Quote Originally Posted by Volcana View Post
I've never met anyone that cares more about losing their place in the big, wide community than about their close friendships and having a partner. It would require serious illness to be that far removed from deep connection.
Soc instinct is not a mental illness or a 'problem with depth.' Being Soc dominant doesnt mean you care more about communities than people you're close to.
Soc is actually the instinct that cares most about deep connection between two humans.

I'm Sx/So, the love of my life is @Samson, blatantly Soc last. He really is not that taken with "connecting." The eros is high between us, and he does trust me and open up to me 100% - we have no lack of trust. But sometimes I have to remind him to get out of his personal corner to 'Share' - to remind him that we also need to bond.

He loves this about me, as it is a basic human need; but he's just not as good at recognizing it. But he's very high Sx, so he does merge with the fascinating and alluring qualities about me, like getting deep into my fantasy novel, both dressing up to impress and allure the other, etc.
Interesting. I'm a bit confused, though, especially about the last paragraph. What's the difference between So and Sx again? There was a site that said that So is "personal connection" and Sx is "intimacy." Sounds like the same thing to me. When you say that he enjoys merging with the fascinating qualities about you, that sounds like 'connecting' to me. Connecting and merging sounds like the same thing to me. So, if you wouldn't mind, what's the difference between So and Sx?
Anyway, you make some interesting points, and maybe this could explain why so many people type themselves as Sx (because they're perhaps under the impression that Sx is one-on-one relationship, depth, romance, etc. and that So is group interactions and communities and so on). I guess I tend to be under this impression myself as well.