishops.

P.S. Fuck the Jesuits. Bring back Dominus ac Redemptor Noster